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Everything posted by DosProbie

  1. "AeroGlass is not intended to work on any other build than <= 10041." per bigmuscle http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/173813-kb3055415-kills-aero-glass-on-win-10/ So in other words don't complain if it's not working in the latest build releases or ask him to fix it etc. until he decides to update Aero Glass for all of us. Thanks bigmuscle for all the hard work you do and for bringing back Aero Glass for everyone to enjoy! ~DP
  2. System scan is back working again with Build 10061. ~DP @Echo Off:: Sys-Repair.cmd (Must run As Admin)Sfc /scannow Pause
  3. How is your version expiring on 2/10/2015 ? when its already April 2015, anyway my 10061 reads that it expires on 10/1/2015. ~DP You should know European which Australia is in it region has a date formate as Day/Month/Year http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Date_format_by_country Thanks for the explanation, getting short term memory lost. ~DP
  4. How is your version expiring on 2/10/2015 ? when its already April 2015, anyway my 10061 reads that it expires on 10/1/2015. ~DP
  5. Here are some updated features of 10061 from previous builds, so far I have had few issues. ~DP "Start" ⦁ The Power button is now showed above the All apps button ⦁ There are some new icons ⦁ It is now possible to resize the start menu ⦁ Now has two columns of apps instead of one fat column⦁ You can now resize start ⦁ Tiles for Win32 apps no longer take a color based on the icon of that tile, but follows the window color ⦁ Transparancy can be disabled ⦁ Recently installed apps are now displayed on the top of the all apps list ⦁ Health & Fitness is no longer pinned to start by default⦁ Improved Mail, News, Calendar and Xbox apps "Internet Explorer" ⦁ Major improvements to ECMAScript 6 support (from 73% to 82%)⦁ Default function parameters ⦁ Rest parameters ⦁ Spread (...) operator ⦁ RegEx "y" and "u" flags ⦁ Generators ⦁ Proxy ⦁ Function "name" property ⦁ String.prototype methods "Project Spartan" ⦁ Project Spartan has been updated from version 0.10 to 0.11 ⦁ You can now find your downloads in the download manager ⦁ You can now open Internet Explorer from within Spartan ⦁ The "Add to" dialogue has been improved ⦁ You can now save PDFs you opened in the browser ⦁ Spartan now has an about:flags page with new options compared to Internet Explorer "Desktop" ⦁ The taskbar and start menu have gained some transparency and opaqueness⦁ The TaskView button has a new icon ⦁ The search bar is now the full hight of the taskbar ⦁ Some icons have been updated ⦁ The taskbar, start menu and action center now have a black system theme ⦁ You can now enable and disable the color of the taskbar and startscreen ⦁ There is a new calendar fly-out for the system tray ⦁ The notification center now takes on the color you've choosen for windows and the taskbar ⦁ Windows no longer take on a color and are now always gray⦁ Solitaire is back! (via Cortana)
  6. Officially experimental support is available from the Aero Glass website with Aero Glass Win8.1+ v1.3.1 up to build 9879 and debug versions for Windows 10 builds 9926 and 10041. http://www.glass8.eu/win_future.html ~DP
  7. Seems the non themeable issues with Windows 10 is preplanned by Microsoft , I have also noticed my control panel applets that have always worked from XP up to Windows 8.1 will no longer launch as well, Oh well will continue to play with Windows 10 but my main OS will be 8.1. ~DP
  8. The NAI Opt-out Tool shows you all the big-name marketing companies that have installed tracking cookies on your computer and lets you opt out of some or all of them in one fell swoop.(in my case 65 companies were actively tracking my every move!) These 'Opt Out Of Everything Online' sites is one of the first things I do after a Windows clean install. http://www.networkadvertising.org/choices/ http://techland.time.com/2011/03/10/how-to-opt-out-of-everything-online/ ~DP
  9. Well its been about 3-4 weeks since the last one but will do a screen shot the next time and post it. As far as something in my system ie malware I normally don't keep a OS for that long as I am always testing and reinstalling. ~DP
  10. Well will just have to go VPN with all these geo ads.. ~DP
  11. Well not slow for Microsoft employees, sometimes I think the 'Insider' program should be renamed to 'Outsiders' ~DP
  12. Lately it seems as you are surfing sites you get a nag that you need to update Java, Shockwave or Flash Player, which I know is a hoax as I always am running the latest version. ~DP
  13. Hey your entitled to your opinion as others are entitled to there's. ~DP
  14. Quote from NoelC: '3. Windows Defender, as it seems quite efficient and also doesn't detect false positives.' The only issue I have had with Windows Defender IS THE False-Postive alerts with some of the Nirsoft productssuch as BrowserPassview, Productkey and Wirekeyview but that can easily be corrected by adding these to the exceptionlist.~DP
  15. I'm surprised at your willingness to hand over administrative access to all your data to Microsoft. How do you reconcile that decision against the fact that they're being overtly devious lately, as well as messing things that were already working up left and right? Not that they couldn't drop load something through Windows Update and get data from all of us, even those with a local account, if they really wanted it. But just handing it over freely seems extreme to me. To each his own. -Noel I am not in to that conspiracy theory stuff, sorry. I see the MS account as a benefit, and I had hoped for it for years. Now I have it, and it saves me a lot of time, and is an awesome feature. I find it handy signing in with my microsoft account as well to. I got nothing to hide from them. Also we all sign in to a account on phones. LOL, Yes i have nothing to hide as well, just a lot of gardening tips for my yard, various batch and script files and a heck of a lot of browsing on some place called 'MSFN' but no nuclear schematics. ~DP
  16. Have not noticed any speed drops nor done any extensive speed testing as of yet with the new builds but have noticed my new dual band 5 Ghz cable router has the need to be reset more or maybe its just Comcast-Xfinity who knows. ~DP
  17. Intressting the tech preview gos from 10065 to 10100 ; I spot this today: Thanks for the info, so i guess we should say 'round and round these builds all go but where and what number will land nobody knows' ~DP
  18. Been a long time since I used 2000 but I find the hardware ID ie touchpad, wi-fi, sound etc. then use devcon to disable or enable the device with a .vbs script. ~DP
  19. Well this last leaked 10056 build forces you to have a 'Active' internet connection and a 'Microsoft account', there is a work around if you want to remain as a Local account by doing the following. ~DP Local account setup over Microsoft account - Connect to internet >> Choose 'Setup a new account' - At bottom choose the option 'Connect to my account later'
  20. I added a 'Make Directory' Command along with the 'Move' command in case the dated directory was not already created first else you will get a 'cannot find specified path error' and your file will not be moved over. ~DP Set MYdate="%date:~0,3%_%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%-%date:~10,4%" MD "i:\lenovo\base\blank\archive\%MYdate%" Move "i:\lenovo\base\blank\image.wim" "i:\lenovo\base\blank\archive\%MYdate%\"
  21. It's build 10061 but for Microsoft employees only at the moment not on fast ring Correct, that's what I said on Post #'s 492 and 498.. ~DP
  22. Well I have used the software without any issues and it uses a Linux base O.S. with the Tor browser and will run Word and Excel which last time I checked is Windows compatible. ~DP
  23. Well, does sound very Similar from https://icloak.org/ Quote from OP "looking for a secure way to distribute our software on a USB stick" 1. Run windows 2. Run from Linux an able to run EXE software. 3. Run On MAC. ~DP
  24. Maybe you could contact this group out of Orlando, Florida since that have already done the same exact thing. https://icloak.org/ ~DP
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