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Everything posted by Takeshi

  1. This might just work... Create a shortcut to Notepad.exe on the desktop. In Properties, Run > Maximized. Then put this shortcut in your Startup folder.
  2. Regmon, while it's monitoring.
  3. Did you use the -activated switch? You never have to "register". If you're using Acronis, switching to Ghost won't magically solve it. Although they're all DELLs, are they all identical espl. w.r.t HAL? There're some threads in the UA Windows forum on OEM pre-activation...
  4. XP HE supports autologon the same way as XP Pro. Go to control userpasswords2 to set it or use TweakUI.
  5. You mentioned the iso image, but not created by DVD Shrink. So which app made it? I think I understand the rest. I'll upgrade DVD Shrink in due course and replug my Pioneer 111D. This thread from ImgBurn forum is getting close to what I really want to know. What if the layer break is already in my DVD files? That forum has some guides on Imgburn, well worth a look.
  6. Then your options can be DivX, Xvid, wmv, rmvb, all compressed formats. But, since you seemed to have captured TV to your PC as mpeg (you didn't say mpeg-1 or 2), you might reduce the size in the first place by having lower bitrates. This will avoid time consuming re-encoding from mpeg which is itself a losey compressed format. But to restrict file size down to 700MB you most likely would need to re-encode again.
  7. Start Menu > All programs has shortcuts from your own Start Menu and All Users Start Menu Programs. It depends on the program. Mozilla Firefox shortcut should be located in the All Users\Start Menu\Programs, simply because it should be available to all users. Inside, it should have 2 shortcuts: Mozille Firefox, Target pointing to the path of the exe. and Mozilla Firefox (Safe Mode), Target pointing to the path of the exe with the -safe mode switch.
  8. Of course you cannot remove Eng. Try moving the contents of the WINDOWS\MUI folder elsewhere.
  9. It all depends. You want to fit onto a 700MB CD to play on a standalone DVD player?
  10. Thanks for your input! That was my concern - about layers. On the computer layers won't matter. So if you're saying Imgburn will read the ifo correctly then I'll try that to be sure of a higher chance of success of playing it in standalone players. http://www.imgburn.com/
  11. Are you saying this particular KB caused it or any KB in svcpack also caused it? As to qchain, including it wasn't without reason to be fair. To me it wasn't a good reason, or at least it should say "not needed for XP post-SP2". This was the thread: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=340450 Maybe they'll listen to you this time.
  12. First, before getting to the wireless bit, any problems with wired connection to the router?
  13. 03GrandAmGT: Many thanks again! I don't quite follow two points, please clarify: I thought DVD Shrink only supports 4.7GB. So it now supports 8.5GB? I'm using v.3.17. And I thought it doesn't have burning as such but uses whatever you have to burn. My main objective is to watch the DVD using standalone DVD player. Right now I haven't any DL disks so I'll have to get some first. When I've tried it I'll let you know. But what you've done is encouraging indeed.
  14. Did you use the -activated switch? I wouldn't immediately rush into blaming WGA. Msoobe existed before WGA. Is WGA involved in WPA? Does the msoobe software exception error occur as a result of invalid product key?
  15. I can't comment on those degree subjects but you have to consider whether you want to go to a uni in Montréal only, or the rest of Canada, or the US or further afield. Universities do differ somewhat in what they offer for the same degree and in their requirements. I'd strongly recommend you actually visit the departments in Montréal or elsewhere, talk to students and professors. Look at their facilities within the faculty and the university as a whole. Find out about their research record.
  16. This is now set back to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs That is incorrect. HKCU is your own profile so you shouldn't point it to All Users's Start Menu. It should ONLY point to your own Start menu. Changed which bit of registry back? If you uninstall whatever prog and reinstall it it will be installed to whatever default prog file dir you've set so why would it screw anything up? This whole thing is in such a muddle and the moral of the story is don't mess around with the registry unless you know a bit about the registry and you're sure what you're doing.
  17. Windows Update doesn't normally update uxtheme.dll. I patched it in 2003 (manually, not using UACD) and it's still there despite SP2 and subsequent updates. I don't know about versions, but my patched and unpatched XP installs have the same ver number (v. 6.0.2900.2180).
  18. If you're just going to use Ghost for backup and restore on your own machine, then simply Ghost it when freshly installed. There's no need to use sysprep at all. Keep it simple.
  19. What do you mean upgrade Win 2000 to Pro? Win 2000 is already the Professional version. The only snag in any Win2k/XP multiboot system is the boot files, esp. ntldr and ntdetect.com. The older versions in Win2k won't boot xp. So make a copy of them first and restore them after. Boot.ini shouldn't be any concern. In any case you can always fix it manually or with the RC.
  20. If it converts a fully authored DVD from PAL to NTSC with automatic preservation of all the menus, subtitles, audio and extras then it will be a really handy tool. The AV sync problem may be hardware or codec related, not necessarily software.
  21. MS did say at the outset that open download was for a limited period. So you were warned.
  22. I agree, the Messenger spam doesn't have to be caused by malware originating from the PC. The two can co-exist without necessarily having a causal link. And it's only just that, not the end of the world. The graphic is odd: why does it have half an IE bar on the top part?
  23. Please use a more meaningful topic title. If you really deleted the file (wordpad.exe or write.exe, whichever it is), it can be copied from the XP CD (WORDPAD.EX_ or WRITE.EX_) or I386 folder if it exists.
  24. This belongs to the unattended Windows forum rather than XP forum. The XP installation CD is bootable so forget about the floppies. The MSFN Unattended Guide will tell you how to make a UACD, including how to make the CD bootable. You don't even have to use nLite, it's just an optional tool. It'd be better to learn how to do it manually first.
  25. The correct way to uninstall SP2 is to uninstall it rather than using SR. The SP2 CD won't magically cure your problem. The file is the same as the one you download. It's possible that installing SP2 somehow causes problems with drivers, as mentioned. You should check the Asus website to see if there're updated drivers for XP SP2.
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