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Everything posted by tomasz86

  1. Actually I got fixed the problem with restarting when running a cmd batch script but the other problem - the one related to USB still persists and I still experience occasional freezes where I can do nothing but reset the computer. And the mouse is not detected after such a reset. Unfortunately I don't have any other AM3 mainboard to replace with to check if it's a mainboard related thing... Oh, and one more information which may be important - my data HDD (Samsung F3 500 GB) is connected to the mainboard SATA controller and I'm using the unofficial BWC drivers for AMD 760 chipset. I'll have to try changing it to IDE compatible mode and see if there is any difference.
  2. I read these explanations and still don't know where I should put >NUL in this script: FOR /F %%I IN ('DIR/A-D/B HFMER') DO ( ECHO Copying %%I MOVE HFMER\%%I %SP6%\sp6 >NUL ) The "file not found" error is displayed when there are no files in HFMER. The file path is %SP6UPD%\update.inf.
  3. I wonder if it's possible to run yanklines.vbs totally in background without any console windows popping up. Here is the part of the code which is responsible for this behaviour: 'Create a persistent command prompt for the cscript output window and call the script with its original arguments scriptCommand = "cmd.exe /k " & engineFolder & "cscript.exe """ & Wscript.ScriptFullName & """" & argString By changing cmd.exe /k to cmd.exe /c I managed to get it closed as soon as it pops up. What I would like to do is to prevent any windows from being displayed while running the script.
  4. tomasz86

    Windows Updates

    PROBLEMCHYLD, it's because HFVER 0.0.3 doesn't list files from subdirectories (except for xpsp2_binarydrop). Please try this one: HFVER 0.0.4 41.95KB ALL files from each update are now listed which means that at this moment it can be used for updates for any NT5.x (2000/XP/2003) system (x86 only).
  5. If that's the case then probably many (if not most of) users' project related to updating/modifying M$ systems shouldn't be allowed here. I won't name anyone by name as I don't want to get them banned because of my words. My question was about why an unofficial SP for XP shouldn't be allowed when unofficial SPs for other M$ systems (98, 2000, etc.) are openly available to download
  6. Thank you, ricktendo64. I'll check this tool for sure I've got another problem - for some it's probably very simple but I can't get over it... There is a directory which may be either empty or have some subdirectories inside. I do FOR /F %%I IN ('DIR/A-D/B DIRECTORY') DO ( and get "file not found" output when there are no files inside. Is there any way to prevent it from being displayed? Normally it's just DIR/A-D/B DIRECTORY >NUL but here I don't know where to put >NUL. The other problem is that I wont to do IF NOT EXIST DIRECTORY\*.* ( but subdirectories are also treated as *.*. Is there a simple way to check if there are no files (excluding subdirs) in a directory?
  7. What do you think about the built-in firewall? http://www.flashdance.cx/win-builtin-fw.html
  8. Yzöwl, why is Gurgelmeyer's USP5 (& unofficial updates for 2K) allowed then? All of them use modified files.
  9. Are you sure about the update.msi thing? Win2k's SP4 also has this file but it doesn't seem to affect the installation of a modified SP. In other words, it seems that you can modify the rest and leave this file as it is.
  10. Lambda, it's actually very easy and doesn't involve any resource hacking at all. Keep in mind that by installing the English kernel some system dialogs may change into English. All you have to do is to 1. Download Windows2000-KB935839-v5a-x86-ENU.exe. It's an edited version of BWC's kernel v5 by me which follows the standard structure of M$ updates. It means that in can be slipstreamed by HFSLIP while the original one cannot. It's also easier to modify the contents of it (no CAB files inside). 2. Go to .\update folder and open update.inf. 3. Find [strings] 4.Change these values LangTypeValue = 9 WSEDIR = "1033" to your language. You have to find the appropriate ones for your language, ex. 15 and 1045 for Polish. 5. Run update.exe. Be careful! It may not run on all language versions. I tested such an installation in a Polish system and it worked. I would guess that it will work in other European language versions too. It probably won't work for East Asian (CHN,KOR,JPN) versions as the Japanese kernel doesn't work in English Win2k.
  11. v4 is ready. Changes: - fixed two problems related to KB976323 and WMS4.1 which caused an error during installation on Windows 2000 Server I also added alternate download URLs which are direct links to Dropbox.
  12. Have you already tried (and succeeded in) making it or is it still just an idea? Just one thing - WildBill's update.exe won't work for SP. You'll need to use update.exe from Gurgelmeyer's USP5 or modify the one from XP's SP yourself. The update.exe from non-SP updates doesn't seem to support the /integrate switch when used in SP mode.
  13. I did two tests: 1. I cloned my system partition from RAID0 to a single drive so I could check if it was the RAID to cause this problem. Unfortunately, there was no difference. 2. I booted into VGA mode, ran the script and... no errors! Next, I uninstalled the drivers (BWC's Catalyst 11.3) and installed an older version (10.11). I rebooted, ran the script and guess what? It works flawlessly. Thank you, allen2
  14. I am now able to reproduce this error. If I run a script where a lot of lines move very fast and set it to loop forever, the crash will eventually happen. Monitor turns off, computer resets and USB mouse is not detected after reboot and has to be reconnected. Could you recommend any more specialised way to diagnose this problem?
  15. Tomorrow I'll upload a new version with fixed WMS issue. Unfortunately, the other problem related to SFC just cannot be fixed. The only way to 'fix' it would be to remove IE6/OE6 updates and their catalog files
  16. I have a problem and don't know how to solve it. Why doesn't GOTO work here? splitinf.cmd update.inf GOTO :SP There is no problem if the first line is disabled REM splitinf.cmd update.inf GOTO :SP The script just does splitinf and stops... As far as I remember it worked before but now it doesn't There are no errors on the screen. It behaves as it there was EXIT after the splitinf line.
  17. It works Thank you. The full script itself got pretty long but here are main parts of it: 1. Unpacking files to HFMER folder. IF EXIST HF\*.EXE ( IF EXIST HFMER RD/Q/S HFMER IF EXIST TEMP RD/Q/S TEMP MD HFMER TEMP FOR /F %%I IN ('DIR/A-D/B HF') DO ( ECHO.&ECHO Unpacking %%I MD TEMP\HFMER&START/WAIT HF\%%I /Q /X:TEMP\HFMER ECHO. XCOPY/DEHRY TEMP\HFMER HFMER ECHO. IF EXIST TEMP\HFMER\UPDATE\update.inf COPY/B TEMP\HFMER\UPDATE\update.inf TEMP\%%I.inf >NUL IF EXIST TEMP\HFMER\UPDATE\update_w2k.inf COPY/B TEMP\HFMER\UPDATE\update_w2k.inf TEMP\%%I.inf >NUL IF EXIST TEMP\HFMER\UPDATE\update_win2k.inf COPY/B TEMP\HFMER\UPDATE\update_win2k.inf TEMP\%%I.inf >NUL IF EXIST TEMP\HFMER\UPDATE\update.ver COPY/B TEMP\HFMER\UPDATE\update.ver TEMP\%%I.ver >NUL RD/Q/S TEMP\HFMER >NUL ) 2. Merging update.ver :: merging update.ver CLS ECHO.&ECHO Merging update.ver...&ECHO. FOR /F %%A IN ('DIR/B TEMP\*.ver') DO ( FOR /F "skip=1 tokens=*" %%B IN (TEMP\%%A) DO ( ECHO TEMP\%%A -- %%B ECHO %%B >>TEMP\update.txt ) ) ECHO [SourceFileInfo] >TEMP\update.ver SORT TEMP\update.txt >>TEMP\update.ver :: removing duplicates in update.ver TOOLS\yanklines.vbs TEMP\update.ver HFMER\UPDATE\update.ver >NUL I had to modify yanklines in order to prevent new cmd.exe windows from popping up. I modified this line scriptCommand = "cmd.exe /k "to scriptCommand = "cmd.exe /c " The window still pops up but gets closed instantly. 3. Merging update.inf by jaclaz's script & yanklines CLS ECHO.&ECHO Merging update.inf...&ECHO. COPY/B TOOLS\jaclaz\*.* >NUL COPY/B HFMER\update\update.inf update.inf >NUL splitinf.cmd update.inf >NUL :: yanklines SPLIT_update\*.inf XCOPY/EI SPLIT_update TEMP\SPLIT_update >NUL IF EXIST TEMP\SPLIT_update\[1ndex]update.inf DEL/Q TEMP\SPLIT_update\[1ndex]update.inf >NUL IF EXIST TEMP\SPLIT_update\*Add.Reg*]update.inf DEL/Q TEMP\SPLIT_update\*Add.Reg*]update.inf >NUL IF EXIST TEMP\SPLIT_update\*AddReg*]update.inf DEL/Q TEMP\SPLIT_update\*AddReg*]update.inf >NUL IF EXIST TEMP\SPLIT_update\[Strings]update.inf DEL/Q TEMP\SPLIT_update\[Strings]update.inf >NUL FOR /F %%I IN ('DIR/B TEMP\SPLIT_update') DO ( START/WAIT TOOLS\yanklines.vbs TEMP\SPLIT_update\%%I SPLIT_UPDATE\%%I >NUL ) join_dedupe_inf.cmd SPLIT_update.inf >NUL beautify.cmd JOINED_update.inf >NUL MOVE/Y BEAUTY_JOINED_update.inf HFMER\update\update.inf >NUL DEL/Q update.inf splitinf.cmd join_dedupe_inf.cmd beautify.cmd fedit.exe gsar.exe split_update.inf joined_update.inf >NUL RD/Q/S SPLIT_update >NUL RD/Q/S TEMP >NUL I know it's not ideal and many bypasses are used to make it work... but it does the job. Actually I've just noticed that deleting the *.inf files (look above) is not necessary anymore. They are related to CMSORT which I replaced with yanklines which is better and simpler, and what's the most important - it doesn't sort which is crucial in case of *Add*Reg* sections. 4. SP part - it's not finished yet and pretty long The main points are: - To remove all duplicate files from the original SP. A lot of files from ia/id/is/ip folders overlap each other. The method I use to dedupe them is to make new folders (iads, iadw, etc.) and move shared files according to the edition of 2K they are related to. After that the update.inf has to be changed too (this part is not ready yet). - Replace installer files with the ones from Gurgelmeyer's USP5 which ignore M$ digital signatures. - Update SP files with new versions. This is the most problematic part. First of all, it's easy to update files that are already in SP4. They can just be directly replaced and no changed to the update.inf are needed. The problem is with those files that do not originally belong to SP4. In order to add them, the update.inf has to be edited and it is complicated as it can't be done by just merging the update.inf from HFMER\update with the one from SP4. There are additional sections which are related to the /integrate switch ([servicePackFiles], etc.) and new files must be placed there in order to get integrated. These sections are empty in normal (non-SP) updates. The other issue is that SP4's update.inf is old and its structure is a little different than update.infs from newer updates. By processing them by jaclaz's script many unnecessary and overlapping lines get inserted. The way to fix it would be to 'update' the SP4's update.inf to make it more similar to the newer ones. Some of the older updates are also affected by this issue. The same 'updating' thing probably must be done to the update.inf merged by the script. I'll have to work on it separately. - New files (not belonging to the original SP4) are placed in a new folder (i386\SP6) to have them separated from the rest. They are also checked against the original W2K CD i386 files to know which of them can be compressed (makecab) and which not. Files which are not present either in SP4 or the 2K CD get copied to i386\SP6\new. That's all for now. There are still many things to do, especially related to the merged update.inf file. I'm open to any ideas about how to change and what to improve in the script.
  18. Yes, it's a RAID 0 (3x Fujitsu MAX3036RC). Full configuration: Athlon II X2 255 (no OC) Foxconn A76ML-K 3.0 (AMD 760 chipset) Radeon 3000 HD (integrated) Samsung 4 GB DDR3 1333MHz (1 stick) HP 3042E SAS Controller (PCI-E) 3x Fujitsu MAX3036RC 36 GB 1x Samsung F3 500 GB (connected to mainboard SATA) SoundBlaster Live! 24-bit (PCI) Windows 2000 Advanced Server
  19. I tested memory today (4 hours MemTest86+ 4.20) and no errors were detected. As for the graphic card, I'm using the integrated one (Radeon 3000 HD) with unofficial BlackWingCat's drivers. I'll try to use an old Matrox G450 for PCI and check if these issues are graphic related. I still suspect that's is the mainboard as today the USB mouse was not detected by BIOS once again
  20. I want to edit lines in the original update.inf from w2k sp4 (after processing it by jaclaz's script to remove unnecessary spaces). Is there any better (but still simple) way than this one? SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION @ECHO OFF > update.txt FOR /F "tokens=* delims= " %%I IN (update.inf) DO ( IF "%%I"=="CatalogFile = sp4.cat" ( ECHO ThisServicePackBuild = 1 >> update.txt ) ELSE ( ECHO %%I >> update.txt ) ) @ECHO OFF > update2.txt FOR /F "tokens=* delims= " %%I IN (update.txt) DO ( IF "%%I"=="MaxNtServicePackVersion = 1024 " ( ECHO MaxNtServicePackVersion = 1536 >> update2.txt ) ELSE ( ECHO %%I >> update2.txt ) ) @ECHO OFF > update3.txt FOR /F "tokens=* delims= " %%I in (update2.txt) do ( IF "%%I"=="ThisServicePackVersion = 1024 " ( ECHO ThisServicePackVersion = 1536 >> update3.txt ) ELSE ( ECHO %%I >> update3.txt ) ) The problem is that one space at the end of each line is added in each newer file so it goes like this: IF "%%I"=="CatalogFile = sp4.cat" <- no space IF "%%I"=="MaxNtServicePackVersion = 1024 "<- 1 space IF "%%I"=="ThisServicePackVersion = 1024 " <- 2 spaces ... The other issue is that the script doesn't work if the output files are '.inf' files instead of '.txt' files. Why is this so?
  21. I haven't mentioned it before but the cmd.exe problem doesn't happen if @echo off is on. It happens only if many lines are moving very fast (visibly on the screen). The crash goes like this 1. cmd.exe suddenly stops & artifacts show on the screen 2. monitor turns off (but music is still playing) 3. automatic reboot after 2-3 seconds Could it be memory related?
  22. Yzöwl, the script is connected with the other one for merging Win2k's updates ("merging text files..." topic). It's supposed to update files from Service Pack 4 with newer versions that come from the merged updates. I already prepared it and it's working so I don't really need more help in this topic I used strings like this one and that's why I asked for help. FOR /F %%I IN ('DIR/A-D/B SPMER\i386\*.*_') DO ( EXPAND -R SPMER\i386\%%I TEMP\ >NUL FOR /F %%I IN ('DIR/A-D/B TEMP') DO ( ECHO Checking i386\%%I IF EXIST HFMER\%%I ( ECHO Processing i386\%%I&ECHO. XCOPY/DY HFMER\%%I TEMP\ >NUL&DEL/Q HFMER\%%I >NUL MAKECAB /D CompressionMemory=21 /D CompressionType=LZX TEMP\%%I /L SPMER\i386 >NUL ) DEL/Q/S TEMP\%%I >NUL ) ) I have also rewritten everything in the other script for merging updates so now it's simpler and doesn't use any other (HFSLIP etc.) sources except for the parts where jaclaz's scripts are used. I'll post an updated version in the other topic after I combine both together as now they are two separate scripts.
  23. In the end I used this method as a basis: SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS SET A= SET B= SET C= FOR /F %%I IN ('DIR/A-D/B %A%') DO ( IF EXIST %B%\%%I ( COPY/B %B%\%%I %C%\ ) ) I also have another question related to this script. Is it possible to copy only specific files like "*.*_"? I tried adding IF "%%~xI"==".*_" but it doesn't work. It works only if the extension is specified, ex. IF "%%~xI"==".dl_" Nevermind, I got it work by changing ('DIR/A-D/B %A%') to ('DIR/A-D/B %A%\*.*_') Everything is fine but copying is very slow compared to just doing xcopy
  24. You could try to copy the usbvideo.sys from XP to %systemroot%\system32\drivers manually and then try to install the extracted drivers which I uploaded above. If it doesn't work try to copy the usbvideo.sys file to the same folder as the webcam drivers are located and then try to install them using Device Manager.
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