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Everything posted by MrJinje

  1. Search google for PayMyRent's Token Restore, it is tested and working with Windows 7.
  2. Run this, tell me if it opens properly. I might not know the cause, but I may know a solution. %SystemRoot%\system32\CompMgmtLauncher.exe If that file doesn't work, we just need to switch around a few registry settings to change the command that occurs when your Right-Click > Manage. Someone had the same problem last week and we changed the run code to this. mmc %SystemRoot%\system32\compmgmt.msc
  3. Has the OP already ruled out a browser helper object. These would be beyond all the measures the OP employed (not found in start up, clear cookies, history). Dig around in the Manage Add-on console (IE Options) and see if there are any randomly named, unsigned, unknown BHO's and react accordingly. Disable them one by one until the pop-up stops. Then after you are 100% sure you know which add-on is causing trouble, create a group policy setting that prevents usage/installation of that particular add-on. The settings are controlled from here, via group policy. Windows Components\Internet Explorer\Security Features\Add-on Management
  4. Try this, not sure if it is the exact error you are having, but it matched the partial error message you posted. Seems to be related to using the Beta release of VPC. Did you install the Beta VPC that was released in August, or the real VPC that wasn't released until late Oct ???http://blog.coretech.dk/osdeploy/enable-in...ng-server-2008/ Otherwise you will need to fire up your machine and google the exact error that is being reported, (or provide us a snapshot) I do not see any mention of group policy in the above article, so maybe you are having a different issue.
  5. It's possible, unless they had cached credentials on the member server and did not need to contact DC for login. Meaning if it was a server admin who had already logged into the machine before, the DC might not get contacted for subsequent logins. If you cannot find any information via the event viewer, you could always go old-school, search for ntuser.dat files and see which ones have timestamps matching your time frame. Here are some greater details on the event ID #'s and how to decipher them. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library...28WS.10%29.aspx
  6. Welcome to all MSFN Newcomers... Mine does not, I am supporting english only. You could try the XML Generator and create your own updates list. I'd be interested to know if it works on a non-english machine or not.
  7. Are you sure, I just downloaded your newly posted XML and it still has a computername section set to give your machine a random name......You need to fully delete this entire line of code from your XML, not just the value on the inside. <ComputerName></ComputerName> Instead of this.. You want this. Pinned items and certain other user settings might be lost during sysprep, you will need to find a script-able method to push those settings. If you need to PIN anything after sysprep, add something like this to your XML. or
  8. Did you remember to enable integration. Can be found in the settings for your VM. It is enabled by default in the XP Mode image, but you need to manually do it for images you create.
  9. If it turns out to be an employee surfing for pr0n, the HR reps will have a lunch of him. We have fired many employees for violating that little policy, very embarrassing way to go. Another way to go might be to configure that website (pr0n address) into the "Restricted Zone" via group policy, or better yet configure the DNS/gateway/router to bar access to that site. That would help prevent a future infection.
  10. To be honest, any corporate problem that takes longer to solve than the time it takes to provision a new machine, does not need to be solved. You have to weigh how many hours you have worked this problem against how long it would have taken you to reformat/reinstall.
  11. Did you notice that you are mounting your hive to hku\default but your registry files is merging into HKEY_USERS\zzz Can you check the regedit on a failed installation and see if the ZZZ setting is being pushed, if so, change your mount point to this and see if that helps.
  12. LOL, google must have been acting up when you were searching , it seems to be fixed now, I just searched and it gave me a link to this thread.
  13. I have tried this aswell. I see a command prompt window open and close but the default ntuser.dat remains untouched. Which is why I posted the batch file just incase there was a mistake in it. Will this run with admin privledges? It is possible that the .reg file is not putting the settings in the correct location inside the mount, but I can only guess without actually seeing it. Yes it runs with admin privileges. Here is a snip I have been posting to people looking into default profile changes. You already grasp Ogatat's method, but you may want to check out the TechNet Link You might have better luck following section B and instead making your changes to the Administrator account and using CopyProfile setting during sysprep http://support.microsoft.com/?id=973289
  14. Maybe, but it also might be something completely simple (and relatively new for a person coming from XP background) From the John-PC Open Control Panel Network and Sharing Center 1) (home, work, or public). Is John-PC in the same mode as your client PC. Open Advanced sharing settings 2) verify that "Turn Off Password Protected sharing" is checked (in the correct mode). Everyone group does not use passwords, and is therefore blocked by this mode. Check the other settings and make sure they sound like they are working. (duh, File and Printer Sharing On should be obvious).
  15. I'm confused, do you want to make these changes before you sysprep, and then capture the image with these settings, or are you working with an image you already sysprepped, and want to make it work via the unattended method ? The easiest way will be to take the script you already have and instead use SetupComplete.cmd to run it, this way it is applied to the default profile before your user account is created (that is why the settings are not being applied). SetupComplete.cmd runs before the first login, so when the first login occurs (and your account is created), the changes have already been made in the default profile. Place it in this folder on your DVD or USB drive. DVD\Sources\$OEM$\$$\Setup\Scripts\SetupComplete.cmd
  16. Known issue, the fix is to delete your cookies manually. Tools > Options > Privacy > Remove Individual Cookie
  17. Here is one I tracked down the hard way (via manually scrolling through regedit). Network.Map.{E7DE9B1A-7533-4556-9484-B26FB486475E} It's kinda cool, it provides a dynamic little map of your lan. It correctly identified the switch between my computer and my router/gateway. http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windows-v...networking.aspx http://www.tim.id.au/blog/2009/02/01/mappi...with-windows-7/ Most of these are just entry points to things we already have shortcuts for. Here is a quick script for a bunch of these links. Use Notepad and Ctrl + H to change the folder name. This registry setting add the "Control Panel - All Tasks" aka AdminMode via right click. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Folder\shell\AdminMode\command] @=hex(2):25,00,53,00,79,00,73,00,74,00,65,00,6d,00,52,00,6f,00,6f,00,74,00,25,\ 00,5c,00,45,00,78,00,70,00,6c,00,6f,00,72,00,65,00,72,00,2e,00,65,00,78,00,\ 65,00,20,00,73,00,68,00,65,00,6c,00,6c,00,3a,00,3a,00,3a,00,7b,00,45,00,44,\ 00,37,00,42,00,41,00,34,00,37,00,30,00,2d,00,38,00,45,00,35,00,34,00,2d,00,\ 34,00,36,00,35,00,45,00,2d,00,38,00,32,00,35,00,43,00,2d,00,39,00,39,00,37,\ 00,31,00,32,00,30,00,34,00,33,00,45,00,30,00,31,00,43,00,7d,00,00,00 Hex string is. %SystemRoot%\Explorer.exe shell:::{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} Link to a list of all well known Control Panel GUID's For any of you security buffs' these will allow your end-users access to control panels, even after you have removed access via Group Policy. These are the types of examples that Microsoft was referring to in the documentation.
  18. You probably don't need to go overboard, they do offer Dual ISP routers so home users can utilize both DSL and Cable modems at the same time. Then to isolate your main machine from your Family machine, place your Main machine behind a second router. This way it can RDP to the first machine, but the family machine cannot get through the secondary router and infect the Main machine. (like a DMZ setup) DSL + Cable ---- Internet | | | | | | Dual-WAN Router ($250 or more) ---- Family machine | | | Secondary Normal Router ($20 on sale) ---- Main Machine Only needs 5 network cables and 1 nic per machine. EDIT: and to answer your second question, Yes, some of that might be gibberish, but I think this is what you were looking for. If you want to make things really easy, place the Dual-WAN + both modems on the same power strip and reset everything with a single switch.
  19. A more likely solution will be found when router companies decide to include an IPv6 NAT function for it's down-clients. Not sure if this has been created yet, but if I was D-Link, I would look into it. I don't see why the client OS even need to be involved, this can all be handled at the OSI network layer. But I wouldn't worry, it'll be many years before IPv4 is abandoned.
  20. 1) FDA does allow use of Chlorine Dioxide in food stuffs. Up to 5 PPM in some cases. (1 ppm Drinking water) Certain types of food-stuffs are excluded, fruits/vegetables in specific can only be washed/rinsed in Chlorine Dioxide if they are unbroken/unpeeled/un-husked. 2) In fact, if you are a US Citizen, your tap/drinking water from most major cities has contained and been purified using Chlorine Dioxide since the 1950's. 3) The reason why people in Africa become healthier after drinking purified water for the first time is obvious, if you go from drinking polluted water, and then switch to non-contaminated water, your body no longer has to fight the additional water based diseases. Cryptosporidium, and other water borne virus/disease/protozoa have a harder time living in water that is treated with Chlorine Dioxide. It is possible that an AIDS patient also suffering the dual-effects of Cryptosporidium (a combination that is usually fatal in Africa), would seem cured after the Cryptosporidium infestation goes away. They are no longer bed-ridden and can resume their lives, but likely still have AIDS and or a compromised immune system. I do not believe for a second that this is any more of a miracle cure than it was in the 1950's for America when water quality levels improved across the nation. Anyone who has played Oregon Trail can attest to the diseases that were present in America before clean water become commonplace. You do not hear any outbreaks of Dysentery being reported on the news anymore, many water borne diseases can be prevented by clean drinking water. EDIT: Probably the most limiting factor in mass production of Chlorine Dioxide is it's reactive nature, when I say reactive, I mean that in the NFPA sense (it has an explosive reaction if you follow my meaning)
  21. Did you try double clicking the .ULZ file ?
  22. To make the change in your Default User Profile, you could try this method. See post #9 from ogatat for more details. TechNet Link If you mount your WIM with DISM, you can make the change permanent and not need to run a script at all.
  23. This is a good post. Just because MagicAndre heard of this years ago, we shouldn't assume that everyone else has too.
  24. Go here. See Post #6 (by me) It shows how to edit the local security policy and apply it during the build process. For future readers, this is actually a thread about Security Policy and not so much a Group Policy (secpol.msc is part of gpedit.msc). To manage group policy settings in a similar manner (unattended configuration), see Post #3 (also by me) in the above linked thread.
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