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Everything posted by Oleg_II

  1. TommyP I thought RunOnce command can be run only once And if I want it EVERY start I have to do some manipulations befor EVERY turn off. No problem with that. Just a thought. I'll publish the code when I have some free time B) By the way, Gosh warned about using this trick so we should be carefull with this INF FDV When I register MSHTML.DLL during installation (I need it for that program) I'm often getting a message during Shut Down or Restart: WINHTTP.DLL is missing. Do you think it is possible to get rid of this message without placing this DLL in the system32 folder just with a regestry tweak? Why I'm asking because when you removed IE you probably had similar problems.
  2. Nope, I mentioned about it two pages ago Wow! You just install once and then run IE.INF! And I commented line by line entries in IE.INF, replace it in the SOURCESS and then install from very first steps! I didn't know IE.INF could be run after installing Windows EXE file is good but CMD could be smaller and easier to edit for the end-user (in fact if you already have INF it's not so dificult to convert it into CMD
  3. It took me 8 installations (about 5 hours in total) to found out wich line from one section only prevents me from using one of my favourite program If you are mostly sure it is in IE.INF I'd like to help (maybe somebody else also Let us know what sections are left and how you do this - commenting the whole section or commenting line by line? About this MRU_KILL.INF - do you think it will be usefull to re-write it in CMD format and place in Startup folder so that it runs every boot?
  4. When I was installing things through CMDLINES.TXT it looked like this: [COMMANDS] "appz.bat" APPZ.BAT's content was like this: start /wait %systemdrive%\installs\ie6sp1\ie6setup.exe /q:a /r:n start /wait %systemdrive%\installs\dotnet\dotnetfx.exe /q:a /c:"install /q APPZ.BAT was in $OEM$. IE6SETUP.EXE is in $OEM$\INSTALL\IE6SP1. DOTNETFX.EXE is in $OEM$\INSTALL\DOTNETFX. But later I started just slipstreaming IE into i386 folder and don't use CMDLINES.TXT anymore
  5. "Save some mb on cd" - that's the point! Deleting files manually - possible but not recommended if you don't know exactly what are you doing. If you don't want problems with your installation just don't delete anything. If you are using FDV's files your installation WILL be smaller then regular one At the moment you only can use nLite after HFSLIP. But there'd probably be another choice shortly
  6. Didn't quite get you. If you are installing new DX and Media Player on a "clean system" they will delete some old files automatically. You have not even a choice of uninstalling them prior upgrading actually. Something doesn't work for you after installation?
  7. I need to pre-install a driver for a CDMA modem to a few computers. The driver is only one INF file. Is there any way to install this INF unattended? I know how to install INF, but I need to specify the Port COM4 for this modem and I don't know how to do it
  8. dirtwarrior saugatak is right - there is some manual work should to be done with Media Player and codecs. Maybe describe your problems and somebody can help with the instructions?
  9. TommyP Doesn't work actually But no big deal as soon as you found the key and I have to run AFTERINSTALL.INF with last touches to the newly installed system.
  10. kalo I can't open the page you are talking about. I opened only one index page from Google's cache. Don't think there is something new with the ramdisk itself. They probably have ideas how to use it for security purposes. Now when you've got ramdisk you can explore its possibilities yourself and share your ideas with us
  11. FDV 1. I tried modifying SHELL.INF and it appeared very easy If you want to add Calculator and Paint on Start Menu just copy this code, past in Notepad and save as SHELL.IN_ , then replace the file in the SOURCESS: [version] signature="$Windows NT$" ClassGUID={00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} LayoutFile=layout.inf [DestinationDirs] [DefaultInstall] ProfileItems = SysocAdd, Paint, Calculator [SysocAdd] Name ="Windows Components",0x00000001 CmdLine =11,,sysocmgr.exe /i:sysoc.inf SubDir ="Accessories" IconPath =11,,sysocmgr.exe [Paint] Name ="Paint" CmdLine =11,,mspaint.exe SubDir ="Accessories" IconPath =11,,mspaint.exe InfoTip ="Creates and edits drawings, and displays and edits scanned photos." [Calculator] Name ="Calculator" CmdLine =11,,calc.exe SubDir ="Accessories" IconPath =11,,calc.exe InfoTip ="Performs basic arithmetic tasks with an on-screen calculator." [Strings] 2. This line in delreg section may prevent from running some programs. Commenting it will at least let run WebCraft program (two files commented in TXTSETUP.INF will be also required): HKCR,"CLSID\{8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2}"; Microsoft Web Browser TommyP Your regtweak works! But only after installing the system. I placed it in my INSTALL.INF running from SVCPACK (T13?) and it didn't work. It seems that shorcut is created a bit later, maybe during the first startup. If it is so, you may include this tweak in one of the INFs running the same time and we won't see this IE icon after the first needed reboot
  12. SMP_Develop What do you mean: "my mod version of english windows 2000 pro"? What else are you doing with the source except HFSLIP and FDV's files? I'm installing HFSLIPed and FDVed W2k in Virtual PC. And it's even installing right now
  13. Oleg_II

    Beta HFSLIP

    dpurple77 During HFSLIPing DRIVER.CAB and SP4.CAB are merged together so it's totally normal you don't have SP4.CAB in the SOURCESS. It would be helpfull for TommyP if you can attache your ERROR_REPORT.TXT because he can see what you really have in your HFSLIP folders and find out what's wrong. About MSN - could you try installing without it first?
  14. Oleg_II


    FDV should know As I understood it is used in database programs.
  15. nite0859 Interesting... If I use FDV's fileset and remove DTC component so I don't need installing dtcsetup.cat? Or if I don't use MDAC component I don't need installing mdac.cat? Interesting! But somebody should help sorting all these CATs because some of us would like to unable file protection after installing
  16. tioaboa Unfortunatelly WINHTML.INF installs this file also but CMH still can't be open. Just ran a usuall install without any alterations and tweaking and then ran WINHTML.INF - didn't help. FDV Some of the browser related lines in TXTSETUP.SIF probably the reason for this. I deleted the whole section and it solved my problem with one program that needs Help System, but CHM still can't be open. Well, it appeared that I only needed MSHTML.DLL and MSHTML.TLB for that program (and remove some line in IE.INF also). Interesting thing: I need both before registering DLL, but after it I can delete the second. Help System still doesn't work (opens HLP files but fails on CHM). Crash&Burn This file is in my system32 - browselc.dll. Right clicking on toolbar doesn't give any options but right clicking on tray gives and they are greyed. Something else is needed. Looking for... tioaboa About wmv files. Maybe better to ask in Codecs thread or in a new thread? I had a problem with openning some wmv files with my player before and it was solved when I added a new DLL from DX9 - msdmo.dll. Are you slipstreaming DX? And I found one more DLL is usefull for playing video files - it's wmvdmod.dll from Media Player Codecs v10. But I'm using a bit more alternative player One more: were these wmv playable before? Some of these files may need licence for playing and can't be opened in a usuall way
  17. Sorry gentlmen, what are these D3Dx9_?? DLLs are giving to me? Really don't understand
  18. Crash&Burn Unfortunatelly all choices in Toolbars are greyed on my computer There are 3 possibilities: 1. I'm doing something wrong. 2. There should be some more regestry keys involved (or maybe even some files). 3. It's really IE dependant. Waiting the thoughts from FDV
  19. x-pert No such problem. Installs smoothly here. Try to replace files in FDVFILES folder and look if there are missing files in the SOURCESS. After all fixes even Volume Control installs FDV Help system doesn't work with the last beta (can't open CHM files even after running WINHTML.INF from CD). I changed IE.INF from the last release and included OS2/POSIX/Direct Animation lines in it. There are only a few differences between files now. Will try to locate which line causes the problem. I also change the line in AXANT5.IN_ that copies shortcut to 53 (User Profile),Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch - works for copying but no Quick Launch One question: if I like to add Paint to the Start Menu I can just add it to SHELL.INF, right? Crash&Burn Unfortunately enabling QL regestry tweak also didn't worked for me. Maybe I'm doing something wrong
  20. You certanly know about this small red flashing light on your computer When this light is flashing it means your system works with hard disk - reads something from or writes something on it. And mostly the latter. And Windows just love writing on hard disks! It writes logs, temporary Internet files, temporary system files, temporary program files and so on. And a lot of these temporary files are just cluttering and slowing your system after some period of time. I have nothing against it, this is your computer but you can reduce this load of work on your hard disk by moving all this (mostly) garbage to the memory and let Windows and your programs use really unlimited in speed access to the memory. And even more of this - seat firmly and fasten the seat-belt please if you have one - if all this garbage is in memory it's gona be disposed of when you turn off the computer! All these recent files, temporary crap and these worms you've just got from the Internet - you won't see it next time you turn on you computer. This is all about your system security and increasing the speed. Well, of course there are some limitations. But it's worth it This tutorial was inspired by the posts of Gosh and Bilou Gateux found here 1 and here 2. I used both methods but prefer Bilou Gateux's one because it uses AR RAM Disk files - freeware, not limited in size, can emulate hard disk (it's important for our purposes) and can be easyly configured through the applet in Control Panel. I successfully run ramdisk on Windows 2000 Pro but have not tried this method on other versions of Windows. Please post your results if you tried it on Windows XP and Windows 2003. - = How to get it working = - What we need for installing Ram Disk unattended with HFSLIP? Please follow these simple steps: 1. Dowload AR RAM Disk from the official site or MajorGeeks site. 2. Run setup.exe for installing the tool on a virtual machine or on your real computer. 3. Use Start>Search>For Files or Folders for getting two files - ramdisk.cpl and ramdisk.sys. 4. Copy this code and past it in a text file, then save this text file as ramdisk.inf. (This INF define ramdisk as disk R:\ with hard disk emulation and the size of 10MB. You can tweak this according to your needs). ramdisk.inf [Version] Signature = "$Windows NT$" ClassGUID = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} DriverVer=12/14/1999,5.00.2195.1 [DefaultInstall] AddReg = setup DelReg = DelReg.RAMDisk [setup] HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\System\ramdisk","EventMessageFile",0x00020002,"%SystemRoot%\System32\IoLogMsg.dll;%SystemRoot%\System32\Drivers\ramdisk.sys" HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog\System\ramdisk","TypesSupported",0x00010003,7 HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root\RAMDISK\0000","Class",0x00000002,"System" HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root\RAMDISK\0000","Capabilities",0x00010003,0x00000000 HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root\RAMDISK\0000","ClassGUID",0x00000002,"{1EFCBBB4-8750-46D8-A754-92D9911DD587}" HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root\RAMDISK\0000","ConfigFlags",0x00010003,0x00000000 HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root\RAMDISK\0000","DeviceDesc",0x00010002,"AR Soft RAM Disk Driver" HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root\RAMDISK\0000","Driver",0x00000002,"{1EFCBBB4-8750-46D8-A754-92D9911DD587}\0000" HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root\RAMDISK\0000","HardwareID",0x00010002,"RAMDISK" HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root\RAMDISK\0000","Mfg",0x00000002,"AR Soft" HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root\RAMDISK\0000","Service",0x00000002,"ramdisk" HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ramdisk","DisplayName",0x00000002,"%DISK_SERVICE_DESCRIPTION%" HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ramdisk","ErrorControl",0x00010003,1 HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ramdisk","ImagePath",0x00020002,"system32\DRIVERS\ramdisk.sys" HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ramdisk","Start",0x00010003,1 HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ramdisk","Type",0x00010003,1 HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ramdisk\Parameters",,0x00000012 HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ramdisk\Parameters","BootSignature", 0x00010003,41 HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ramdisk\Parameters","BytesPerSector", 0x00010003,512 HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ramdisk\Parameters","DiskSize", 0x00010003,10485760 HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ramdisk\Parameters","DriveLetter",0x00000002,"R:" HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ramdisk\Parameters","EmulateLocalDisk", 0x00010003,1 HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ramdisk\Parameters","ManualOverride", 0x00010003,0 HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ramdisk\Parameters","RootDirEntries", 0x00010003,512 HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ramdisk\Parameters","SectorsPerCluster", 0x00010003,2 HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ramdisk\Parameters","SectorsPerTrack", 0x00010003,32 HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ramdisk\Parameters","TracksPerCylinder", 0x00010003,2 HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ramdisk\Parameters","VolumeID", 0x00010003,2147483647 HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ramdisk\Parameters","VolumeName",0x00000002,"RAMDISK" [DelReg.RAMDisk] [Strings] ; ; Key Descriptors ; DISK_SERVICE_DESCRIPTION = "AR Soft RAM Disk Service" 5. Place these three files in appropriate folders of HFSLIP (you may need manually create them first): - ramdisk.inf goes to HFEXPERT\HIVEINSTALL; - ramdisk.cpl goes to HFEXPERT\WIN\SYSTEM32; - ramdisk.sys goes to HFEXPERT\WIN\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS. HFSLIP will take care of the rest and after running it all the files will be slipstreamed and integrated into Windows 2000 installation source. - = Samples of using RAM Disk = - First of all I should say that I don't use Internet Explorer but if you are happy user of this program I recommend you to check links above to get some usefull settings for IE cache files. 1. Moving FireFox Cache folder for temporary Internet files to ramdisk. Type in the address bar about:config and enter these settings: [Version] Signature=$CHICAGO$ [DefaultInstall] AddReg = Reg.Tweaks [Reg.Tweaks] ; system temporary files HKCU,"Environment","TEMP",0x20000,"R:\Temp" HKCU,"Environment","TMP",0x20000,"R:\Temp" HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment","TEMP",0x20000,"R:\Temp" HKLM,"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment","TMP",0x20000,"R:\Temp" Limitation: it should be done only after you install all needed programs because some of the programs may just unpack to temporary location and install only on next boot. With temporary files set on ramdisk such programs just won't be installed. 4. You can also explore if you can move LOG files for your programs and windows components on ramdisk too (if you don't need LOG files of course). If you have some more home-made recepies for using ramdisk and want to share please do it here for us all!
  21. Crash&Burn I'll try it tonight. And if it works to Crash&Burn!
  22. FDV also wants to put Quick Launch back. The point is he can't find the way back So maybe we can search for all info related to the QL? Like Crash&Burn have some research in regestry
  23. FDV Thanx for the detailed answer! I've read somewhere that there is a REG-tweak for turning Quick Launch off (folks believe it saves some memory). If we look for it will it help you? Where was the reason for that IEXPLORE.EXE error? We are not professional testers and if you want us to have some professional grouth for the future testings saugatak Replace name from "mplayerc.exe" to "mplayer2.exe" and change path from "%16422%\%MPDir%\" to "%11%\"
  24. Oleg_II

    Beta HFSLIP

    Oops... Only placing to WIN\System32\Drivers and WIN\System32 should help... Ok, it's more intuitive but when you have used to old structure it's a bit unusual. Sorry for this one...
  25. saugatak I'm just supposing that: open MPLAYER2.IN_ from FDV's fileset and read first few lines Frankly speaking I just associate media files with my favorite player with an INF files. Hey, no offence ment! sorry for my English if it looks a bit rude
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