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Everything posted by Nilfred

  1. Get ready for M$ Patch Festival today... Is there a know release hour? I think always get notified the day before. PS
  2. International Unattended Source Incremental Update Batch File svcpack.bat @ECHO OFF REM Actualiza una instalacion desatendida de WinXP SET XPCD=E:\Adopciones\Parches\WinXP\WinXP\ SET XPCDBackup=E:\Adopciones\Parches\WinXP\SP2\WinXP\ SET Language=ESN SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION REM 2006 Sep 12 start /w WindowsXP-KB919007-x86-%Language%.exe /quiet /integrate:%XPCD% CALL :Compress Rmcast.sys CALL :Remove KB919007.exe start /w WindowsXP-KB920685-x86-%Language%.exe /quiet /integrate:%XPCD% CALL :Compress Ciodm.dll Query.dll CALL :Remove KB920685.exe start /w WindowsXP-KB920872-x86-%Language%.exe /quiet /integrate:%XPCD% CALL :Compress Kmixer.sys Splitter.sys Wdmaud.sys CALL :Remove KB920872.exe start /w WindowsXP-KB922582-x86-%Language%.exe /quiet /integrate:%XPCD% CALL :Compress fltlib.dll fltmc.exe fltmgr.sys CALL :Remove KB922582.exe SET XPCD= SET XPCDBackup= SET Language= goto :EOF :Compress FOR %%I IN (%*) DO IF EXIST %XPCD%I386\%%I (ECHO Compressing %%I... %systemroot%\system32\makecab.exe /D CompressionMemory=21 /D CompressionType=LZX /L %XPCD%I386 %XPCD%I386\%%I >nul MOVE /Y %XPCD%I386\%%I %XPCDBackup%I386\) GOTO :EOF :Remove FOR %%I IN (%*) DO IF EXIST %XPCD%I386\svcpack\%%I ( MOVE /Y %XPCD%I386\svcpack\%%I %XPCDBackup%I386\svcpack CALL :DELLINE %%I svcpack inf %XPCD%I386\ ) GOTO :EOF :DELLINE REM Borra la(s) linea(s) que contiene(n) la cadena %1 en el nombre de archivo %2 y extensión %3 REM Opcionalmente se puede especificar una ruta %4 ECHO Elimino de %2.%3: FOR /F "TOKENS=1,* DELIMS==:" %%I IN ('FINDSTR /N %1 %4%2.%3') DO ECHO %%I:%%J&ECHO %%J>>%XPCDBackup%I386\%2.log ECHO. IF EXIST %4%2.old DEL/Q/F %4%2.old REN %4%2.%3 %2.old FINDSTR /V %1 %4%2.old>%4%2.%3 GOTO :EOF Instructions (safe to skip if you know what you are doing): Set source path in batch file SET XPCD=[your Unatteded Source path] Set backup path in batch file SET XPCDBackup=[your Unatteded Backup path where files modified in Source path are moved] Redundant explanation: SET Language=[3 letters corresponding to your Source language] Save batch file as svcpack.bat Run svcpack.bat Test reports, sugestions and instructions on how to delete an entire HFINT.dat section within a batch are welcome.
  3. Hell yes, is just an intermediate result obtained while trying to repack AcroPro 7.0.7 Keep me informed of your succeses, I will fill in a list. Notice the folowing line in the script:SET cabinet=Data1.cabI couldn't test every proggy out there, but I'll make a list with your findings, work or not.
  4. Pentium isn't up to date anymore Search ASUS support for "Intel Core 2 Duo" supported motherboards
  5. Output example of AdobeReader 7.08: @ECHO off REM Recompress Data1.cab files using cabsdk cabarc SET destino=new SET diamond=ap7.ddf SET cabinet=Data1.cab SET cabSetID=0 MD %destino% ECHO Decompressing... IF EXIST %destino%\%diamond% DEL %destino%\%diamond% FOR /F "usebackq skip=5 tokens=2* delims=\" %%I IN (`cabarc -o X %cabinet% *.* %destino%\`) DO ECHO %destino%\%%~nxI>>%destino%\%diamond% cabarc L %cabinet%>before.txt FOR /F "tokens=7 delims=, " %%I IN ('FINDSTR /C:", set ID" before.txt') DO SET cabSetID=%%I cabarc -m LZX:21 -s 6144 -i %cabSetID% N %destino%\%cabinet% @%destino%\%diamond% ECHO Cleaning... MOVE before.txt %destino%\ FOR /F %%I IN (%destino%\%diamond%) DO DEL /F "%%I" DEL %destino%\%diamond% CD %destino% ..\cabarc L %cabinet%>after.txt FC before.txt after.txt CD .. SET destino= SET diamond= SET cabinet= SET cabSetID= reCAB.zip
  6. KB887797 was replaced by KB911567If you got both integrated in your source HFINT.dat shows: [KB887797] inetcomm.dll msoe.dll wabimp.dll wab32.dll [KB911567] inetcomm.dll msoe.dll wabimp.dll wab32.dll [KB920214] inetcomm.dllKB894391 was replaced by KB902400 [KB894391] ole32.dll olecli32.dll olecnv32.dll rpcss.dll [KB902400] ... olecnv32.dll rpcss.dll ... ole32.dll ... olecli32.dll ...
  7. Thanks, noted and added as an option to keep the disruptive EXEs instead of run registry entries.
  8. Oops ;HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\999",,,"Hardware reboot" ;HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\999",1,,"%11%\shutdown.exe -r -f -t 2 -c """%ShutdownMsg%""" [Strings] RunOnceEx = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx" ShutdownMsg = "Windows XP will restart in 1 second..."
  9. International Unattended Source Incremental Update Batch File Manual task (still): Remove sections and entries in HFINT.dat that references KB916281, KB888113 and KB887742 svcpack.bat @ECHO OFF REM Actualiza una instalacion desatendida de WinXP SET XPCD=E:\Adopciones\Parches\WinXP\WinXP\ SET XPCDBackup=E:\Adopciones\Parches\WinXP\SP2\WinXP\ SET Language=ESN SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION REM 2006 Ago 9 CALL :Remove KB916281.exe KB916281.cat KB888113.exe KB888113.cat KB887742.exe KB887742.cat start /w WindowsXP-KB921398-x86-%Language%.exe /quiet /integrate:%XPCD% CALL :Compress shell32.dll CALL :Remove KB921398.exe start /w WindowsXP-KB922616-x86-%Language%.exe /quiet /integrate:%XPCD% CALL :Compress hhctrl.ocx CALL :Remove KB922616.exe start /w WindowsXP-KB921883-x86-%Language%.exe /quiet /integrate:%XPCD% CALL :Compress netapi32.dll CALL :Remove KB921883.exe start /w WindowsXP-KB918899-x86-%Language%.exe /quiet /integrate:%XPCD% CALL :Compress browseui.dll cdfview.dll danim.dll dxtmsft.dll dxtrans.dll extmgr.dll iedw.exe iepeers.dll inseng.dll jsproxy.dll mshtml.dll mshtmled.dll msrating.dll mstime.dll pngfilt.dll shdocvw.dll shlwapi.dll spru0c0a.dll urlmon.dll wininet.dll CALL :Remove KB918899.exe start /w WindowsXP-KB920683-x86-%Language%.exe /quiet /integrate:%XPCD% CALL :Compress dnsapi.dll rasadhlp.dll CALL :Remove KB920683.exe start /w WindowsXP-KB917422-x86-%Language%.exe /quiet /integrate:%XPCD% CALL :Compress kernel32.dll CALL :Remove KB917422.exe start /w WindowsXP-KB920670-x86-%Language%.exe /quiet /integrate:%XPCD% CALL :Compress hlink.dll CALL :Remove KB920670.exe start /w WindowsXP-KB920214-x86-%Language%.exe /quiet /integrate:%XPCD% CALL :Compress inetcomm.dll CALL :Remove KB920214.exe SET XPCD= SET XPCDBackup= SET Language= goto :EOF :Compress FOR %%I IN (%*) DO IF EXIST %XPCD%I386\%%I (ECHO Compressing %%I... %systemroot%\system32\makecab.exe /D CompressionMemory=21 /D CompressionType=LZX /L %XPCD%I386 %XPCD%I386\%%I >nul MOVE /Y %XPCD%I386\%%I %XPCDBackup%I386\) GOTO :EOF :Remove FOR %%I IN (%*) DO IF EXIST %XPCD%I386\svcpack\%%I ( MOVE /Y %XPCD%I386\svcpack\%%I %XPCDBackup%I386\svcpack CALL :DELLINE %%I svcpack inf %XPCD%I386\ ) GOTO :EOF :DELLINE REM Borra la(s) linea(s) que contiene(n) la cadena %1 en el nombre de archivo %2 y extensión %3 REM Opcionalmente se puede especificar una ruta %4 ECHO Elimino de %2.%3: FOR /F "TOKENS=1,* DELIMS==:" %%I IN ('FINDSTR /N %1 %4%2.%3') DO ECHO %%I:%%J&ECHO %%J>>%XPCDBackup%I386\%2.log ECHO. IF EXIST %4%2.old DEL/Q/F %4%2.old REN %4%2.%3 %2.old FINDSTR /V %1 %4%2.old>%4%2.%3 GOTO :EOF Registry entries to get KB918899 to work ([strings] Spanish localized): KB918899.inf Instructions (safe to skip if you know what you are doing): Set source path in batch file SET XPCD=[your Unatteded Source path] Set backup path in batch file SET XPCDBackup=[your Unatteded Backup path where files modified in Source path are moved] Redundant explanation: SET Language=[3 letters corresponding to your Source language] Option to coment out this line if you will not apply registry entries during setup:REM CALL :Remove KB918899.exe Save batch file as svcpack.bat Remove sections and entries in HFINT.dat that references KB916281, KB888113 and KB887742 Run svcpack.bat Add registry entries to run anytime during your unnatended setup: %11%\rundll32.exe setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 128 KB918899.inf Test reports, sugestions and instructions on how to delete an entire HFINT.dat section within a batch are welcome. Changelog: 20060810 - Added option to keep disruptive KB*.exe instead of apply "mandatory" registry entries. Thanks to RyanVM for the sugestion.
  10. **** newbies! No need to reboot for that, just rerun the RunOnceEx process again: start /w rundll32.exe iernonce.dll,RunOnceExProcess
  11. KB917734 behavior: Replaces %windir%\System32\wmp.dll with version Ejecutes "%windir%\inf\unregmp2.exe /UpdateWMP" So I forced it à la inf way: [Version] Signature="$CHICAGO$" [SourceDisksNames] ; diskid = description[, [tagfile] [, <unused>, subdir]][, 0x10, tag-file] 1 = "No inspiration" [SourceDisksFiles] ; filename_on_source = diskID[, [subdir][, size]] ;KB917734 wmp.dll=1 ;KB902344 Msscp.dll=1 ;KB900485 AEC.SYS=1 ;KB885836 mswrd6.wpc=1 [DestinationDirs] ;[file-list-section=dirid[,subdir]] DefaultDestDir = 11 WMP.CopyFiles = 11 Drivers.CopyFiles = 12 Accesorios.CopyFiles = 16422,"Windows NT\Accesorios" [WMP.CopyFiles] ;destination-file-name[,source-file-name][,temporary-file-name][,flag] wmp.dll,wmp.dl_,,0x00000062 Msscp.dll,Msscp.dl_,,0x00000062 [Drivers.CopyFiles] AEC.SYS,AEC.SY_,,0x00000062 [Accesorios.CopyFiles] mswrd6.wpc,mswrd6.wp_,,0x00000062 [DefaultInstall] AddReg=WinXP.apps [WMPInstall] CopyFiles=WMP.CopyFiles [CleanupInstall] CopyFiles=Drivers.CopyFiles,Accesorios.CopyFiles AddReg=WinXP.Cleanup [TweakInstall] AddReg=WinXP.Tweak DelReg=WinXP.TweakDelReg [T13Install] AddReg=WinXP.T13 [FirstRunInstall] AddReg=WinXP.FirstRun [WinXP.apps] ;http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=232509 HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\",Title,0,"%RunOnceExTitle%" HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\",Flags,0x00010001,20 HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\008",,,"Reproductor de Windows Media 10" HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\008",1,,"%24%%AppsPath%\mp10setup.exe" ;KB891122 (included below in Windows Media Connect v10) HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\008",2,,"%24%%AppsPath%\wmfdist95.exe" ;KB917734 wmp.dll ;KB902344 Msscp.dll HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\008",3,,"%11%\%RunInfSection% WMPInstall 128 %01%\runonceex.inf" HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\008",4,,"%17%\unregmp2.exe /UpdateWMP" ;HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\009",,,"Windows Media Connect v10" ;HKLM,"%RunOnceEx%\009",1,,"%24%%AppsPath%\wmcsetup.exe" [Strings] DeleteDir = "rundll32.exe advpack.dll,DelNodeRunDLL32" RunInfSection = "rundll32.exe setupapi,InstallHinfSection" cdname = "Windows XP Professional CD-ROM" productname = "Windows XP Professional" cdtagfile = "\win51ip" RunOnceExTitle = "Instalando aplicaciones" ShutdownMsg = "Windows XP reiniciará en 1 segundo..." AppsPath = "Instalar\Programas" RunOnceEx = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx" DeleteFiles = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DeleteFiles" RenameFiles = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RenameFiles\" BadActiveX = "Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\" ;----Information for ARP, this is where the icon info will go when that is sorted out HelpLink = "http://support.microsoft.com" ARP_Link = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\" Publisher = "Microsoft Corporation" ;----Hotfixes Registry Strings---- HF_Link = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Hotfix\" InetSettings = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\" PARENT_DISPLAY_NAME = "Windows XP - actualizaciones de software" SECURITY_UPDATE="Security Update" KB908531_TITLE = "Actualización de seguridad para Windows XP (KB908531)" KB916281_TITLE="Actualización de seguridad para Windows XP (KB916281)" KB885836_TITLE="Revisión de Windows XP - KB885836" NOTE:Unrelevant parts stripped Even this, I get wmp.dll after reboot So further investigation toward registry changes that may replace a file on next boot could be deleted, or do copy in GuiRunOnce
  12. WindowsXP-KB916595-x86-CSY, DEU, ENU, ESN, HUN, ITA, PTB.exeBecause I'm the one and you aren't, try later with a legit French licence.
  13. @matthewj1012: There's no spoon... KB914388 - http://support.microsoft.com/kb/914388 KB917159 - http://support.microsoft.com/kb/917159 KB916595 - http://support.microsoft.com/kb/916595 NOTE: Direct Download links are for Spanish version
  14. WOW! The just released 7-zip version 4.42 (non beta) allow a new syntax: ;!@Install@!UTF-8! Title="7-Zip 4.01 Update" BeginPrompt="Do you want to install the 7-Zip 4.01 Update?" ExecuteFile="msiexec.exe" ExecuteParameters="/i 7zip.msi REINSTALL=ALL REINSTALLMODE=vomus" ;!@InstallEnd@! End of StartX/msistub reign?
  15. What is the lang code for spanish? -3082 Can I delete the rest lancoded files? -No, gives a error during attended instalation that can be omited. Does NOT install unnatended. Can I use the .msi flile directly instead of install.exe?
  16. KB900485-v2 direct links: WindowsXP-KB900485-v2-x86-CSY.exe WindowsXP-KB900485-v2-x86-DEU.exe WindowsXP-KB900485-v2-x86-ENU.exe WindowsXP-KB900485-v2-x86-FRA.exe WindowsXP-KB900485-v2-x86-NLD.exe WindowsXP-KB900485-v2-x86-PLK.exe WindowsXP-KB900485-v2-x86-PTB.exe WindowsXP-KB900485-v2-x86-ESN.exe
  17. All 7.0.5 to 7.0.7 update: AcrobatUpd707_all_incr.exe 17.487 KB Pro 7.0 to 7.0.7 updates: AcroProUpd707_cck_cum.exe 52.215 KB AcroProUpd707_dd_cum.exe 42.859 KB AcroProUpd707_efgj_cum.exe 43.233 KB AcroProUpd707_nsf_cum.exe 65.907 KB AcroProUpd707_sip_cum.exe 42.859 KB Std 7.0 to 7.0.7 updates: AcroStdUpd707_cck_cum.exe 48.948 KB AcroStdUpd707_dd_cum.exe 38.267 KB AcroStdUpd707_efgj_cum.exe 36.504 KB AcroStdUpd707_efgj_volume_cum.exe 36.506 KB AcroStdUpd707_nsf_cum.exe 56.766 KB AcroStdUpd707_sip_cum.exe 38.267 KB efgj means English, French, German and Japanese cck means Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional and Korean dd means Danish and Dutch nsf means Norwegian, Swedish and Finnish sip means Spanish, Italian and Portuguese
  18. Better make use of Suspend To Ram (STR) feature of newer* machines. Suspend instead of Turn Off, the PC will instant go off and later will instant go on on power up. In STR the PSU is off, but still supply power to RAM via 5VSB, so all your goods are safe unless a major power outage occur. *Not so newer: I got a STR enabled ASUS A7N266-E from 2001. STR requirements: -STR enabled in BIOS. -RAM configured by SPD. (Overclockers may get disappointed) -PSU with at least 2A in 5VSB out. -STR bug free processor (There are some well known **** buggy Atlhon XP) -Optional UPS where power outages are common.
  19. All Intels are "GenuineIntel" Transmeta Crusoe are "GenuineTMx86" Old Cyrix are "CyrixInstead" I would like to know the string for "VIA C3" Processors. I think is "CentaurHauls".
  20. All first page downloads links are dead. I'm missing something? Edit: Aghrrggh, nevermind: This topic should be closed if there is another one live. IMO
  21. Adobe Acrobat Pro 7.0.5 updater for rest of languages (Spanish allmost): FTP or HTTP 49825728 bytes
  22. Simple guess: hypertrm.dll version should be 5.1.2600.2563 If not hotfix is needed...
  23. Thanks! Half work done. The other half is setting especial key Permissions on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontsAll done!
  24. Very old stuff you show here. Don't ever hear about /integrate switch?
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