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Everything posted by Mercury_22

  1. Look at these examples maybe it will help you ........................................................................................... ................... <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Setup" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <UserData> <AcceptEula>true</AcceptEula> <ProductKey> <Key></Key> <WillShowUI>OnError</WillShowUI> </ProductKey> </UserData> .................................................................................................... ......................... It's working for me !!!
  2. Look Here A simple search on the MSFN frontpage !!!!
  3. I'm using peimg method and it's working like a charm !!
  4. Well it seems we have different meanings for optimal! I mean it's worthless adding more taking into consideration Price/performance gain ratio! B) Anyhow, please read more carefully my post because i said which mean that i also recommended 4GB
  5. Yes, some will be lost but not a whole GB. Let´s say 0.2 to 0.3 GB . Because of the speed difference between single channel and dual channel ! Like the difference between single disk drive and RAID 0. B)No no my friend, it doesn’t work like that, especially not when iNTEL uses bigger cache and AMD his build in memory controller. You would be glad to see real life performance, IF you already can see (notice) it. Please, don’t compare it to RAID, I know that most people did that 5 years ago, but it’s simply not true… So you're saying that there is no speed difference between single channel and dual channel? I just like you to read this B)Also i compared with the not with RAID
  6. That's not the "optimal", that's the sweet spot where you get a noticeable performance difference over say 512MB or 1GB. 4GB certainly isn't going make the machine perform slower than 2GB. How did you come to that conclusion? = that I said : 4GB it's going to make the machine perform slower ???? What optimal mean to you ?
  7. Because of the speed difference between single channel and dual channel! Like the difference between single disk drive and RAID 0. B)
  8. It seems that optimal amount of memory for vista it's 2GB, but you may want to add more according to the memory requirement of your APPs! Also DUAL CHANNEL configuration it's a MUST ! In my opinion 2GB it's OK ! B) but, (since your OS is x64) 4GB it's better!
  9. What version do you use ? Try most recent one
  10. Which is the file extension for all file label "Video Clip" and did you just installed/uninstalled any codec(s) ?
  11. 1) You can "inject" them in both install.wim and boot.wim (for boot)! How to ... read the batch file from here 2) What do you mean by "new install" ? New install.wim ? new dvd image?....? 3) - 4) Yes some KB replace other in Vista too! 5) The best, it's debatable, but for me it's working without any problem! 6) Setupcomplete.cmd = start.cmd
  12. You can use Setupcomplete.cmd look here
  13. Yes it's possible look here at the first example of Autounattend.xml
  14. If you use batch file you can allways use "Choice" command (in xp you need choice.exe form win xp x64 or win 98 or win 2000 )to allow someone to choose which programs to install or not to install
  15. Before you reinstalled did you manually clean up eset registrys and folders?
  16. Try Chris-TV , and if you don't need PVR Functions it's free
  17. Try this : go to windows firewall on her machine and block the messenger on all ports and protocols !
  18. i mean like x64 (Xp, vista...)
  19. Look here (read the note)
  20. Did you try your installer on another OS ?
  21. The simple way! VMware-workstation-6.0.0-45731.exe /S /v"/qr SERIALNUMBER=xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx DESKTOP_SHORTCUT=0 DISABLE_AUTORUN=0 REBOOT=0"
  22. Do you know a way i can test this "referrer", so i can see what info my browser send when i surf the Internet ? And thanks for all the info Stoic Joker!
  23. My only concern about referrer it's when i use https whit non https in separate tabs ! (e.g. one tab for watching my stocks,..bank account and other surfing the web)
  24. Hi! Can you recommend another program (firewall, anti-spyware, ....) than Outpost Firewall Pro 2008 Beta which can block referrer in Internet Explorer ? and some other (or the same) program (firewall, anti-spyware, ....) which can pass this leaktest (except Outpost Firewall Pro 2008 Beta and Comodo Firewall Pro v3.0.8.214 Beta) ? The important requirement it's that it must be VISTA x64 compatible !!!! B) Thanks!
  25. Yes but only if your prog has this option and it's specific to every prog (and/or installer) so.... you have to search how to do that for every prog.But you can try to make an image of your disk after a fresh install using Image for Windows.
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