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Everything posted by tomasz86

  1. tomasz86

    Windows Updates

    If you mean HFSLIp then that's the correct behaviour. HFSLIP will show 0 files copied because there have indeed been 0 files copied The registry changes are still imported though so don't worry.
  2. I can't believe my eyes. This is just horrible :puke: It actually looks much worse than Windows 8 itself because in Windows 8 the layout is rather consistent while Google Play has become a complete mish-mash. The funny thing is that Chrome has just crashed while I was trying to browse this "pile of junk" website.
  3. Very interesting information! Thanks a lot PS Please don't use direct links for UURollup. If possible link to http://www.windows2000.tk/archive instead. The current path to UURollup daily in the Archive is "Windows2000/UnofficialUpdatesRollup/Daily".
  4. No problem. I'll let you know if I manage to figure out what exactly is broken and whether there's an easy fix for it.
  5. You can check older IE versions with this tool: http://my-debugbar.com/wiki/IETester/HomePage Some settings in CSS related to background seem not to work right in IE8.
  6. It should autoupdate with the addon linked above in #2.
  7. It was 65C with case closed. That's why I decided to leave it open Three of those HDDs are 15k rpm SAS drives so they are supposed to endure higher temperature better (at least I hope so...). The other one is Samsung F3 500GB and its temperature variates between 45-55C. I know it's bad but can't really do anything about it
  8. My HDDs run between 50-60C and this is when the case is opened
  9. @vinifera You're 100% right but my goal is to make it look good without being forced to rely on zooming The default font currently used is set to 81.3% (13px) while in the new version I'm working on now it's going to be 106.3% (17px).
  10. Please increase font size to at least 12px or larger: ]
  11. I haven't experienced such problems with PAE and I use standby on a daily basis. Maybe some of the drivers are buggy and cause those issues?
  12. My skills related to drivers are limited only to modifying the INF file, i.e. the installer so that XP drivers can be installed in 2K and so on. I've got no knowledge related to modification of the driver files themselves BUT The motherboard I use is ASRock A55 Pro which has Realtek HD Audio integrated. I've never used it since I've got the Sound Blaster card already mentioned above but I may try to check whether this HD Audio works in 2K. I should be able to do it sometime next week though. Please remind me of it a few days later just in case
  13. Agreed that this one at MSFN is getting better, and especially agree about the quotes! The quotes are the biggest headache but there is at least one more issue. The fonts have become smaller compared to the old theme. 11px fonts are used in many places where the old theme used 12px fonts. I personally prefer larger font sizes (there's a reason why 100% font size for browsers usually means 16px) but apart from my personal preferences I can't really see any valid reason to use anything smaller than 12px which itself may be difficult to read, especially for people with not-so-great eyesight Font sizes on websites should be defined in % / em instead of px anyway... Maybe not practical but long lines are really difficult to read... Just have a look at my website in its current form (I'm preparing a new version at the moment): http://windows2000.tk There's no fixed width set so it will be stretched as much as possible. Frankly speaking, it looks awful on a wide screen display and the text is difficult to read, isn't it?
  14. That's too bad. I probably can't help you with this problem
  15. I doubt there will be many people able to recommend such a card but let's see... Is a "normal" PCI card out of question? You could just get a used PCI sound card for a few $. I use an old Sound Blaster Live! 24-bit and it's still better than most of the audio junk integrated into motherboards.
  16. Ah, I see. Thanks. Scratch that one! Still, it seems to be rather difficult to figure out for someone who doesn't know about it... The "Page x of y" doesn't look like a link at all. It appears to be just a static text.
  17. I also think that it's probably better to wait for a while until the forum update has been finished completely before creating more advanced custom themes. Nevertheless, you can easily apply some tweaks to the current one to make it at least a little better. There's a cross-browser extension called Stylish: Stylish (Firefox) Stylish (Chrome) Stylish (Opera) You can apply custom CSS to websites on the fly like this: BEFORE AFTER I've just removed the fancy background and changed the background colour to the one used in the previous MSFN theme. Through custom CSS you can modify the layout however you like. If the current theme remains unchanged then I'll probably create a separate topic about theming MSFN so that everyone will be able to post their ideas.
  18. I just use Firefox portable which can update itself regardless of the OS version. If you want to use the normal built-in updater you'll need to install this addon: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=2482475&sid=&p=12171485#p12171485 If you just want to install the new version manually then you'll have to use Application Compatibility Launcher... but how did you install Firefox 21 then?
  19. You're right but this particular "issue" is a little bit more complicated. The ideal length of a line of text is thought to be between 50-75 characters: http://baymard.com/blog/line-length-readability so ideally the text should be displayed in one column on lower resolution and automatically reflow into more columns as the resolution gets wider. This requires a website with flexible layout but most sites seem to still rely on fixed values (set in pixels). The result is that they design a website for 1024x768 which, when displayed on a wider screen, results in the text centred in the middle with two wide empty margins on both sides. The other way to overcome this problem is to drastically increase the font size: http://mikeyanderson.com/optimal_characters_per_line but it's kind of a controversial idea
  20. I's not necessary related to Metro... Many of the so called "modern" websites seem to use those low contrast themes. Add to that the already small fonts (12 px or even smaller) and the result is just a disaster in terms of accessibility. This website says it all: http://contrastrebellion.com And: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_accessibility
  21. You can change everything through CSS. I've just applied some custom CSS settings in Firefox for MSFN and the forum looks like this: CSS =/= speed CSS can be very slow too, especially if it's bloated or poorly written.
  22. I don't think that changing the drivers will make any difference. Skype 6.3 for Windows 2000 is available in my archive (Windows2000/Programs/Skype_Windows2000.7z).
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