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Everything posted by larryb123456

  1. Hello, I just upgraded from XP to Windows 7 and I want to update my profile, and I don't know whether I have x86 or x64, the only 2 options offered on the profile. Neither or these two show up when I click on my Computer's Properties. My OS info: Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit (Service Pack 1) Which x do I have? Thanks. Off Topic "rant": The geeks got some revenge on the non-geek users, such as myself, when they changed "Install/Uninstall Programs" to "Programs and Features". What idiots (IMO)!!! That's the first thing that I found. I'm sure I'll find many more such examples. I'm sure the geeks ROFL when they do such things to confuse the general public. Larry.
  2. @vinifera: With all due respect, how would you feel if *YOU* had a dear, dear loved one die -- to be buried in a grave which you often frequented and placed gifts on -- intending for them to stay there as "treasures" for your departed loved one -- and some *jerk* came along and *stole* all of them? Please answer, because I'm very interested in what you will have to say.. I'll make no additional response to your reply. I'm just curious as to what you'll say. Regards, Larry.
  3. Well, it has been exactly 6 months since I made my last post, in which I presented a (very simple) differential equation to solve: [d/dx f(x)] = ?, evaluated at x = 2pi. But no won was able to provide the correct solution, except me, who showed the correct solution, 0, below my name-designator, Larry. So, I guess I get the prize, which is mentioned in my last post. This prize is, indeed, a very great honor, and I'll cherish it forever. This prize is almost as great as the prize I won 8 years ago: I finished in 12 th place in the fifty-yard dash in the Special OlympicsTM and got a very pretty ribbon. (There were only 12 contestants in the race, but I still feel very honored.) Larry
  4. @xper: Thank you -- and everyone else who commented -- very much for your input. I followed a 3-step procedure to get everything working correctly: #1 -- enjoy #2 -- refresh #3 -- enjoy That procedure is a bit more complicated than your suggested 2-step procedure, but it was well worth it, because I felt joy 2 times, rather than 1 time. Now, the universal yin yang is in balance, because I show up in his, and he shows up in mine. a-re-ver-dar-chi, Larry
  5. @xper: is it OK if i enjoy first, and then refresh? or will that totally mess everything up? Larry
  6. Thank you, xper, for graphically representing here with the 3 icons on the left, and for representing there with the 3 icons on the right. You've indeed proven that a picture is worth a thousand words. Thank you, jaclaz, for confirming that here is nice, and for alerting me that there is a little more detached. I know there's half-brother, over there, and he's very, very detached. I also know over there's cousin, way over yonder, who is so detached that he's now serving a 20-year prison sentence in Folsom Prison for robbing a Dunkin DonutTM shop with a bazooka.
  7. Well, I worked out the solution to the math question in my last post (and I double-checked it four times). My solution is: "Rumpelstiltskin" But you have to do a triple Laplace Transform and a Fourier Series waveform analysis coupled with a string-theory dipsy-doodle to convert my answer to a number. Let's see who is able to get the CORRECT ANSWER the quickest. The prize: a big ego boost on MSFN. Larry 0
  8. @Flasche: Since I don't know you very well, can you prove that you are human and not a spambot? Follow the qualifying-question instructions below. If you don't know the answer, simply refresh the page to get a new question. GOTCHA!!! (lol) Seriously, if you don't know the answer, just ask jaclaz, because he *always* brags that he knows EVERYTHING.
  9. First, Flasche, on this thread you don't hafta worry about intersectin' NOTHIN' Thanks for sharing your videos. They were great and funny. Honey Boo Boo is, indeed, a charmer. It appears that Honey Boo Boo's mother has gorged herself on many, many, many, too many roadkill feasts. If Honey Boo Boo would happen to be standing in the road, and got hit and killed by a Mack TruckTM...... well, I have 2 very serious questions: #1 -- would the Boo Boo family chop her up, cook her, mix her with Van Camp's Pork and BeansTM, and eat her? #2 -- if the Boo Boo family did eat Honey Boo Boo, would they all turn into zombies? In addition, is the following proposition true or false: + Honey Boo Boo = yummy roadkill feast ??????????????????????????????????? Larry
  10. from 1962, a very sad song by Jay and the Americans, "She Cried" almost makes me cry, too
  11. This post follows directly from my post at http://www.msfn.org/...ures/?p=1075599 L A R R Y L O S E R T A N G O B O N G O G O N Z O L L T B G A O A O O R S N N N R E G G Z Y R O O O a font painting titled "How Do I Never Act?"
  12. This post follows directly from my post at http://www.msfn.org/...ures/?p=1075599 L A R R Y L O S E R T A N G O B O N G O G O N Z O L L T B G A O A O O R S N N N R E G G Z Y R O O O A font painting titled "Shall We Dance?"
  13. This post follows directly from my post at http://www.msfn.org/...ures/?p=1075599 L A R R Y L O S E R T A N G O B O N G O G O N Z O L L T B G A O A O O R S N N N R E G G Z Y R O O O A font painting titled "Who am I?"
  14. This post follows directly from my post at http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/152748-custom-avatars-and-signatures/?p=1075599 L A R R Y L O S E R T A N G O B O N G O G O N Z O L L T B G A O A O O R S N N N R E G G Z Y R O O O a font painting titled "Quit Playing Your Bongos"
  15. This post follows directly from my post at http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/152748-custom-avatars-and-signatures/?p=1075599 L A R R Y L O S E R T A N G O B O N G O G O N Z O L L T B G A O A O O R S N N N R E G G Z Y R O O O a font painting titled "Infinite Ignorance"
  16. Yes, jaclaz, Roadkill Cuisine is what I subsist on *entirely*, but I did not want to mention that, because you might have thought that I was an uncouth redneck. I always try to hit, and kill, with my car, deer, moose, bear, elk, armadillos, raccoons, skunks, and birds. But the tastiest road-kill cuisine is kangaroo, which is indigenous to West Virginia, and only found here, in this state, and *nowhere else*, as you probably know. Once, when driving down the road, I spotted a big squirrel up in a tree. Well, I immediately drove off the road, hit the tree, drove up the tree, and killed the squirrel. It totally wrecked my Lamborghini, and I had to spend two months in the hospital recovering from my injuries, but it was well worth it, because, as you might know, squirrel *eyebrows* make the tastiest-of-the-tastiest of the roadkill cuisine. But I never hit a chicken, because I have great reverence for the "Why did the chicken cross the road?" jokes, and I sense that it is Divine Will's dictate that I should let the chicken go ahead and *cross the road*. But the main reason I never hit a chicken is that they have an extremely fowl foul-tasting meat. That's why *no one* ever, ever eats chicken meat. The thought of eating chicken meat thoroughly disgusts me. UGH!!! UGH!!! UGH!!! And one day, some drunk Italian ran over, and killed, my dear pet opossum: Larry That's my name. Not the name of the opossum. His name is "Squishy", as you can clearly see, if you closely examine his tattoo, which is located on the underside of his tail. I miss you so, so, so, so much, my dear Squishy!!! RIP But, nevertheless, I plan to cook him and enter him in "The Autumn Harvest Festival and West Virginia Roadkill Cook-off". A sincere question: If I eat my dear Squishy, will that turn me into a zombie?
  17. @bphlpt: You've totally confused me, now. You say, " See here, of course. " Well, I desperately wanted to see "here", so I looked at all the member names beginning with the letter "H", but "here" was not shown. I sincerely want to add "here" as a friend, since he/she seems like a nice person. Do you think it's possible for xper to add invisible "here" as my fiend? I sure hope so. Chairs Tables and En Gardes, bphlpt, mein fiend, Larry
  18. @jaclaz: the only person's avatar I *really* want to show up in my friend's list is that of Pee Wee Herman. But Pee Wee refuses to join the site, because he says he absolutely doesn't understand *any* of the MSFN posts. Can xper fix it so that a non-member's avatar will show up in my fiend's list? @bphlpt: You say, "Who knows?" Well, it seems, by your statement, that Who has the solution to this problem. So, all we have to do is find Who, and ask him/her. Do you have Who's phone number? If so, I'll call him/her -- collect, of course -- and ask him/her. Added in Edit: yes, bphlpt, ain't luv wonderful !!! Added in second Edit: Chairs and Right GuardTM
  19. yes, jaclaz, i knew that you weren't making a derogatory pun with "boar". since i knew that you won the Italian "Sweetheart of the Year" award, which started in 2008, for the years 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, and 2014. Unfortunately for you, Pee Wee Herman, who has dual American and Italian citizenships, won the award in 2012. I live in rural West Virginia, USA, where deer are a big problem for motorists -- especially at night. At all times of the year, you always see deer carcasses on the side of the road(s). My next-door neighbor hit a deer at night with his BMW, and it broke his windshield, and tore off his front fender. The great thing about living in a rural area is that I often see, up close, packs of 4 or 5 white-tail deer moseying across my front yard. But I'm puzzled by the fact that they *all* have their white tails sticking straight up in the air, in the frigid cold of the winter time. That is, they don't cover their hiney-holes with their tails in that extremely cold weather. As you know, Albert Einstein *unsuccessfully* tried to expain this phenomenon in his Unified Field Theory. Do you have an explanation for this white-tail-deer behavior? Thanks in advance for the edification, Benny Skippy Larry Benny Skippy Larry
  20. You're correct, jaclaz, about the speed of Italian aardvarks. I just forgot that Fermat's Last Theorem states that (Italian aardvark speed) = (c + 1 micron/sec), that is, {186,000 miles/sec + [0.000001 (one-millionth) of a meter]/sec}. These Italian aardvarks are the only entities known to move faster than the speed of light. Other than Egyptian elephant "pooty-poots", which travel *only* at the speed of (c + 0.31415926535... microns/sec). In the CERN scientific literature, this speed is often abbreviated as {c + (0.1pi microns/sec)}. Please forgive me if I'm boring you with scientific information which you already know. You say, "Where I live that kind of risk is more related to wild boars and porcupines." i definitely nose that you be making a pun about me being a bore with your "wild boar" reference. Shame on you!!! You rapscallion, you!!! In the past, when I'm insulted like that, I've tried shootin' off my porcupine quills in the direction of the insulter. But, since i be from Australia, West Virginia, USA, them quills turn around and painfully come back to injure me like a boomerang. So, now, i lets insults just "roll" off my ego/persona, like "water off a duck's back". Larry That's my name. Not the name of the duck. Her name be "Skippy", as you can clearly see, if you closely examine the *tramp stamp* tattoo on her lower back. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lower-back_tattoo
  21. Thanks, xper, bphlpt, and Tripredacus: LostInSpace2012's avatar still doesn't show up in my friend's collection. Does this mean that the problem will never be solved? I am a totally disagreeable personality, nobody likes me, and I'm so, so, so, so LONELY, 'cause I don't have many friends, and I desperately need one more. (lol) LARRY
  22. Hi, Flasche: Weird stuff. I sent a PM to xper, the Administrator, asking him if he could fix it, and I referenced this thread. He hasn't read it yet. Why don't you PM him, too, and reference this thread? Maybe he could fix both of us up at the same time. Kinda like killing two stones with one bird, as the expression goes. Larry
  23. @jaclaz: I haven't fully responded to your post at http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/152748-custom-avatars-and-signatures/?p=1075007 because my train of thought got distracted, ran off the trax, rolled over, and played dead for four daze. Here are some pictorial responses to your post: Oops!!! I just noticed that your post was about "Wait", not "Weight". I sure hope we are still friends after such an egregious error. Please remove all memories of this post from your brain, and go back to sleep in Italy. That is, if you are in bed. But please don't go to sleep if you are driving your car, because you might hit and seriously injure a slow-moving aardvark in the road. Larry That's my name, not the name of the aardvark His name is "Benny", as you can clearly see if you closely examine the tattoo he has on his forehead. It's kinda like the tattoo Charles Manson has on his forehead.
  24. lipdub sobredia, straight fom the heart of a french garage
  25. Greetings, Earthlings Venusians: It seems that there are a whole lot of holidaze occurring real close together now. Yesterday, it was Valentine's Day, and the day before yesterday was also Valentine's Day. And today is Earth Day, where everyone gets drunk and falls down: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earth_Day And in three daze, on July fourth, there will be the *real big* holiday celebration, Hedgehog Day, where everyone shoots off fireworks in an attempt to keep the little critters from stealing the TwinkiesTM from the children's school lunchboxes. I do not want to be an alarmist or the bearer of bad tidings but................................. L A R R Y
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