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Everything posted by FAT64

  1. As far as I know, user profiles can be redirected pretty much anywhere with XP.
  2. When you promote a Member Server to a Domain Controller, it will certainly delete any local user accounts, except the local administrator, that account should remain intact regardless of whether you promote or demote.
  3. The DHCP in most routers can be quite basic. Personally, I would install DHCP on one of your servers (or DC) and maybe have the router as a secondary DHCP server.
  4. If you are not told the Username & Password of a Domain Administrator account, then what you are trying is impossible. To join a client to a Domain you need the information as above and you're good to go. It's really very simple.
  5. NC3121 Drivers It's called a Google Search.
  6. You don't have any children, do you Kindovic? not if I were your parent, gamehead200.
  7. Do you have a Firewall installed on the PCs? Are they members of the same Workgroup?
  8. There's nothing tricky about joining a client to a domain. Right-click My Computer>Properties>Computer Name>Change However, make sure that the client knows the IP address of the DNS server (either via DHCP, or manually). Then install the Admin Tools. Job done!
  9. Obviously not.
  10. I would doubt it.
  11. 95.5. Not bad, but not brilliant either. So easy when you see the answers.
  12. Any reason why you're using Float? Looks to me like he's using Integers.
  13. Perhaps I misunderstood your question: I think the icon is in one of the following files ... netshell.dll netcfgx.dll netman.dll ... but not 100% certain.
  14. Go to the Property page of your Network Card. There is an option which says "Show icon in notification area when connected".
  15. Have you forwarded the RDP packets to your computer in the Router NAT settings? Does your account have a null password? Because you cannot RDP to an unprotected account.
  16. I think I misunderstood your original message. Might this help? Microsoft
  17. DNS isn't installed by default on a Windows 2000 Server, so you would need the CD regardless of whether you do a manual installation or an unattended installation. B)
  18. So what's the question?
  19. ME (Mistake Edition). End of.
  20. Ever thought of using Google, or better still the manufacturer's website?
  21. And the NTFS permissions? (The Security Tab)
  22. 1. Open GPMC, click Start, click Run, type gpmc.msc, and then click OK. 2. In the console tree, right-click Default Domain Controllers Policy in Domains\Current Domain Name\Group Policy objects\Default Domain Controllers Policy, and then click Edit. 3. In the Group Policy Management Editor window, in the console tree, go to Computer Configuration/Policies/Windows Settings/Security Settings/Local Policies/User Rights Assignment Like I said, that was for a Windows 2000 DC, try the above.
  23. By default, ordinary users cannot logon locally to a Domain Controller. You will have to give them permission (something I wouldn't recommend). In Windows 2000, there is a utility called "Domain Controller Security Policy", expand Local Policy>User Rights Assignment and add "Authenticated Users" to the "Logon Locally" policy. As to not finding the Domain Controller, a client uses DNS to locate a Domain Controller, try putting the IP address of the Domain Controller in the TCP/IP settings of the client.
  24. Don't see the facination myself.
  25. It would still be useful to know what permissions (Share & NTFS) you have on the shared folders/files?
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