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Posts posted by AstroSkipper

  1. @Dave-H A proper user agent is very important to let a web site working correctly providing all services for a visitor. Your user agent is bit strange and especially your entry "BTRS111060". My IE 8 user agent is "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; "Trident/4.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729). You can see an absolutely clean UA string. Now there are two ways to change the UA string in Internet Explorer 8: editing registry entries or using an addon called UAPick. Here is the link: https://www.enhanceie.com/ietoys/uapick.asp and download link: https://www.enhanceie.com/dl/UAPickSetup.exe
    Here more information about IE UA strings and related registry keys: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/internet-explorer/ie-developer/compatibility/ms537503(v=vs.85)?redirectedfrom=MSDN, https://www.heelpbook.net/2014/useragents-on-internet-explorer-registry-workaround/ and this one https://admx.help/?Category=Windows_8.1_2012R2&Policy=Microsoft.Policies.InternetExplorer::Customized_UserAgent_String.
    By the way browser modes have been provided since IE8 to help developers fix issues quickly by telling a site to render like a previous version of the application. You can find it in developer tools -> browser modes.
    In my opinion using UAPick is much easier and safe. I had installed it years ago and you can deactivate it  or uninstall whenever you want. Install it, backup your current UA string and then override it using my  IE 8 user agent. Then try to access MU again. Hope will never die! :thumbup

  2. 11 hours ago, Dave-H said:

    How do I set it back to the original user agent string?
    Having never knowingly changed it from the default, I've never done it, in fact I didn't know that you could change it on IE without an add-on!
    As for #7 on the list, switching the Windows firewall off has never made any difference, and I really don't want to uninstall Malwarebytes as I seem to remember it was a bit of a problem to get working properly in the first place! You said you never got it working properly, but it does seem OK for me at the moment and I don't want to mess it up. I think if it doesn't help switching off all its scanners, uninstalling it completely is clutching at straws a bit.
    This has to be a certificate problem surely? Either a needed certificate is missing, or one that is installed is incorrect or invalid.

    I didn't say you should uninstall Malwarebytes I suggested to deactivate all autostart components and services by using Sysinternals Autoruns (portable tool, lists all autostart entries) with the effect that after restarting no module of Malwarebytes is in RAM any longer. This can be reverted easily without harming your installation. Only a few clicks. Due to your Windows Firewall here another screenshot of my ICMP-Settings: https://imgur.com/9iqJdDP
    And your are right either your error code is caused by SSL problems reading certificates or unsuitable settings in your system. And you see we have already found a lot. :yes:

    Here I've uploaded for you the latest XP compatible version of Autoruns. More recent versions don't run under XP.

  3. 1 hour ago, Dave-H said:

    What the 'BTRS111060' bit is I have no idea, and researching it doesn't help. It seems that "BTRS" followed by a number is not uncommon in UA strings, but what it actually is seems to be rather vague to say the least! One suggestion was something to do with Bluetooth, but I think that's rather unlikely in my case!

    @Dave-H Maybe BTRST - The Braintrust Token? The Braintrust Token is an ERC-20 token issued on the Ethereum blockchain network by the Braintrust Technology Foundation, a nonprofit foundation. Perhaps you had got some adware in the past but anyway. Backup your user agent if needed in the future and set it back to original one just for testing purpose! Or use an addon to manage user agent strings! Here a link:
    And what about item 7 of our list?

  4. 11 hours ago, RainyShadow said:

    Go to this page https://msfn.org/board/attachments/

    You can remove old uploads to free some space.

    For images it is better to use external sites though. I normally use imgur.

    @Dave-H So with the help of @RainyShadow (Thanks once again!) I found out that I have an overall size limit for uploading of 1.95 MB and a Max total size of 512 KB. Truth be told these limits would have been fantastic in year 1985 if there had been an internet but in this day and age unsuitable and counterproductive to help people by uploading screenshots. Therefore I've removed all attachments substituted by links and follow the advise of @RainyShadow using imgur for image uploads. For other files I'll use a hoster. Attachments only in case of emergency or size is not exceeding 1 byte! :(

    @Dave-H Any news about getting rid of error code 0x80072f8f?

  5. 52 minutes ago, maile3241 said:

    I actually had a problem with Chrome Frame in W2k. After that, Internet Explorer stopped working properly. Try uninstalling Chrome Frame.

    @Dave-H I totally agree to @maile3241. You have to uninstall Chrome Frame for testing purpose. I do not have Chrome Frame installed in my system. And restore your original user agent (maybe Chrome Frame is the causer).


    I'm slightly puzzled as to why your window is labelled "Internet Options" and mine is labelled "Internet Properties".

    Maybe it is another version of IE or screenshot taken from Win 2000. So it doesn't matter. In Internet Explorer 8 it is labeled "Internet Options".

  6. 50 minutes ago, maile3241 said:

    I have 3 vms running on my pc. Would it be possible to run ProxhttpsProxy outside of the vms so that you don't have to open the program individually in the vms?

    I do not run vms in my system. My Windows XP Professional is non virtual but a real one. Maybe you ask one who is running vms too. As I said some posts above there is no need to run ProxhttpsProxy in most cases. Nevertheless I think it should be possible to run one instance in your basic system if supported to provide a HTTPSProxy connection for a vm. Maybe there is a possibility to configure your vm to use this basic HTTPSProxy connection. But just a guess! Never done before!

  7. 21 minutes ago, Dave-H said:

    Is 45kb the limit on the size of each file, or an overall limit?
    Surely not the latter!

    As far as I can see it is an overall limit. At the beginning of posting here I had an overall limit of 512 kb. I don't understand the reducing. Maybe you can find out what the upload size limit is and why it has been reduced.

    I see in commenting zone Max total size: 45.22 kb. Will it be resetted daily or weekly or never?

    21 minutes ago, Dave-H said:

    Is there any reason to use ProxHTTPSProxyMII instead of it?

    No, only for testing. HTTPSProxy is more comfortable, isn't it? Did you update cacert.pem? I hope so.

  8. 13 minutes ago, Dave-H said:

    I have the second HTTPSProxy entry, but not the first one.
    How do the paths of your two entries compare?

    @Dave-H The first entry is related to ProxHTTPSProxy and the second one to HTTPSProxy. You know I have both in my system.

    I found a list with all error codes. Here is the link: http://inetexplorer.mvps.org/archive/wuc.htm

    And there you can find:

    Error Code: 0x80072F8F

    Dec Error Code: -2147012721

    Error String: ERROR_INTERNET_SECURE_FAILURE ErrorClockWrong

    Description: One or more errors were found in the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate sent by the server.

    I wanted to upload more screenshots but I have a size limit of 45 kb. No chance! Is that normal?


  9. 12 hours ago, Dave-H said:

    No difference, still error 0x80072F8F.

    Ok, item 1. to 6. checked and done. Very good. Important is item 7. I found this on a web site due to error code 0x80072F8F:


    Spent a lot of time with Windows Online Support yesterday. The fault
    was that Update was calling upon a file directly rather than going
    through my proxy server, and was getting stopped by a firewall. Have
    now made a hole in the firewall to accommodate the call.

    Therefore we have to compare the Windows Firewall settings too.



  10. @Dave-H 

    Due to the fact we have to check what else you have missed check following items:

    1. Tls 1.2.reg was applied successfully. Important is reg key [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\WinHttp]
    2. Check if still correct patched wuaueng.dll version exists in both folder system32 and system32\dllcache. If you have SFC enabled Windows is able to swap it by an other one. In my system SFC is disabled.
    3. Be absolutely sure you have taken the suitable config.ini for HTTPSProxy. I have provided two of them, one for HTTPSProxy and one for ProxHTTPSProxy.
    4. Check Trusted Zone if only the three provided urls related to Microsoft exist. That's very important. I've already mentioned this several times but no statement from you.
    5. Check your Internet Zone too, maybe lower restrictions i.e. lower security level. I've already mentioned this several times but no statement from you.
    6. Clear SSL State and Personal information once again. I've already mentioned it above.
    7. Did you try to access MU by disabling MalwareBytes and firewall completely? I've already mentioned this but no statement from you.

    I do this list for you to be sure you haven't missed one of them.

    When you reply to this do it in the way item 1 checked and so on. So I know what is done and what has to be done.

    If none of necessary steps was missed you would be able to access MU without any problems. So what the hell is missing? Check it! :yes:

  11. 1 hour ago, Dave-H said:

    I've replaced it now with yours, and the error is now back to the one about the clock being wrong again

    Now do this once again:


    Check in your registry if the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate doesn't exist otherwise delete it.

    Open system panel, click Automatic Updates and check if it is not greyed out. Then select Turn off Automatic Updates.

    Open Internet Explorer on the Tools menu, click Internet Options.

    Under Advanced check if check for server certificate revocation is unselected.

    Then click the Content tab. Under Certificates, click Clear SSL State. Click OK when you receive the message that the SSL cache was successfully cleared.

    Under Personal information, click AutoComplete. Under Clear AutoComplete history, click Clear Forms. Click OK when you are prompted to confirm the operation. Click Clear Passwords.

    Click OK when you are prompted to clear all previously saved passwords, and then click OK two more times.

    Close Internet Explorer.

    Start HTTPSProxy and then Internet Explorer.

    Try to access Microsoft Update one more time.

    Post your Windows Update Log again.

    And what is about your time server?

  12. 3 minutes ago, Dave-H said:

    I just disabled the scanners in the Malwarebytes interface.
    If that doesn't really disable them, it's pretty useless IMO!

    Of course but I don't trust such features anyway and in case of Malwarebytes Premium for Windows even more. Your log looks fine until warning and error code 0x801901f6 appears, a cold comfort unfortunately. Please check if my provided config.ini is used and check Trusted Zone if only the three provided urls related to Microsoft exist. Check your Internet Zone too, maybe lower restrictions i.e. lower security level.

  13. 3 minutes ago, Dave-H said:

    Nothing changes with the Malwarebytes scanners and the Windows Firewall switched off.

    @Dave-H Ok, sill same error. The good news error code 0x80072f8f solved the bad you stay at error code 0x801901f6. In which way did you disable Malwarebytes? Can you restart computer without any modules in RAM related to Malwarebytes? Just to exclude that Malwarebytes is not involved. You can do that with Sysinternals Autostarts.

  14. @Dave-H Ok, thanks for more details! But I don't know your last received error code. You didn't mention. One thing is clear. Your system has become more similar to mine which can be seen in your log:

    2022-01-30    18:12:42:328    1864    cd8    Misc      = Module: D:\WIN-NT\system32\wuaueng.dll
    2022-01-30    18:12:42:328    1864    cd8    Service    *************
    2022-01-30    18:12:42:328    1864    cd8    Service    ** START **  Service: Service startup
    2022-01-30    18:12:42:328    1864    cd8    Service    *********
    2022-01-30    18:12:42:343    1864    cd8    Agent      * WU client version 7.6.7600.256
    2022-01-30    18:12:42:343    1864    cd8    Agent      * Base directory: D:\WIN-NT\SoftwareDistribution
    2022-01-30    18:12:42:343    1864    cd8    Agent      * Access type: No proxy
    2022-01-30    18:12:42:343    1864    cd8    Agent      * Network state: Connected

    But here is your problem:

    2022-01-30    18:14:23:468     576    65c    Misc    WARNING: DownloadFileInternal failed for https://www.update.microsoft.com/v11/3/legacy/windowsupdate/selfupdate/wuident.cab: error 0x801901f6

    So your error code still seems to be 0x801901f6. My guess is that something interferes the download of wuident.cab. Disable Malwarebytes and your internal firewall before accessing MU. Then provide error code and log!

    I think we are close to solve it. :thumbup

  15. 34 minutes ago, Dave-H said:

    OK, I've fixed the launcher problem.
    Bothering the read its help file would have helped! :blushing:
    I didn't realise you needed to specify the program you want it to run in its shortcut.
    How strange that it runs notepad by default if you don't though!

    @Dave-H Ok, reading instructions and manuals before using a new program is mandatory. In program folder of HTTPSProxy you have to pull HTTPSProxy.exe on top of launcher.exe using left mouse button to start program in SysTray. And I hope you have installed only one HTTPSProxy CA and cleaned up your Certs folder. Furthermore update cacert.pem by clicking entry in SysTray menu. But I need more answers. I asked you a lot. What about your firewall?. Check out all!. Your screenshot of proxycfg looks as it should be. That's fine. What's going on with your Windows Update Log file? And so on. Inform me completely if you want get rid of these errors! And please upload a readable log file! :yes:

  16. @Dave-H I found a comment to error code 0x801901F6


    I would venture a guess that either your Windows XP machine is not properly configured to use a required proxy server, or the proxy server is not properly configured to handle the requirements of using Windows Update.

    The first step will be identifying what device is causing this error.

    I think you have connection errors due to proxy misconfiguration or incorrect use.

    Try following after command line prompt: proxycfg

    If HTTPSProxy is disabled it should look like this:


    "Direktzugriff <kein Proxyserver>" means "Direct access <no proxy server>".

    If it doesn't look like that then enter proxycfg -u

    And check your HOSTS file to make sure you don't have any static IP entries for the Microsoft/Windows Update web site listed in the file.

    Here what Germans say if they get in trouble translated for you:

    It always gets worse before it gets better. :angry:

  17. 56 minutes ago, Dave-H said:

    Should I disable SSL 2.0?

    Try it! And clear SSL cache and personal information once again! And I can't read your WindowsUpdate.log. Check it and upload it again! There is something misconfigured either in config.ini (do you use my provided config.ini for HTTPSProxy?) or in IE. Why is your WindowsUpdate.log unreadable?

    p.s.: Use a taskmanager to check if nothing interferes your connection to MU. I use Process Hacker, in my opinion the best. :thumbup

  18. 4 minutes ago, maile3241 said:

    The problem is that you search forever but never get a result.

    In the past I had similar problems but thinking the search is forever never getting a result is in most cases wrong. Such searches can last more than an hour. But no one wants to wait for such a long time so they will be abandoned by user. My tip often helps to avoid such long searches.

  19. 5 minutes ago, maile3241 said:

    A little tip: I would recommend disabling SSL 2.0, as problems with Tls 1.2 can occur.

    Thanks for your tip! In my system no interfering or problems detected. By the way did my tip


    The old trick to avoid long searches of MU was reinstalling latest cummulative IE update. Resetting of datastore.edb can help too. By the way my search lasts only seconds.

    help you?

  20. On 1/29/2022 at 7:47 PM, Dave-H said:

    OK, I'll fire up HTTPSProxy, switch off ProxHTTPSProxyMII, and replicate your settings.
    You're absolutely right that we need to be comparing two systems that are as similar as possible!

    @Dave-H Here are my advanced IE settings. Please check!



    And check if HTTPSProxy and IE are not blocked by Malwarebytes Premium and your firewall. Make exclusions or better disable them temporarily when accessing MU.

    By the way which firewall do you use? Built-in or a firewall software? My security combination is Avast Premier and Windows 10 Firewall Control XP. The firewall feature in Avast is not installed. Web protection temporarily disabled. Malwarebytes Premium for Windows (official last version for XP) didn't work properly in my system (very buggy!) so I went back to Malwarebytes Anti-Malware for on demand scan which works fine.

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