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Everything posted by AstroSkipper

  1. @mina7601 If I understood correctly, you did all from scratch, just for testing purpose?
  2. And that's exactly what I prefer to do in most cases: manually as much as possible to gain full control. Unfortunately it's not possible in all cases. One can say a bit "old school" but I take it rather than a compliment. AIO packages can be great but they are not my favourites.
  3. In step 4 of my guide I wrote: Therefore @maile3241's tip should work. BTW I made a shortcut in my start menu targeting this url: http://fe2.update.microsoft.com/microsoftupdate/v6/default.aspx?ln=en&g_sconsumersite=1
  4. No problem. Do it when you are able to! Furthermore I have updated my guide completely and now it should be in a final state. The biggest change is in adding new steps at the end of my guide, but I think you have to compare it to your last version completely. Kind regards, AstroSkipper
  5. It's the same with me! But there are users who have to unblock wuauclt.exe, for example like @mina7601, otherwise MU won't work for whatever reason.
  6. @cc333 Unfortunately I had to update my guide once again. Just as info for you! Kind regards, AstroSkipper
  7. When I was assisting @Dave-H in restoring access to MU web site, I found a lot of users in different forums (actually it should be called fora) reporting that only unblocking of wuauclt.exe would help fixing several error codes relating to MU, but there were many users too without any success. Therefore sometimes it may help, sometimes not. I will test that next time on my old computer without MU patch. So my preliminary answer is rather no.
  8. Most of all Windows XP users using the POSReady trick had already installed these 4 updates in the past like me, for example. So it can be verified only using a clean install without any POSReady updates.
  9. As requested I added "credits to @maile3241" to step 4, 6 and 7. Applying PosReady.reg in step 5 is generally mandatory for installing POSReady updates and logical, just as updating of Root Certificates. Therefore no credits in these two steps. In fact, credits in step 5 should go to whoever discovered the POSReady trick and to no one else. Same in step 8. Or are you the developer of rootsupd.exe from Microsoft? Generally, credits will be added where something of another person has been done or created. Kind regards, AstroSkipper
  10. You're welcome, indeed! In your case it was fun helping you. Unfortunately I can't say that in all cases. You really read my guide carefully. And therefore you did it! Anyway, I have already updated my guide due to the experiences while assisting you. You can have a look at step 16 if you want. Greetings, AstroSkipper
  11. In any case I'm glad it is finally working for you. It would have surprised me too if my damn guide does not work for you. It's late for me here in Germany. So long! Good night! Kindest regards, AstroSkipper
  12. Now you have to find out what is blocked by Windows Firewall. Add the program WuauClt.exe into the exception list of firewall. Check if ProxHTTPSProxy is able to pass firewall.
  13. Did you install a security program like Eset, Malwarebytes or Avast? These programs have a lot of features, one of them is a HTTPS Scanning feature and can be problematic if connected via HTTPS.
  14. The meaning of your error code: 0x80072F78 = ERROR_HTTP_INVALID_SERVER_RESPONSE = The server response could not be parsed. Anyway, you have connection problems to MU server. Check your firewall settings and disable security feature called "https scanning " in your security software if existing. Try to disable Windows Firewall temporarily while accessing MU web site. And please upload WindowsUpdate.log!
  15. As @RainyShadow said above these registry entries can only enable or disable ciphers which already exist in file schannel.dll. Here is a link: https://www.ssl.com/de/wie-man/Wählen-Sie-die-richtigen-Cipher-Suites-in-der-Schannel-DLL/ And replacing files is simple but in most cases it won't work at all. A lot of dll files have dependencies and need special registry entries too. Some people have already tried that. For example here:
  16. Have a look into this thread: It's all about TLS, SSL, ProxHTTPSProxy and a lot of observations relating to schannel.dll where Ciphers are provided.
  17. Well done! We have to do what we are able to. On my old test computer I have already edited the config.ini to my needs. You know I try to do things my way. But anyway, thanks for the hint! Very nice of you!
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