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Everything posted by tomasz86

  1. It's great to see you back, WildBill I made a multilanguage version of the new MS10-054 (check #215) - srv.sys is a language neutral file. WildBill, you forgot to change SP number from 4 to 5 in [strings] ;p Your kernel update sounds very promising you might have a look at BlackWingCat's kernel v10 too which is available only in Japanese at this moment.
  2. There is more about superseding than just comparing file version numbers. For example, one update can add some registry changes which are not added by the other one. The safest method would be comparing not only file versions but also the content of update.inf.
  3. I guess I'll have to stick to Update Inis as reordering the sections in this case doesn't have any influence on how update.inf works... and what's more important is that Update Inis seems to work smoothly.
  4. GSmartControl couldn't even recognise my drives - it said that SMART was not enabled and I wasn't able to check anything In the end I found this program which, while not being perfect, was the only one that worked.
  5. I added three updates KB927779-v2 for MDAC 2.8 KBz2510587 for Script 5.1/5.6 Script 5.8 for Windows 2000 I also added comments to the two updates (KB927779 & Script 5.8). I highly recommend installing Script 5.8. I need to use IE6 to view several IE-only sites and the difference in speed between Script 5.8 and older Scripts (5.1/5.6/5.7) is enormous. Please check post #215 for details.
  6. I can't get it to work with UpdateIniFields. I've tried many different combinations but the best result I can get is: UpdateIniFields [DefaultInstall] UpdateIniFields=Update.Version [Update.Version] "D:\HFMER\SP\update.inf","Version","MaxNtServicePackVersion","1024","1536" Result MaxNtServicePackVersion=MaxNtServicePackVersion= 1536
  7. http://www.mediafire.com/file/1p82vz13vomc0g9/updateinis.7z update-org - the original update.inf updateinis.inf - the Update INIs file update.inf - after running Update INIs (rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection updateinis.inf,,1)
  8. You should check Regional and Language Options in Control Panel. Is everything there set to Sweden/Swedish?
  9. I managed to get the UpdateInis working but is there any way to prevent moving the edited section to the end of the file? I change some entries under [Version] and after that the whole [Version] section is moved to the end of the update.inf file.
  10. I added new updates: KB829884 - update by BlackWingCat based on the official XP update (HBR) KB961451 - official XP update (HBR) for MDAC 2.81 ported to Win2k KB968006 - official XP update for Windows Installer 3.1 ported to Win2k KB975558 - official XP update for WM Codecs ported to Win2k KBz2544521 - update for IE6 and updated: KBz2467659-v2 - cosmetic changes KBz2524375-v2 - cosmetic changes KBz2570791-v2 - cosmetic changes Please check post #215 for details (it's the one above this one ).
  11. jaclaz, this adapter looks very interesting. I guess it could be possible to put an SSD into an older notebook by using it? The heat shouldn't be a problem in this case. Have you tried using it? I'd be grateful for any "safe" recommendations.
  12. Good to know about this, dencorso I'll look for this adapter if I ever need to use one in the future.
  13. I prepared some new updates: [2011-08-17] MS07-?: Stop Error: 0xc0000415 When You Run Windows 2000 HBR Windows2000-KB829884-x86-Global.exe MS09-?: After you uninstall some software updates, some assembly files still display the updated file version instead of the original file version Windows2000-KB968006-x86-Global.exe (replaces KB927891) MS09-?: You receive an incorrect value when you query the last-inserted identity value after you use a client-side cursor to insert data to a table that contains an identity column in an application that uses ActiveX Data Objects HBR MDAC281-KB961451-v2-x86-Global.exe MS10-062: Vulnerability in MPEG-4 Codec could allow remote code execution Windows2000-WindowsMedia-KB975558-x86-Global.exe MS10-082 Vulnerability in Windows Media Player Could Allow Remote Code Execution Windows2000-WindowsMedia-KBz2378111-x86-Global.exe MS10-? Update for Internet Explorer IE6.0sp1-KBz2467659-v2-Windows2000-x86-Global.exe MS11-000 Update Rollup for ActiveX Kill Bits Windows2000-KBz2562937-x86-Global.exe MS11-029 Security update for Windows GDI+ Windows2000-KBz2412687-x86-Global.exe MS11-031 Security update for the JScript and VBScript v5.7 scripting engines Windows2000-KBz2510581-x86-Global.exe MS11-024 Vulnerabilities in Windows Fax Cover Page Editor Could Allow Remote Code Execution Windows2000-KBz2506212-x86-Global.exe MS11-052: Vulnerability in Vector Markup Language Could Allow Remote Code Execution IE6.0sp1-KBz2544521-v2-Windows2000-x86-Global.exe (supersedes KB958869) MS11-? Fraudulent Digital Certificates could allow spoofing Windows2000-KBz2524375-v2-x86-Global.exe MS11-? August 2011 cumulative time zone update for Windows operating systems Windows2000-KBz2570791-v2-x86-ENU.exe Windows2000-KBz2570791-v2-x86-PLK.exe [2011-08-26] MS07-009: Vulnerability in Microsoft Data Access Components could allow remote code execution MDAC281-KB927779-v2-x86-ENU.exe MDAC281-KB927779-v2-x86-PLK.exe MS11-031 Security update for the JScript and VBScript v5.6 scripting engines Windows2000-KBz2510587-x86-Global.exe Windows Script 5.8 for Windows 2000 Windows2000-Script58-x86-Global.exe [2011-09-01] MS10-054 Vulnerabilities in SMB Server Could Allow Remote Code Execution Windows2000-KB982214-v2-x86-Global.exe [2011-09-10] MS07-?: Microsoft MS Gothic and MS Mincho JIS2004 Support Fonts for Windows 2000 Windows2000-KB927489-x86-Global.exe MS11-017: Vulnerability in Remote Desktop Client Could Allow Remote Code Execution Windows2000-KBz2483618-x86-ENU.exe Windows2000-KBz2483618-x86-PLK.exe [2011-09-22] MS07-?: Microsoft MS Gothic and MS Mincho JIS2004 Support Fonts for Windows 2000 Windows2000-KB927489-v2-x86-Global.exe MS11-?: Fraudulent digital certificates could allow spoofing Windows2000-KBz2616676-v2-x86-Global.exe [2011-09-27] Hotfix (by request) MS04-?: Offline caching of network files and folders may take longer than expected in Windows 2000 Windows2000-KB830407-v2-x86-ENU.exe Windows2000-KB830407-v2-x86-PLK.exe Hotfix (by request) MS04-?: Sound may play slowly or music may not play continuously in Windows XP or Windows 2000 Windows2000-KB835730-v3-x86-Global.exe (Server only) Hotfix (by request) MS05-?: Terminal Services users do not receive notification when remote control sessions have ended in Windows 2000 Windows2000-KB890466-v3-x86-ENU.exe Windows2000-KB890466-v3-x86-PLK.exe MS05-?: Update Rollup 1 for Windows 2000 SP4 Windows2000-KB891861-v3-x86-ENU.exe MS08-?: When an application requests a result set from new SQL Server 2008 collations, you may receive an "MSG 40242" or "MSG 40205" error when the ODBC driver for SQL Server is used or an "MSG 40234" error when the SQL OLE DB provider is used MDAC281-KB954920-v2-x86-Global.exe Hotfix (by request) MS08-?: An access violation occurs when you use an application that calls the SQLExecDirect function of the SQL Server ODBC driver to run a long query in Windows 2000 MDAC281-KB960071-v2-x86-Global.exe From this moment all URLs for the unofficial updates will be located in this topic at RyanVM board.
  14. Your guide isn't bad but the most important part is missing - you didn't say anything about how to actually ADD new updates to SP3 I'd recommend using cabarc instead of CabPack as it's available in Windows by default. It'd be nice to mention who took that screen shot (update.exe and update-org.exe) ;o although of course I don't have anything against using it in your guide.
  15. I'm asking about this once again as I'd like to be sure. If COPY/B has no use when copying single files, when do you actually have to use it?
  16. Maybe it appears as an optional update? The XP one requires validation to download, the one for Win2003 Server can be downloaded normally.
  17. CoffeeFiend, has your code proved stable? I would be very interested in testing your tool (and it would help me a lot as using xcopy/d is definitely not the best way to determine which file is newer :/).
  18. Don't forget about KB2570791. It's not listed in the bulletin
  19. It's not really an answer to your question but... I'd suggest trying Desktop List view.
  20. UPDATE - KB2478658 replaced by KB2539631 (.NET Framework 2.0) - .NET Framework 3.5 and switchless installers removed I had to remove them as they apparently are against the rules of this board. I'm sorry You can still very easily make switchless installers using Silent .NET Maker. Just remember to add "z" before "2" in the newer updates (ex. KB2539631 should be changed to KBz2539631).
  21. "^" was necessary Doing like this is enough for my script FOR /F %%I IN ('DIR/A-D/B HFMER ^2^>NUL') Thank you once again.
  22. It still doesn't work... the problem is that I want to redirect this ('DIR/A-D/B HFMER') to >NUL, not the rest which is after DO ( The script stops after doing DIR if the directory is empty ("File Not Found").
  23. I'd found that one already before but I wonder if there is any more 'user-friendly' application... like the ones that I mentioned above (HDTune, CrystalDiskInfo) which would support SCSI. And yes, it would be nice to be able to see the actual S.M.A.R.T. values :/ Maybe something for Linux?
  24. Could you recommend any (free or trial) programs in which you can check S.M.A.R.T, scan for bad sectors, etc. for SCSI / SAS drives? HDTune, HDTach, CrystalDiskInfo and other popular programs don't support SCSI. If there aren't any for Windows, is it perhaps possible to use Linux (livecd version) to do it?
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