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Everything posted by MrJinje

  1. Do you want to disable system restore completely or are you trying to toggle it on/off.
  2. I think there was one extra file you needed from the R2 DVD\sources folder. Can't remember which file or find the link ATM, but maybe this post will spark someone's memory.
  3. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/970430 It is a non-security update, so no you do not "need" it. This kind of thing can wait until they bundle up the next service pack.
  4. Upgrading a web farm is not exactly a cut-and-dried experience, I say the site admins are doing a good job. Give them some thanks.
  5. MrJinje

    Hosts File

    Works exactly the same on my machine. getting.redirected.com
  6. I thought codebox purpose was to prevent bbcode from altering the text inside the codebox (displaying it as typed instead of parsing) in case the contained "codes" were actually intended to be the text. I think you will have to edit your post to use the <QUOTE> tags which do support formatting in IPB 3
  7. Nothing silly about that question. (save for the fact it's already been answered). Easy way is to install them into a live OS, then use something like Driver Magician Lite to export them. Here is the link for the portable version. http://www.drivermagician.com/PortableDML.zip If you have your catalyst drivers in your OS, just export them, is very easy. Then they can be integrated properly using DISM (or DISM Tool™)
  8. Could try this. It works like a portable version of WUD, just copy to your USB and you are all set. http://forums.mydigitallife.info/threads/1...2450#post162450
  9. Let's not re-install everything and start wasting man-hours just yet. This is a simple problem and deserves a simple solution, just create a task sequence that switches the language back to American. Be warned, editing the registry may cause system instability and blah blah blah, I think if you follow this manual from Strider it will work out just fine. http://www.techtalkz.com/tips-n-tricks/517...indows-7-a.html It is not ideal, but if it's good enough for you, it's good enough for me. Report back. On a side note, (pertinent to many other threads as well) I opened the LiteTouch.wsf and noticed this. It looks like they delete any existing unattend.xml files so integrating them into the WIM will not work. Not sure what other things they are doing under the hood, but I suspect some of these bugs are by design (or over-sight).
  10. OK, but Microsoft is saying it does not work for CD installations. Are you saying it does, I never really trust M$ documentation.
  11. Never heard of that before, got a link for this, Doc
  12. in regards to this conversation I think that the lawyers on the mfg side will argue that 300g is the accepted limit to break a certain internal mechanism and if said mechanism has been broken it proves a fall of 300g has occurred and it is not covered under warranty. If you are looking into how a fall can have different effects on an object. Imagine the difference when an item falls flat (like buttered bread), equally absorbing the shock over a large surface area, versus a drop where the HDD might landed perfectly on it's corner. (with virtually no surface area) That to me sounds like it would experience the same G-force while falling, but the effects of the landing (smaller surface area), would result in more shock being exerted and at a different angles during the impact. That could be the difference, it's not just how fast or far it falls but also how it lands. Like how circus high divers walk away after landing nearly horizontal in only 12" of water. (think belly flop) But that same jump would break both their legs if they went feet first.
  13. Have you already tried installing it with SetupComplete.cmd from the $OEM$ folders.
  14. My guess is you can't. Only option with removed vLite components is re-install with non-vLited source.
  15. Just got your PM, here is my reply. Since you already sysprepped your machine and cannot go back and re-sysprep without some additional effort. The easiest method will be to mount your Install.wim with DISM (or DISM Tool™) and copy/paste your links to Mount\Users\Default\Desktop.
  16. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en C/R which, but one of the .exe in the cab file (extract with winrar), will help you create your unattended syntax. Add each .EXE one at a time using the GUI. Very easy.
  17. There are 3-4 "alternative" methods listed in this thread. I suggest you pick one and go with it, any one of them should be able to do the trick. Otherwise, if you can't talk about where you have seen it, why don't you just go there and maybe those people will know what you are talking about. I'm thinking if they invented a method that works, maybe they are the ones to talk with about it. (or at least PM me a link so I can check it out).
  18. Yes, it is possible, using an NTFS formatted USB (or PXE/network based installs) should work fine with large WIMs. EDIT: C/R but I think there is a file or two you need from the R2 DVD\Sources folder to maintain compatibility while installing. Report back if you run into that error.
  19. Those aren't all real folders, some are just for compatibility purposes. Try double-clicking on and tell me what happens C:\Users\Default User or try opening the C:\Users\All Users\Desktop. Both should error out. Default User is replaced by Default All Users is replaced by Public Programs hard-coded to look in the old location (while running in compatibility mode), will find the sym-links and get re-directed to the correct location allowing them to run. If it bothers you, I suggest disabling the "Show Hidden Files and Folders" settings.
  20. Actually a new thing popped up last night, about 10 times so far my auth gets borked and when I try to preview a reply (before posting), I get this error. Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information. The error returned was: Authorization mismatch - please go back and try again. If you have been trying to access a function incorrectly, please use the proper method.
  21. What you need to do is export the image you want to keep (image #4 or #5 depending on x64 or x86) into it's own WIM. You need the WAIK, and can either do this via command line with imagex, or if prefer a GUI, try gimagex.
  22. Does Package Removal reduce WIM size, like a vLite removal, or is this the DISM style package removal (and WIM does not shrink).
  23. This lead me to believe you wanted to be prompted. Now I'm confused, why would we remove that setting if you DON"T want it to come up.
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