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Everything posted by Oleg_II

  1. Oleg_II

    Security updates

    Sorry if it is not related but I'd like to ask about these Security Templates in i386: are they ALL needed? I'm completely new to it but some of them seems to be foe workstation and some for server Or do they needed on IE-free system at all?
  2. Oleg_II

    Beta HFSLIP

    Could somebody please check if the last version works with the files placed in HFEXPERT\DRIVERS and HFEXPERT\SYSTEM32? I don't know what I'm doing wrong but my files from this folders are not included in TXTSETUP.SIF and are not installed But a file in HFEXPERT\HIVEINSTALL is included in TXTSETUP.SIF
  3. saugatak Maybe just rename your player to mplayerc.exe and placing it in HFEXPERT\System32?
  4. x-pert Hey! You are not alone! I have the same problem too. Well, it seems the problem is somewhere else - I commented all entries in SYSOC.INF but the error is still here. Looking for it Maybe FDV already found the problem and will soon appear with the remedy
  5. x-pert Paint and Calc are still there. Just don't have shortcuts in Menu. saugatak I'd be interested in it too. By now I think XaraX is the best choice for graphics. It's not free but worth it
  6. As for slipstreaming I'm not sure. Can try it. By default HFSLIP is designed to slipstream geniune M$ binaries and doesn't support any other customized packs. But it can slipstream additional user's files and tweaks to the source
  7. TommyP Thanx! So only one file that is CABed/unCABed. Well, the IEXPLORE.EXe and IE icon is somehow connected to it anyway. Experimenting B) x-pert Well, I was wrong - the file in the SOURCESS should be CABed. Or you are not updated in fact When you installed with the error, did you have Volume Control?
  8. TommyP Got it But installations work! I'm now trying one more thing And one more questions: does HFSLIP also work with other FDV's files? FDV There are only a few components left uncommented in SYSOC.INF, what are they for and what happen if we run witout them? [Components] NtComponents=ntoc.dll,NtOcSetupProc,,4 Display=desk.cpl,DisplayOcSetupProc,,6 MultiM=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,multimed.inf,,7 I already know multimed.inf Aha! Found some: netoc.inf - Management and Monitoring Tools. Includes tools for monitoring and improving network performance. msmqocm.inf - Message Queuing provides loosely-coupled and reliable network communication services.
  9. Very interesting! And confusing I opened SYSOC.IN_ after HFSLIP. And it's some crap ended with: [Components] WinUpdate=Ocgen.dll,OcEntry,HFSLIPWU.INF,HIDE,7 It means I don't even install all other components that were not commented by FDV and HFSLIP is MAYBE still running! And Windows is still working! Some components are not installed then. And maybe there is a reason why I can't found Volume Control! tommyp It means you rename SYSOC.IN_ , not unCAB and then CAB it. Have to try it with not CABed SYSOC.IN_ B)
  10. tommyp I've already deleted the SOURCESS folder So back to work again x-pert Are you with us?
  11. tommyp I also tried not to drop SYSOC.IN_ but HFSLIP with CABed version and it worked And the point is SYSOC.IN_ when is not really CABed - not really copied to the SOURCESS. Unfortunatelly I can't check if all HFSLIP INFs are runing but something is running for sure - I see a quick black cmd window with something like "Updating..." x-pert Thanx! Can you run hfnetchk.exe and attache ERROR_REPORT.TXT?
  12. Only merging DRIVER.CAB and SP4.CAB HFSLIP saves about 7MB And it has selectable compression rates: high, medium and low. Choose according to your needs
  13. Wait! Just change SYSOC.IN_ from your yesterdays SOURCESS (CABed one!) with the file from FDV's set. Of course if you still have this SOURCESS. If not please pay attantion to this file next time you HFSLIP (I have a suspicion it is not copied to the SOURCESS and you still have an old file - CABed - that calls for IEXPLORE.EXE). In general: - if you have in SOURCESS SYSOC.IN_ that is not CABed - there should not be any errors and IE icon; - if you have in SOURCESS SYSOC.IN_ that is CABed - it is an old file that makes the troubles. ======= OK, I've made 3 installations with beta-files and HSLIP from October 27. Changes in files: deleted WINNT.SIF (I use mine), commented IEXPLORE.EXE in TXTSETUP.SIF. Results: 1. HFSLIP original beta-files - SYSOC.IN_ is not copied to the SOURCESS, error message about IEXPLORE.EXE. 2. Manually "injected" SYSOC.IN_ from beta-files to the SOURCESS - no errors, no IE icon on desktop. 3. HFSLIP re-CABed beta-files - - no errors, no IE icon on desktop.
  14. Can somebody else try to CAB SYSOC.INF from FDV's fileset, "inject" it in the SOURCESS and try to install it? Will it be this error with missing IEXPLORE.EXE and IE icon on desktop? (I'm investigating one thought about what is calling for it.) x-pert Could you please have a look at your FDVFILES folder and check if this file is really CABed? Or this file's extention is renamed from INF to IN_? Or you just replace the file in SOURCESS after HFSLIP? And if you replace the files could you please first (before replacing) check the one in SOURCESS - is it CABed and it really the one from FDV's set? Crash&Burn You are right. But (I can't be 100% sure) we already discussed replacing SFC.DLL by original one after installing the system. In theory it should turn file protection on again and prevent from replacing system files.
  15. First version of Rollup for Windows 2000 had a bug that resulted hot temperature. Was it fixed in a new version 2 relize? Try not applying Windows2000-KB891861-v2-x86-ENU.EXE
  16. FDV Before you make any changes in beta-set I sent you a PM. Strange, just installed it again and no errors, no icon B)
  17. x-pert I have it running just now on a real computer I've already listed the changes I did: 1. Commented two lines in SYSOC.INF - one is dtc, the other is com. 2 Commented IEXPLORE.EXE in TXTSETUP.SIF (there are two instances, both should be commented). And I deleted some files from the set that are supposed to run manually like ADD_COM.BAT, DELFILES and two for installing OE and Help support (I do it in other way). I also have some adjustments for my personal use: I added a few files refferences in TXTSETUP.SIF for some tools (like REG.EXE and similar), I also uncommented 8 files for Help support - I need them to open CHM files. That's all I did with FDV's fileset. And of course I have a few tweaks in SVCPACK folder but they are not connected with it anyway (just look it again and have not found what can be related to this icon). Anyone else tried it? Do you have this icon or not?
  18. fdv I've just noticed tha IE icon is gone from desktop using beta fileset. And I have "Network and Dial-up Connections" menu item in C:\Profiles\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\Communications - no problem with me just curious is it by default. And one more thing I'm not sure about. I tried CABTOOL from here and it doesn't work. The autor says it uses Windows APIs. Not working on IE-free system. But anyway I recommend this tool to everyone who like experimenting with Windows I moved back to the previous CMD version and even think it's better for our purposes because it uses MODIFYPE (new version is smoler but doesn't use it).
  19. Oleg_II

    Beta HFSLIP

    dziubek Redownload the file, it's from October 27 now.
  20. kalo I think you've already started - you started thinking where to start Sorry for this word mess but you know what I'm talking about 'B) I hope you've already installed W2k with IE removed? Have you tried beta version? Read beta thread also and search the thread - there are a couple of tips here and you are lucky because the thread is not cluttered yet
  21. Sorry for interfering I also thought of it. No! I'm not going to change my W2k, just for those who don't have it I saw some modified files similar to FDV's DLLs in Unattended Forum. And according to the feedback they are working. So there is only one small thing is left - who's gonna make those INFs Maybe start from something simple like removing Wordpad (is there any in WinXP?
  22. dirtwarrior You are going to try FDV's fileset and nLite? Maybe try to ask TommyP - he mentioned before he did it and also warned not to remove IE with nLite in this combination. Let us know about your inventions
  23. Thanx... But I'm not better then you in this. I'm just for a bit more time here that's all. And I'm trying to help if I know something because if I help you with something, you'll probably help me back with something else you know better Oh, well, I forgot - you are right! And you found it Ok, let it be the beginning
  24. Ok. So you should make some search and reading then svcpack.in_ is an archived version of svcpack.inf. Before editing this file with Notepad you should expand it. I would recommend you to go and grab a really great tool here _http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=27469&hl= This tool will give you the ability to open and pack the files from the source distributive. But please! Be careful with your experimenting with source files!
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