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Everything posted by Wesmosis

  1. using WPI only by keyboard (Ticking, Moving, Begin Install, Exit) suppose that we don't have a mouse !
  2. soooooo beautiful
  3. thanx for both of ya guyz ( for the reg tweak)
  4. strange, still the same problem even with clean XPSP2+RyanVM2.0.7a and no Nlite even when I uninstall the xpize, still the interface not in arabic, oh man
  5. however, the tweak by nlite to disable the fool Common Folder Tasks doesn't work, I don't know why, plz guyz, provide me with the reg tweak to manually implment the tweak by REGEDIT/ S
  6. aha thanx colonokia for sharing, I'll try to try clean windows + MUI + xpize
  7. wow ! thanx for both WPI501 and the manual but the ChangeLog v5.0.txt still 5.0 plz update it with the new modifications
  8. I wish the Keyboard only control and Begin Installation without mouse is it possible?
  9. waiting unpateintlly for the WPI5 manual
  10. Best winamp Installer ever! very smart selection for the components thanx shark and keep goin'
  11. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...68232&hl=winamp
  12. yes, I figure out the deadly combination now I first installed Xpize with the above switch , then installed the MUI normally, change the interface from control panel > Restart like I said above, some icons and items still in english while with the Windows and MUI files but without xpize, the WHOLE interface become arabic like expected Oh man, this is a hard choice, I'm gonna make my uAXPPRESP3 CD next couple of dayz and I have to remove one of them
  13. there is definitly something wrong with Xpize & MUI alot of variable here, I player around by installing the MUI first then the xpize, some control panel icons still in english, I'm trying to figure out what's going on and what's the best order of installation btw, I removed Help & Tour files by Nlite, which is ok with MUI installation and I'm using the Xpize v4.4 Lite with this swtich: cmdow @ /HID start /wait XPize43Lite.exe /S /noskins /noboot /nowall /nocmd /nouxtheme /norestore EXIT
  14. Wesmosis

    Xpize Vs. MUI !

    hey guyz I'll go straight into it, I installed the Arabic MUI after xpize but the interface didn't go into Arabic Interface., why is that? is xpize incompatible with other MUI rather than english or just there is the order of the installation" plz clarify the issue for us coz I need both Xpize and Arabic MUI installed on my windows
  15. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=52946
  16. InstallRite is the best of all
  17. any one give a help also I wanna ask about how to use WPI by only keyboard e.g. Begin Install
  18. working like charm! I'm this switch for the whole package, minus the ugly Scout: cmdow @ /HID @ECHO OFF start /wait %systemdrive%\Nero- /qn /norestart NERO_SCOUT=FALSE regedit /s %systemdrive%\reg.reg
  19. thanx, but I rather wait for the Final
  20. This way of installation makes no icons for me. Could anybody help? Thx I'm using this: installnero.cmd cmdow @ /HID @ECHO OFF start /wait %systemdrive%\Nero- /qn /norestart NERO_SCOUT=FALSE regedit /s %systemdrive%\reg.reg but yeah I got not ICONS or Start Menu shortcuts I need the full packlage uA, any simple solution? EDIT: no now everything works fine even desktop and start menu shortcuts
  21. gonna try it out and feed you back, thanx
  22. so so strange! after comlpeting install all my softwares, WPI5 starts again with the countdown timer any one to explain this , I had to close manually by Ctrl+F4
  23. waitng for the WPI5 Themes
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