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Everything posted by reboot12

  1. Explanation of how the screen works in WinXP SP2 64-bit Before I wrote the guide sysprep V3, I tested the WinXP SP2 64-bit installation in Legacy mode with various graphics cards. Depending on the graphics card (her VBIOS), WinXP SP2 64-bit Legacy boots either on the vgapnp.sys (vga service) or on the vga.sys (VgaSave service): AMD HD7450 PCIe - vga.sys Intel iGPU HD2000 integrated CPU - vgapnp.sys VMware 8 - vgapnp.sys On pure UEFI with FlashBoot AMD HD7450 always use vga.sys and work after sysprep if set 23A GUID 1024x768 but iGPU Intel HD2000 always use vgapnp.sys and after sysprep V2 have no desktop screen - stay only aurora bootscreen because in regedit in Hardware Profiles key GUID no have display parameters: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Hardware Profiles\0001\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\VIDEO\GUID... vga service (vgapnp.sys) is problematic because make always random, unknown GUID in Hardware Profiles VgaSave service (vga.sys) has always same GUID {23A77BF7-ED96-40EC-AF06-9B1F4867732A} in Hardware Profiles In sysprep V3 I forced the system to always start on VgaSave services (vga.sys) in 1024x768 using FlashBoot 3.2 or 3.3n patched bootmgfw.efi from Win7 SP1 - to do this you have to do: delete display.inf and vga service to block the system trying to install vgapnp.sys graphics driver and prevent make random unknown GUID delete any random GUID created by the vga service during installation WinXP SP2 64-bit in VMware add 23A GUID 1024x768 for VgaSave service
  2. @gooface Replace videoprt.sys from WinXP SP1 64-bit https://hardforum.com/threads/x64-sp2-driver-is-mismanaging-system-ptes.1170070/#post-1034479726
  3. @K4sum1 What is your version of the XP - SP1 or SP2? The RNDIS driver works easily in the SP2 version > https://msfn.org/board/topic/178016-android-rndis-driver/
  4. @genieautravail I have a NVMe 970 disk like the author of the topic. Version of the Samsung Magician tool supporting this disk does not work on WinXP, while older versions work on WinXP but do not support this disk. Of course, there are many programs for SSDs, but not to NVMe. O&O this is probably a unique tool that supports TRIM on NVMe disks at WinXP.
  5. I see that you don't understand how Trimcheck works. First of all, you need to launch a program from a partition on an SSD/NVME disk that you want to test. If you run the program, e.g. from a pendrive, it doesn't make sense and nothing will test! the first launch of the program is created by the trimcheck.bin file (probably always 64MB with random data) copies the first 16 KB of data from the trimcheck.bin file to the .json text file in which he also saves data on the location of the trimcheck.bin file (offset e.g. 21018939392) removes the trimcheck.bin file from the disk and informs to do TRIM now now we are doing TRIM, e.g. in O&O now we run Trimcheck again from the same location as before (where the .json file was created) Trimcheck compares the data from the .json file with data in disk offset 21018939392 If there are only zeros there, it means that TRIM operation in O&O has worked, but if you are there, the same data from the .json file, it means that TRIM operation in O&O did not work In general, instead of using Trimcheck, you can check it manually: make or copy file (a few megabytes) on partition on NVMe disk in Hex Editor check location (offset or sector) this file - save this information somewhere e.g. Notepad or on a piece of paper delete file from disk use Shift key to not remove to Windows Recycle Bin run TRIM in O&O on partition where there was a deleted file run Hex Editor and check if starting from the sector you wrote on a piece of paper are only zeros If zeros - TRIM it worked If any data - TRIM it did not work
  6. In the deploy.chm manual, I read that sysprep should be run on the Administrator's account. I did so and also on the User account with administrator rights and on both I have the same problem - after implementing the system on the target computer, some settings are reset to the default. I noticed: System Restore enabled again Automatically restart enabled again Pagefile enabled again Large icons in My Computer windows (Small icons was set) shortcut to WMP on the desktop shortcut to IE in the Quick Launch ClearType not work because unchecked option Use following method to smoth edges of screen fonts in Folder Options > View option Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) enabled again in the window Map Network Drive the Reconnect at logon option enabled again Can it be blocked somehow so that sysprep does not change it?
  7. My target PC spec: MB ASUS P8H61-M LE R2, bios version 1408 (CSM disbaled, AHCI enabled) CPU Sandy Bridge i3 HDD 2.5" SATA 60GB graphics card iGPU Intel HD2000 with GOP firmware connecting to the monitor via DVI-HDMI cable integrated network card Realtek 8111F Gigabit LAN Controller Please note that my PC has full support for WinXP 64-bit but for a newer PC that do not have support for WinXP 64-bit you need to use a modified acpi.sys and/or ported AHCI/NVMe/USB drivers Reference PC: Host: ThinkPad X61, WinXP SP2 64-bit, VMware Workstation 8 Guest: WinXP SP2 64-bit: HW version default 8 2 CPU or 1 CPU with 2 cores RAM 1GB HDD IDE 2GB CD/DVD IDE optional network card e1000 for make disk image over network Necessary things: graphics card with GOP firmware - no need drivers for WinXP 64-bit original image ISO WinXP SP2 64-Bit, e.g. en_win_xp_pro_x64_with_sp2_vl_x13-41611.iso pendrive with Win7, 8 or 10 installer for disk partition by diskpart (I use Macrium Reflect WinPE based) SATA-USB case/adapter or software to make backup/restore disk image over network with added network and disk drivers of target PC (I use Macrium Reflect WinPE based) signed and extracted WinXP 64-bit drivers Intel SATA controller located in the target PC patched by FlashBoot 3.2 64-bit bootmgfw.efi 6.1.7601.17514 (win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850) to work in 1024x768 or patched by FlashBoot 3.3n 64-bit bootmgfw.efi 11.1.7601.26316 (win7sp1_ldr_escrow.221214-1727) to work in native display resolution (developer of FlashBoot changed the version of the file from 6.1 to 11.1 so Windows 10/11 updates don't overwrite the file) wgl4_boot.ttf & winload.efi (patched by me) from beta 64-bit Windows Server 2008 Longhorn 6001.16497 BOOTICE v1.3.3 x64 VMware Workstation 8.0.2 build-591240 Instead of a SATA-USB adapter, you can use Linux or other software to make backup/restore a disk image over the network: Linux that supports UEFI and have network card drivers of target PC and mount.cifs command Macrium Reflect Free 8.0.7279 not for commercial use based on WinPE with added disk and network driver of target PC - I build on the basis of WinPE 3.1 (Win7) changing loader to FlashBoot 3.3n. This program detects disk geometry and correctly restores the image to another disk on target PC: I used Acronis True Image 2021 for this before but I always had to fix options ApplicationDevice & OSDevice in BCD because there was a error loading winload.efi - it seems that 0xc0000225 Step-by-step instruction: in VMware, create a WinXP Pro 64-bit machine - select Custom (advanced) - after create remove Floppy, USB Controller, Sound Card and Printer: Note! Despite the lack of FDD drive in the machine configuration, it will appear in WinXP. To prevent this, you need to turn off the FDD in the VMware bios. Run machine with Power On to BIOS then set: Main > Legacy Diskette A: [Disabled] Advanced > I/O Device Configuration > Floppy disk controller [Disabled] start the machine from ISO e.g. Win7 and partition the disk with diskpart (press Shift+F10 to run CMD): diskpart sel disk 0 create par pri size=100 create par pri active exit install WinXP SP2 64-bit (ESC to enter VMware Boot Menu and select boot from CD-ROM Drive) and press any key to boot from CD - select C: Partition2 [Unknown] 1947 MB and format to NTFS - enter your Regional and Language settings, add & set your Default input language and select Turn off advanced input text services - enter Name and Organization - enter Product Key - enter Administrator password - select your Time Zone - in Network Settings select Custom settings and uninstall QoS after installation log in to Administrator account, add an account with administrator privileges (no password) then restart the system - after restart, OS automatic use this account disable page file, system restore and automatic restart in System Properties - do not restart system format the D: partition (100MB) as FAT32 set disk labels C: to OS and D: to Boot run diskmgmt.msc (Win+r) and change drive letter D: to U: turn off the machine, make a copy of the .vmdk file with WinXP installed in VMware go to File > Map Virtual Disks... and Map... your WinXP .vmdk file, select Volume 100 MB, uncheck Open file in read-mode only (recommended) then copy EFI folder from my archive flashboot_SATA.zip to mapped disk and Disconnect map .vmdk again in the same way but this time choosing a 1.9 GB volume then copy files: - into Drivers\SATA copy your unpacked (signed) SATA drivers and rename .inf file to iaAHCI.inf or change string iaAHCI.inf in C:\Sysprep\sysprep.inf to appropriate name your SATA .inf driver, also change PCI Vendor Device ID to your SATA controller: [SysprepMassStorage] PCI\VEN_XXXX&DEV_YYYY&CC_0106 = "C:\Drivers\SATA\iaAHCI.inf", "C:\Drivers\SATA" - copy all folders (without EFI) and files from my archive flashboot_SATA.zip to the mapped disk to appropriate locations then Disconnect Note: My sysprep.inf file have Polish Regional, Language and Input settings! - please adapt to your language. start WinXP 64-bit vm machine and perform actions in this order: - run C:\Program Files\Bootice\BOOTICEx64.exe then open BCD in Professional mode and change ApplicationDevice and OSDevice <UnknownDevice> to C: then close app - run 1_hidden_U.reg - hiding U: drive - run 2_display_del.bat - deletes display.inf and display.PNF files to prevent try install vgapnp.sys driver by vga service - run 3_vga_del.reg - deletes vga service to prevent try install vgapnp.sys driver - run 4_VIDEO_del.reg - deletes random GUID's e.g. created by vga service during installation WinXP SP2 64-bit in VMware - run 5_23A_1024_768.reg - adds 23A... GUID for VgaSave service work in 1024x768 together with bootmgfw.efi patched by FlashBoot 3.2 (EFI\Boot\bootx64.efi) (instead of FlashBoot 3.2, you can use 3.3n to work in native display resolution - use same 23A_1024x768.reg file for this) - run regedit and Export key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\MountedDevices to C:\UC.reg (because sysprep.exe in next step removes this key) - open CMD and run command mountvol to see GUID's volumes - they should be three volumes U: C: E: - right click on UC.reg, select Edit then delete data for E: \\??\\Volume and \\DosDevices\\ - only data for U: and C: is to be - run C:\Sysprep\sysprep.exe, click OK, select Shutdown mode: Quit, click Reseal and OK - wait for the window Sysprep is working ... disappear - run C:\UC.reg to add to registry only volumes U: and C: - turn off machine and close VMware At this point, I use Macrium Reflect ISO which I make a disk image in VMware - just don't let the machine boot from the hard drive where you have sealed WinXP - hit Esc quickly and select CD-ROM from the Boot Menu and Macrium Reflect USB flash drive to restore image on the target computer: Instead of Macrium, you can use a method with the SATA-USB adapter and Linux: using a SATA-USB adapter, connect the target SATA 2.5 drive to the computer where you have VMware installed start VMware and add this disk to the WinXP configuration as PhysicalDrive1 (Use entire disk) mount the Debian 9 ISO image and boot the WinXP machine from it - just don't let the machine boot from the hard drive where you have sealed WinXP - hit Esc quickly and select CD-ROM from the Boot Menu now check sda drive parameters - read Units bytes and last cylinder sda2 partition - should be 8225280 & 261 and clone sda WinXP machine drive to connected real sdb drive (this will take a few minutes): fdisk -l -u=cylinders dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=8225280 count=261 power off Debian, close VMware, safe remove USB connected SATA HDD and disconnect the drive from the SATA-USB adapter connect the SATA drive with sealed WinXP to your target computer (me ASUS), boot to UEFI bios, set disk controller operation mode to AHCI, disable CSM and reboot from this HDD The system will be implemented that lasts about 1-2 minutes: and after the restart we have working WinXP SP2 64-bit in pure UEFI P.S. Please test and report. PM for flashboot_SATA.zip Note1! Always reseal fresh system installation - use a .vmdk copy about which I wrote so as not to install the system from scratch! Note2! Don't install VMware Tools !!! - because they install vmci, vmmouse, vmx_svga services and are launched even after uninstalling the tools. Then deploying the system does not work and hangs on the aurora boot screen with discoloration - I checked in WinDbg then BSOD 7E Probably caused by : ntkrnlmp.exe *** Fatal System Error: 0x0000007e (0xFFFFFFFFC0000005,0xFFFFF80001C3235D,0xFFFFFADFCA80F340,0xFFFFFADFCA80ED50) Probably caused by : ntkrnlmp.exe ( nt!IoReportHalResourceUsage+260d ) I fixed the problem by removing these services in ControlSet001\Services use WinPE > Regedit > Load Hive (C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\system) on target PC HDD
  8. Yes, but it's not here to make a bootable flash drive but how to install WinXP 64-bit from this flash drive. BTW. I have introduced several cosmetic corrections in the menu.lst - new link to archive winxp_usb.zip updated in the previous post
  9. @tekkaman You write nicely about WinXP 64-bit but you will not create a bootable pendrive with Rufus or Win32 Disk Imager. To make a bootable one you have to do like this: WinXP SP2 64-bit installation method from ISO image loaded to the RAM using the WinVBlock driver & GRUB4DOS needed e.g. 1 or 2GB pendrive in good condition - to make sure that it is in good condition, you need to zero the whole flash drive, e.g. with BootICE or diskpart (Win7 or newer) and clean all option format it to FAT32 with USB Disk Storage Format install GRUB4DOS on this USB flash drive extract winxp_usb.zip to the pendrive: grldr, menu.lst, winvblock.ima rename your WinXP 64-bit ISO to xp.iso and copy to pendrive boot from this USB and select: TXT-Setup WinXP - phase 1 - press F6 to load WinVBlock 64-bit driver when the message to restart the computer appears, restart it from USB but this time select: GUI-Setup WinXP - phase 2 when phase 2 of the installation is complete and the computer restarts, boot it from the hard disk Note1: You must have at least 1GB RAM for the xp.iso image to fit in the memory Note2: If the flash drive is detected by the BIOS as USB-FDD and not USB-HDD, then you have to remove this lines from the menu.lst file: map (hd0) (hd1) map (hd1) (hd0) Note3: The PC in which you install the system must have an IDE (PATA) or SATA disk and Compatibility option enabled in the BIOS. If there is no Compatibility option in the BIOS, then you need to integrate first the SATA driver with nLite to ISO image.
  10. I wrote about it recently: TRIM on NVMe I thought TRIM did not work but it turned out that I used a too small file for manual testing: Too small file for test TRIM If your file system is NTFS and the file is small, it is a resident file, it does not get a separate cluster, it is stored inside the $MFT record. And because the record is part of the $MFT file, it is also properly shocked in the 0x80 record attribute describing this file. That's why TRIM has no right to bite him: The trimcheck-0.7 program does a TRIM test with a 64MB file. O&O Defrag v17.5.559 + NVMe 1.3 Stchrom driver = TRIM not works O&O Defrag v17.5.559 + ported NVMe Generic_NVMe_6.1.7601.23403 or Samsung_NVMe_3.3.0.2003 driver = TRIM works
  11. Nonsense! I use WinXP SP2 64-bit for about 13 years and works very stable. And install from a pendrive best using a GRUB4DOS - I wrote about it somewhere on the forum - look.
  12. @George King allegro.pl - AB9 KARTA SIECIOWA WIFI USB WI-FI ADAPTER + ANTENA
  13. The black screen is after WinXP boot screen. I have already tested many drivers: 1030.2.731.2015 - not work hidden SSID 1030.21.302.2017 - delayed boot 1030.31.102.2018 - delayed boot @ED_Sln Your drivers are not version 1113 - this is the version 1030.31.102.2018 Maybe it would help change any options in the regedit?
  14. HW ID: USB\VID_0BDA&PID_F179 Installed Drivers: 0002-Realtek_WindowsDriver_1030.25.0701.2017.zip Driver name: Realtek RTL8188FTV Wireless LAN 802.11n USB 2.0 Network Adapter The card works well under WinXP 32-bit or 64-bit but there is a problem when starting the system. Booting (cold start) is interrupted for 50-60 seconds - black screen. With the system restart (warm boot) everything is OK
  15. @kocoman Replace UefiSeven with Flashboot 3.3n loader - then you don't need a graphic card driver: https://www.betaarchive.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=474419#p474419
  16. I found interesting tool for change CPUID Name from Windows 32-bit - tested WinXP SP2: amdp4_test.zip I modified my own name in the hex editor :-) Can someone change the source code msr_test.exe to modify the SSE2 CPUID?
  17. Yes, you are right - I found and, for example, in the BIOS JetWay V266B there was such an option:
  18. There is no for Windows but it is in Grub2 - WRMSR command I just don't know what registry address to change the bit 26 SSE2: I also found a msr-cmd.exe tool for Windows but I don't know how to use it to edit bit 26 SSE2: Usage: msr-cmd.exe [options] read <reg> msr-cmd.exe [options] write <reg> <edx(63~32)> <eax(31~0)> msr-cmd.exe [options] -l write <reg> <hex_val(63~0)> msr-cmd.exe [options] rmw <reg> <h bit> <l bit> <unmasked_hex_val> msr-cmd.exe [options] rmwmask <reg> <mask(63~0)> <unmasked_hex_val> msr-cmd.exe [options] getbit <reg> <#bit> msr-cmd.exe [options] setbit <reg> <#bit> <0/1> Options: -s write only do not read back -d data only, not to print column item name -g <GRP> processor group (default: 0) to apply 'A' or 'a' to apply to all available processors groups by default, a group can contain up to 64 logical processors However, I modified another - IA32_CLOCK_MODULATION 0x19A register without any problems in GRUB2: wrmsr 0x19a 0x12 or under WinXP 64-bit with msr-cmd.exe: msr-cmd read 0x19a msr_read(): CPU 0 reg: 0x0000019a edx: 0x00000000 eax: 0x00000002 msr-cmd write 0x19a 0x00000000 0x00000012 msr_write(): ret: CPU 0 reg: 0x0000019a edx: 0x00000000 eax: 0x00000012
  19. I use mega.nz as a cloud to upload my files and not just download someone's. P.S. Besides, there is a different way for the files to be displayed - just browse mega.nz in the private window.
  20. I found a way - you need to turn on the Wipe all local metadata when logging out option in Security > Metadata and always log out from the mega.nz instead of closing the window:
  21. I don't want another because everything works well for me except mega.nz It seems that the browser saves on disk some setting at the first visit but these are probably not cookies.
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