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Everything posted by MrJinje

  1. Easy, use schtasks http://ss64.com/nt/schtasks.html
  2. So were you able to fix your MBR ?
  3. This will add your Purge.bat to your right click entry on all folders. Adjust as needed, not sure if you wanted to use Tidy.bat or Purge.bat, but this is what I guessed from your post. Purge.reg EDIT: I added the extra \\ on purpose, be sure to include them if you edit the .reg file directly.
  4. Could just disable the copy paste functions - but be warned it is very easy to disable macros and bypass your efforts. Sub EditCopy() Msgbox "Cheating is not allowed." End Sub Sub EditPaste() Msgbox "Cheating is not allowed." End Sub Hit Alt+F11 and paste the above snip into the VBA module for your document. Then if the user does not disable macros, they will get a Cheating is not allowed warning. Adjust text as needed, you can probably catch the "Cut" function and quite a few other buttons in a similar manner.
  5. Wrong Forum - Dont worry an MOD will fix this. Welcome to MSFN. The lists are HERE. Steven4554 has been good enough to keep up his list for the hard-core DVD builders. I also have a list but have not updated it in a few months so it is missing the 2-3 newest updates (slow past few months). Since I don't re-build my DVD very often, I've gotten rather lazy about it. AFAIK jcarle is not hosting any Windows 7 lists, so these are the best available.
  6. If things that are fun are not productive, and things that are not productive are a waste of time, then you are absolutely correct. Taking a fun little test like this is a waste of time. An important distinction is that not all these tests are fun.Also, if it is so easy to get a high score, lets see it. This is an open challenge to all cheaters, take this particular test as many times as you like, cheat your arse off and post your score. We don't care about the validity of your score, as long as it is in jpg format. Besides, if anyone is that good at cheating they will likely get ahead in life and deserve the score. For the record, I only took the test once. In the immortal words of Ricky Bobby from Talledega Nights, it is time to put up or shut up.
  7. IQ Test Found this test, apparently I qualify to pay them $79 to join there little society, no thanks I already know I'm smart. The test was fun, focus was mainly on spatial reasoning / pattern recognition, but there was some memory stuff too, good luck. They give you 90 seconds per question, one nice thing is that the test is partially based on how long it takes you to answer. Meaning, you get more credit if you are a quick thinker. To post your scores, please snap a jpeg and use external image host or it didn't happen. This is my score on the eCMA test, I'll take the TA3 at a later date. I know some detractors will say, "can't you just google for answers". Well technically, yes you could, that is the limitation of all online tests, but like I mentioned, most of the test is based on pattern/spatial recognition (google can't help with these) and the rest is contingent on how fast you answer. Jinje Can Triforce, Can You ??? ▲ ▲ ▲ EDIT: If you didn't take the test do not post. This is not a discussion on the validity of IQ tests, please keep those comments to yourself.
  8. I know I'll sound like Captain Obvious, and I am sure the OP is already aware, but we should note that you'll want to connect the switch to one of the four LAN ports on your router, and not to the WAN port. The WAN port is for your Internet Connection. This post is mostly for future readers who are trying to learn the real basics. Otherwise, I think the OP is all squared away.
  9. Haven't seen a Windows 7 in kiosk mode yet, I guess we start with the basics and work from there. First back door of every kiosk is Ctrl+Alt+Delete, see if hitting that allows you to access the Task Manager, from there people can start a new process and that is one "back door". Another way is to hit alt+f4 to close the kiosk application and try to get to the desktop somehow. From their they can possibly get to the file-system. Yet another method is the start menu button on the keyboard, don't really want your kiosk users opening any program other than the kiosk approved programs, right. These are just to get you started, you can kinda see the theme (hot-key combo's), best bet is to get a list of all known Windows 7 hot-key combos and run through the whole list. Here is a list of the 21 new Windows 7 combo's. We'll get you a list of the older combo's later on (or just google). http://brandonlive.com/2009/01/10/windows-...ey-cheat-sheet/ Obvious holes in the new list include the Win+Down, Win+Home, Win+Space. You get the idea. Once you have identified a bunch of these known back-doors, then we can work on figuring the easiest way to close them. I guess some of the taskbar modifiers could be problematic if the user can gain access to the desktop/taskbar area. The one that sticks out is the Ctrl+Shift+Click Taskbar Icon, which would spawn the app with administrative access if not locked down.
  10. Run HijackThis. Attach log. (Do not paste as text) http://free.antivirus.com/hijackthis/
  11. Do not worry about it being for multiple computers, Microsoft just talks in legalese/techies sometimes. The term redistributable came from back in the 56k dialup era when the other option was stub installer (usually a small file under 500kb), the stub file would handle downloading the redistributable without user intervention, and complete the installation. In the past the redistributable was sought after by people as it was easier to use than the stub installer. 4.5 is backwards compatible, so you should have no problems. When an app requires 3.1 they usually mean 3.1 or higher. As for the leftovers, even with 3.1 most MSI shouldn't be leaving as many traces as you mention, but I think that onus is on the developer of the MSI and not the MSI engine. Good luck Annie, I think it will work out, hopefully you'll find you were worried for no reason. They way Microsoft talks in the KB articles can be confusing at best.
  12. Did you try removing the snip of code that prevents the partition GUI from showing. I am assuming were talking about the same installation as your other thread. Change this <WillShowUI>OnError</WillShowUI> to this during the windowsPE pass. <OSImage> <WillShowUI>Always</WillShowUI> Otherwise, it wouldn't be too hard to wrap a batch or VBS script around diskpart (which is available in boot.wim), and have it first check for existing partitions, before it decides if it needs to create any partitions. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/300415
  13. IMO it is much safer to have all your users running in non-admin domain accounts instead of as local admin accounts, but that is just me. You could just add your domain accounts or group into the local administrators group on each machine. Not exactly good advice but it's just enough rope to hang yourself. That would be the quickest dirtiest un-safest route. But my question is are you really installing that many apps, and on a daily basis, that it becomes such a pain in the Run-As. Why not just install all the apps in one sitting, using the local admin account, and be done with it. As for apps not running under a user account, that's not good, maybe we need to look into these specifically and determine what the real problem is. Vista did make some changes to how the system handles/restricts users and directories, but these are usually fixable on a per-application basis. Which programs are giving you trouble.
  14. Yawns pejoratively: Wet myself, not a chance. Like Cluberti says, this will take some form of social engineering, email, or visiting a bad website to be affected. Not to mention that there are plenty of rootkits available that any script kiddie can deploy without additional coding. This is still in the proof of concept stage, wake me when some hacker includes it in Conficker F. You would think so, but it's not true, I can personally attest that at least three Fortune 500 companies are still heavily invested in 16 bit apps and use them daily for mission critical operations. These are mostly software from now defunct companies, or internally built, but some of the older stuff is just in use because it isn't worth the downtime that can occur when employee's are forced to learn a new system. The WFA systems used by the telecoms since the 80's are a perfect example of this, also any mainframe apps that requires a PCOMM/3270 emulator.
  15. Sarah, the quickest/easiest way to track this down will be to use hijackthis, can you please attach, (not paste) your hijack log. http://free.antivirus.com/hijackthis/
  16. First link on google http://cid-4714cfae67c34669.skydrive.live....ncementPack.msi
  17. I assume he meant for you to do this. http://www.google.com/search?q=copy%2Fpast...logon+script%22 Check out this link as well, it might be more of what you are looking for. http://www.wellesley.edu/Computing/WinXP/printing.html EDIT: If that aint what you are looking for, then maybe you need to tell us exactly what problem you are having, do your printers have IP Addresses on the network yet. Not all printer models use DHCP, some require manual configuration of the IP Address at the printer (physically). How many printers and how many clients are we talking about, different solutions are required for a company with 20,000 desktops, then for a home user with only a single desktop. What kind of advice are you looking for ?
  18. Are you trying to create a help request so that someone with XP or better can remote into your Windows PE (for a PXE-based or BareMetal solution ??). If yes, then check out PCAnywhere ThinHost
  19. Anyone know a site already running IPB-v3, tried to sign up at InvisionPower's Demo site but they are full. (no demo slots available) EDIT: Looking at this page, it may be possible to change both CSS overflow-x and -y settings to "scroll" and get the desired result. This would have the added benefit of shortening up post size when people decide to paste instead of attaching their unattend.xml
  20. I use the check-box option for quick format and it only takes 10-20 seconds.
  21. In the past these were usually a case of mistaken image identity, one reader accidentally integrated his updates into image #1 not knowing that image #5 (#4 on x64) was actually the Ultimate he was looking for. Didn't miss anything, I mistakenly assumed everyone was familiar with the WIM image format and never posted the list.Here you go - These are the default images inside an untouched ISO - obviously vLite users who remove all images can disregard. they only have 1 image in their iso's x86 1 - Starter 2 - Home Basic 3 - Home Premium 4 - Professional 5 - Ultimate x64 1 - Home Basic 2 - Home Premium 3 - Professional 4 - Ultimate Hope that helps.
  22. Are your offset's working yet or are you are still in a non-booting situation. If No, can you post your diskpart snippet and we can work on getting your machine bootable, or at least nail down the process of alignment. Here is my guess based on the samples from the article. If you are having troubles with WinPE support of your drivers, back in the day before Bart Lagerweij, we used to actually have to take a spare IDE drive, plop down a full OS (W2K3 trial version is fine), install your RAID drivers and run diskpart that way. Once in alignment, then you can unplug that HDD from the machine, and reboot to begin your real installation. Just an idea.
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