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Everything posted by Nilfred

  1. Yes. Be sure to install WMP10 before. I only guarantee my method to work this way.
  2. You can get a clue from my post: $oem$\Prog$\Symantec\Liveupdate\Settings.Merge.LiveUpdate PREFERENCES\CORPORATE_MODE=YES PREFERENCES\ALL TRANSPORTS AVAILABLE=YES If you drop this file in the symantec directory, it merges with Settings.LiveUpdate at first run. PREFERENCES\EXPRESS_MODE\AUTO_EXIT=NO PREFERENCES\EXPRESS_MODE\AUTO_START=NO PREFERENCES\EXPRESS_MODE\ENABLED=NO
  3. Well, is all in the script, to refresh your memory You are not the first to tell me that. I just reuse a bitmonster's script for netFMsp1. The msi is still there. StartX call it.
  4. @Sanjay Thanks for the report. Is still not possible to hide the extraction process with 7zip. Any suggestion is welcome. @crahak The batch also repack wmfdist95.exe after the AIP to do the trick. I don't use WinRar because it's not free as 7zip.
  5. I think: ;----- ;----- disable balloon - Add your passport to XP messenger ;----- [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MessengerService] "PassportBalloon"=hex:0a,00,00,00 Should also work for MSNMessenger: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MSNMessenger] "PassportBalloon"=hex:0a,00,00,00
  6. Switches are the same of mine. No luck. Also take a look at my WMC unattended method You can do the same trick with the redist package.
  7. As I learn from bitmonster here is a small guide how to create your own silent install package: Get the Windows Media Connect package in your native tongue and put it in some folder. Get 7-Zip and install it. Open up the folder where 7-zip has installed itself to and grab the 7za.exe and 7zS.sfx files and copy them to your folder. You can deinstall 7-Zip now if you want. Get the UPX-package (Win32 console version), unpack it and copy the upx.exe to your folder Get the StartX-package, grab the StartX.exe out of the archive (you find it in the 'Release' folder) and move it to your folder. Make a new batch-file in your folder, name it wmc.bat and paste the following text into it: SET TmpDir=%~dp0tmp SET BuildDir=%~dp0build\ %~d0 CD "%~p0" MD "%BuildDir%" COPY StartX.exe "%BuildDir%StartX.exe" SET Target=wmcsetup CALL :make_tmp SET MsiName= FOR %%I in (*.*) DO IF /I "%%~xI" == ".MSI" SET MsiName=%%I START /wait msiexec /a "%MsiName%" TARGETDIR="%BuildDir%" /QB CD.. RMDIR /S /Q tmp CD "%BuildDir%" SET RedistFile= FOR /R %%I in (wmfdist??.exe) DO SET RedistFile=%%I CD.. MOVE "%RedistFile%" . SET Target=wmfdist95 CALL :make_tmp CALL :make_7z RMDIR /S /Q tmp ECHO;!@Install@!UTF-8!>config.txt ECHO RunProgram="wmsetsdk.exe /DisallowSystemRestore /WMFDIST /Quiet /R:N">>config.txt ECHO;!@InstallEnd@!>>config.txt CALL :make_exe MOVE %Target%7.exe "%RedistFile%" DEL %Target%.exe SET Target=wmcsetup CD "%BuildDir%" CALL :make_7z RMDIR /S /Q "%BuildDir%" ECHO;!@Install@!UTF-8!>config.txt ECHO RunProgram="StartX.exe /WAIT \"msiexec /i %MsiName% /qb\"">>config.txt ECHO;!@InstallEnd@!>>config.txt CALL :make_exe GOTO:EOF :make_tmp MD "%TmpDir%" START /wait %Target%.exe /Q:A /C /T:"%TmpDir%" CD "%TmpDir%" GOTO:EOF :make_7z ..\7za.exe a "%~dp0%Target%.7z" -r -mx=7 -mfb=255 -md=48m * CD.. GOTO:EOF :make_exe IF NOT EXIST 7zSC.sfx upx.exe 7zS.sfx -o7zSC.sfx COPY /b 7zSC.sfx + config.txt + %Target%.7z %Target%7.exe DEL config.txt DEL %Target%.7z GOTO:EOF Now you should have the following files in your folder: wmcsetup.exe 7za.exe 7zS.sfx upx.exe StartX.exe wmc.bat Start the wmc.bat and wait 3 minutes. At the end you should have a wmcsetup7.exe in your folder with a size of about 4.7 MB. You can run this standalone file through svcpack.inf or any other batch without any commandline switches. But if you use a batch instead of svcpack.inf you should use the start-command: start /wait wmcsetup7.exe Also place care to run it after WMP10 setup, and start WMP10 before try to start WMC or errors may occur. wmc.bat.txt
  8. Well, tested unnatended on vmware works fine here Will have to test changes to this line of code for otrer environments: Use the swichs from first post. PM me for further develop on this issue. I just finished similar WMC package and found every time I run it, gave me different size result... So isn't only you, maybe a bug somewere. Are there any successful? You crahak?
  9. Oops, you right, mp10setup7.exe shows in taskman. When not, setup finished.
  10. Yeah! Wait a few minutes before trying open wmp, the extraction windows isn't all. The proccess is wm_setup.exe, watch Task Monitor until it dessapear if you are soooo impatient.
  11. I used Spanish version. Installs propertlly and silently. 11,9 Mb to 9,3 Mb. @beppemito Did you use Beta 7-zip? Please don't. Which size is your normal mp10setup.exe (12.2 Mb) and does it install propertly? Try download it again if not.
  12. Go to Control Panel -> Regional settings. Add as many keyboards as you want. Also select a hotkey for switch between them. Hope this help.
  13. I assume Symantec Server Center is a typo for Symantec System Center Console. Symantec System Center Console must be in the workstation were you manage your servers and isn't related to your issue. If you deploy the instalation from the same PC as the destination, the deploy fail. Instead run setup.exe from SAV folder. There should be a "primary server" for everything work fine. And please RTFM that comes in pdf format in Docs folder.
  14. .cue/.bin to .iso? Just rename your .bin file to .iso for most needs. It's works (I'm serious)
  15. I'd been using Opera since v3.61 or so because is fast. Now has v7.21 instaled and 7.5x downloaded (afraid to backup). Just tested Firefox and feel something is missing... Not so feature rich like Opera is.
  16. Well, all of this is new for me (yeah! I'm a newbie) Could someone possible change the topic to a pool style? I'm also toooo lazy to read all posts... Looking for manageable ones. @lynchknot O&O Has a M$ Gold Certified Partner at every end of each page...Windows Defrag shoud be certified also
  17. Found my answer here #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request; my $url = "http://misitio.com/cgi-bin/datos.cgi"; my $query = "nombre=Uriel&apellido=Lizama&Edad=18"; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->agent("Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 98; DigExt)"); my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $url); $req->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); $req->content($query); my $response = $ua->request($req); my $content = $response->content(); #contenido de la respuesta print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print $content;
  18. As I learn from bitmonster here is a small guide how to create your own silent install package: Get the WMP10 package and put it in some folder. Get 7-Zip and install it. Open up the folder where 7-zip has installed itself to and grab the 7za.exe and 7zS.sfx files and copy them to your folder. You can deinstall 7-Zip now if you want. Get the UPX-package (Win32 console version), unpack it and copy the upx.exe to your folder Make a new batch-file in your folder, name it wmp10.bat and paste the following text into it: SET TmpDir=%~dp0tmp %~d0 CD "%~p0" SET Target=mp10setup MD "%TmpDir%" START /wait %Target%.exe /C /T:"%TmpDir%" CD "%TmpDir%" ..\7za.exe a "%~dp0%Target%.7z" -r -mx=7 -mfb=255 -md=48m * CD.. RMDIR /S /Q tmp IF NOT EXIST 7zSC.sfx CALL :make_sfx ECHO;!@Install@!UTF-8!>config.txt ECHO RunProgram="setup_wm.exe /Q /R:N /NoMigrate /DisallowSystemRestore">>config.txt ECHO;!@InstallEnd@!>>config.txt COPY /b 7zSC.sfx + config.txt + %Target%.7z %Target%7.exe DEL config.txt DEL %Target%.7z GOTO:EOF :make_sfx COPY 7zS.sfx 7zSC.sfx upx.exe 7zSC.sfx GOTO:EOFNow you should have the following files in your folder: 7za.exe 7zS.sfx wmp10.bat mp10Setup.exe upx.exeStart the wmp10.bat and wait 2 minutes. At the end you should have a mp10setup7.exe in your folder with a size of about 9.3 MB. You can run this standalone file through svcpack.inf or any other batch without any commandline switches. But if you use a batch instead of svcpack.inf you should use the start-command: start /wait mp10setup7.exe
  19. My vote for "Other" is for "The Bat"
  20. In windows press [Win]-[F1], this brings the windows help. Search for "net user" The first item on the left panel brings: net user [nombreDeUsuario [contraseña | *] [opciones]]Where related opciones are: /homedir:rutaDeAcceso /profilepath:[rutaDeAcceso] Sorry for the Spanish words as I only have access to Spanish help. I only point to documentation souce, NOT TRIED this kind of stuff. Please report back if help/work for you.
  21. I got a router and a http server in the same subnet. I need the server configures the router from within a CGI script. The router uses CGI also (hardcoded). Simple http/form only works from local subnet as shown below: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>DI-604</TITLE> <META HTTP-EQUIV=Content-Type CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <script language="JavaScript"> function SetTime(m){ var f = document.getElementById("frmRule") var MinMilli = 1000 * 60 var HrMilli = MinMilli * 60 var DyMilli = HrMilli * 24 var d = new Date() f.hour1.selectedIndex = d.getHours() % 12 f.min1.selectedIndex = Math.floor(d.getMinutes() / 5) f.am1.selectedIndex = Math.floor(d.getHours() / 12) f.day1.selectedIndex = d.getDay() m = m + 4 d.setTime(d.getTime() + MinMilli * m) f.hour2.selectedIndex = d.getHours() % 12 f.min2.selectedIndex = Math.floor(d.getMinutes() / 5) f.am2.selectedIndex = Math.floor(d.getHours() / 12) f.day2.selectedIndex = d.getDay() } </script> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" onLoad="SetTime(60)"> <!-- enable=1&serial=6&priorList=&editRow=10&delrow=0&name=Slabo& action=0&srcIface=0&srcIP1= dstIP1=%2A&dstIP2=&proto=0&port1=%2A&port2=&schd=1& hour1=7&min1=20&am1=1& hour2=8&min2=40&am2=1& day1=4&day2=4 --> <form action="http://admin:xxxxx@" method="post" id="frmRule"> <input type="radio" name="enable" value="1" checked="checked"> Enabled <input type="radio" name="enable" value="0"> Disabled <br> <input type="hidden" name="serial" value="6"> <input type="hidden" name="priorList" value=""> <input type="hidden" name="editRow" value="10"> <input type="hidden" name="delrow" value="0"> <input type="text" name="name" size="20" maxlength="31" value="Slabo"> <input type="reset" value="Clear" onClick="RuleNew()" name="clear"> <br> <input type="radio" value="0" name="action" checked="checked"> Allow <input type="radio" name="action" value="1"> Deny</font></td> <br> <select size="1" name="srcIface"> <option value="-1">*</option> <option value="0" selected="selected">LAN</option> <option value="1">WAN</option> </select> <input type="text" name="srcIP1" size="12" value="" maxlength="15"> <input type="text" name="srcIP2" size="12" value="" maxlength="15"> <br> <select size="1" name="dstIface"> <option value="-1">*</option> <option value="0">LAN</option> <option value="1" selected="selected">WAN</option> </select> <input type="text" name="dstIP1" size="12" maxlength="15" value="*"> <input type="text" name="dstIP2" size="12" maxlength="15" value=""> <select size="1" name="proto"> <option value="6">TCP</option> <option value="17">UDP</option> <option value="1">ICMP</option> <option value="0" selected="selected">*</option> </select> <input type="text" name="port1" size="2" maxlength="5" value="*"> - <input type="text" name="port2" size="2" maxlength="5" value=""> <br> <input type="radio" name="schd" value="0"> Always <a href="javascript:SetTime(30)">0:30</a> <a href="javascript:SetTime(60)">1:00</a> <a href="javascript:SetTime(90)">1:30</a> <a href="javascript:SetTime(120)">2:00</a> <br> <input type="radio" name="schd" value="1" checked="checked"> From <select size=1 name=hour1> <option value=0>00</option> <option value=1>01</option> <option value=2>02</option> <option value=3>03</option> <option value=4>04</option> <option value=5>05</option> <option value=6>06</option> <option value=7>07</option> <option value=8>08</option> <option value=9>09</option> <option value=10>10</option> <option value=11>11</option> </select> : <select size=1 name=min1> <option value="0">00</option> <option value="5">05</option> <option value="10">10</option> <option value="15">15</option> <option value="20">20</option> <option value="25">25</option> <option value="30">30</option> <option value="35">35</option> <option value="40">40</option> <option value="45">45</option> <option value="50">50</option> <option value="55">55</option> </select> <select size=1 name=am1> <option value=0>AM</option> <option value=1>PM</option> </select> to <select size=1 name=hour2> <option value=0>00</option> <option value=1>01</option> <option value=2>02</option> <option value=3>03</option> <option value=4>04</option> <option value=5>05</option> <option value=6>06</option> <option value=7>07</option> <option value=8>08</option> <option value=9>09</option> <option value=10>10</option> <option value=11>11</option> </select> : <select size=1 name=min2> <option value="0">00</option> <option value="5">05</option> <option value="10">10</option> <option value="15">15</option> <option value="20">20</option> <option value="25">25</option> <option value="30">30</option> <option value="35">35</option> <option value="40">40</option> <option value="45">45</option> <option value="50">50</option> <option value="55">55</option> </select> <select size=1 name=am2> <option value=0>AM</option> <option value=1>PM</option> </select> <br> <select size=1 name=day1> <option value=0>Sun</option> <option value=1>Mon</option> <option value=2>Tue</option> <option value=3>Wed</option> <option value=4>Thr</option> <option value=5>Fri</option> <option value=6>Sat</option> </select> to <select size=1 name=day2> <option value=0>Sun</option> <option value=1>Mon</option> <option value=2>Tue</option> <option value=3>Wed</option> <option value=4>Thr</option> <option value=5>Fri</option> <option value=6>Sat</option> </select> <br> <a href="javascript:document.forms[0].submit()"><img src="apply_p.jpg" width="51" height="52" border="0"></a> <a href="javascript:document.forms[0].reset()"><img src="cancel_p.jpg" width="51" height="52" border="0"></a> </form> </BODY> </HTML> Is there anything simple like a call to other CGI? NPH- Proxy is the only way?
  22. Is posible to add langpack.exe (Spanish) to the admin install point? The files extracted are: langpac1.cab langpack.msi inst.exe setup.ini Off topic: Attempting to do the same trick with Adobe Reader 6.0.1 (Spanish), I notice that the original package, "Package for the web", compress much better than 7zip; even if msiexec is removed.
  23. @prathapml I don't have enough "stars" to disagree with you, but I have to... Read this post carefully: IMMO the only "users windows" is "Windows Welcome" so regiscb wish "Windows Welcome" to appear.You instead are folowing unattended rules. Eg. "NET USER ADD" @regiscb Please report back if OEMSkipWelcome = 0 do the trick for you.
  24. After Windows XP SP2 is installed and check WU to see if no updates are avaliable it ask about to download new WU software. This download takes a few minutes. Is there any way to pre-download this "update" and add to default unattended Install?
  25. from ref.chm: Please download the DeployTools.cab and check yourself if it related or unrelated :angrym:
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