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Doc Symbiosis

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Everything posted by Doc Symbiosis

  1. Confirmative! You can but the folder into the XP-directory and burn your CD just as normal.
  2. Just follow the instructions for beginners on http://unattended.msfn.org and put your folder in your folder-structure before creating the iso-Image.
  3. You have to use a backslash in front of every quotattion mark in the command, so use the following (I think, it isn't contained in your tries): REG ADD %KEY%\025 /V 3 /D "%cdrom%\SETUP\SOFT\Realalt\realalt144.exe /silent /LoadInf=\"%cdrom%\SETUP\SOFT\Realalt\realalt.ini\"" /f REG ADD %KEY%\025 /V 4 /D "%cdrom%\SETUP\SOFT\Quickalt\quickalt163.exe /silent /LoadInf=\"%cdrom%\SETUP\SOFT\Quickalt\qtalt.ini\"" /f Didn't try it for myself, but I think this should work.
  4. The problem is, that iss-files doesn't know environment variables. So in your batch, you have to generate the iss-file before the installation. So for example, for the installation of the Cisco VPN-Client I have two iss files (vpn-setup1.iss and vpn-setup2.iss), which contain the text before and after the line with the programfiles-path. Then my batch looks like this( assuming, that ii is located in the dame directory, as the setup.exe and the two iss-files) @echo off REM Change to the current directory cd /D %~dp0 REM Create the answer file, independent of the Program fiels directory type vpn-setup1.iss > setup.iss echo szDir=%PROGRAMFILES%\Cisco Systems\VPN Client >> setup.iss type vpn-setup2.iss >> setup.iss REM Start the silent installation start "" /wait setup.exe -s
  5. In my unattended installation, I add some files to the system32-folder,e.g. cdburn.exe, to have these commands available in command line. Now I want to add this command to those, which are displayed, when you enter 'help' in command line. Has anybody an idea about this?
  6. You use a variable as counter like set i=0 set /A i = %i% + 1 echo %i% I vour case, you when you want to count down, of course you would have to get the number of files first, set your counter to this value and then count down.
  7. Thank you very, very much Yzöwl. Now it works. Just one thing: in the else expression, there should be an echo command: echo %%? already exists!
  8. While playing a litlle with the script in came to the following question: why does in the following example the variable new only returns a value, when I use it outside of the for loop? @echo off&setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion pushd E:\test for /f "delims=" %%i in ('dir/b/s/a *_*') do ( echo %%i set new=%%i echo new_inside_for: %new:_=.% ) echo new_outside_for: %new:_=.% popd&endlocal&goto :eof
  9. @Yzöwl: Hi there, I used the vbs to rename the files and solved my problem, but now I'm trying with your batchfile and get an syntax error for the rename command. I think there something wrong within these two lines set "old=%%?"&set "new=!old:_=.!" if not exist "!new!" ( Don't I have to put % around the new, cause it's a variable? I tried some different things, but I definitely can't figure it out.
  10. I do it this way: I've got an installation dir, ( assume z:\install ) and the vpn-files in a subdirectory ( z:\install\vpn ). Furthermore I have three files in the z:\install, namely vpn-setup1.iss │[InstallShield Silent] │Version=v6.00.000 │File=Response File │[File Transfer] │OverwrittenReadOnly=NoToAll │[{5624C000-B109-11D4-9DB4-00E0290FCAC5}-DlgOrder] │Dlg0={5624C000-B109-11D4-9DB4-00E0290FCAC5}-SdWelcome-0 │Count=5 │Dlg1={5624C000-B109-11D4-9DB4-00E0290FCAC5}-SdLicense-0 │Dlg2={5624C000-B109-11D4-9DB4-00E0290FCAC5}-SdAskDestPath-0 │Dlg3={5624C000-B109-11D4-9DB4-00E0290FCAC5}-SdSelectFolder-0 │Dlg4={5624C000-B109-11D4-9DB4-00E0290FCAC5}-SdFinishReboot-0 │[{5624C000-B109-11D4-9DB4-00E0290FCAC5}-SdWelcome-0] │Result=1 │[{5624C000-B109-11D4-9DB4-00E0290FCAC5}-SdLicense-0] │Result=1 │[{5624C000-B109-11D4-9DB4-00E0290FCAC5}-SdAskDestPath-0] vpn-setup2.iss Result=1 [{5624C000-B109-11D4-9DB4-00E0290FCAC5}-SdSelectFolder-0] szFolder=Cisco Systems VPN Client Result=1 [Application] Name=VPN Client Version=3.50.000 Company=Cisco Systems Lang=0009 [{5624C000-B109-11D4-9DB4-00E0290FCAC5}-SdFinishReboot-0] Result=1 BootOption=0 and vpn.cmd @echo off REM Change to the current directory cd /D %~dp0 REM copy the installation files to the temp directory xcopy /IHYQ vpn\* %TEMP%\vpn REM Create the answer file, independent of the Program fiels directory type vpn-setup1.iss > %TEMP%\vpn\setup.iss echo szDir=%PROGRAMFILES%\Cisco Systems\VPN Client >> %TEMP%\vpn\setup.iss type vpn-setup2.iss >> %TEMP%\vpn\setup.iss REM Start the silent installation start "" /wait "%TEMP%"\vpn\setup.exe -s REM Delete local installation files rmdir %TEMP%\vpn /S /Q It's a little fuzzy, but I wanted to have the installation process independent of the location of the location of the programfiles directory. The xcopy command is only used, because the installation of the client won't run from a network drive. You could also generate the whole answer file through the batch.
  11. I'm just curious, what the "!" in the "/qb-!" switch means?
  12. The Update didn't work for me, even with a normal install, but I used a modified Acrobat Reader, I found somewhere in this forum, but I found out, that there is a full Version with all updates included available at adobe.com. I'm am now trying, which switches are working. Edit: The /v/qn works fine for the full version
  13. I just downloaded Acrobat Reader 7.0.5 Update and are extracting it shows a msp-file and a file msplauncher.exe and some other files. How do I perform a silent install of this package? I already tried with the /passive switch
  14. Sure you could. Only problem is, that your second partition mustn't be always drive d: after installation. But in this case, you could write a batch, which detects a certain file on your second partition and then sets a variable to the drive letter of your second partition. ie put a file named mydrive.dat in the root of your second partition and use the following line in a batch: for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\mydrive.dat set data=%%i: Then in your runonceex.cmd you can use the variable %data% and just have to insert as last entry in your runonceex.cmd REG ADD %KEY%\999 /VE /D "Delete the environment variable data" /f REG ADD %KEY%\999 /V 1 /D "set data=" /f
  15. I not quite sure, but I think this isn't possible, since winnt.sif contains no construction to check anything.
  16. To the first point , I just can say, that I disabled the feature and since then, I don't have a hilbernation file. To the second point: When you have autopartition enabled, windows installs to the first partition, so when you want to install your windows to another partition, you have to set the Autopartition value in the [Data] section of your winnt.sif to 0, but then the installation isn't fully unattended....
  17. At which time do you want to check for the free space? In a batchfile you could use the following line to put the free space on the partition, where your %PROGRAMFILES%-folder is located: For /f "usebackq tokens=3" %%i IN (`dir %PROGRAMFILES%`) DO set free=%%i To check, if the drive g: is present, you can use the following line For /f "usebackq tokens=1" %%j IN (`fsutil fsinfo volumeinfo z:`) DO set error=%%j After using this, and the drive is not present, the variable %error% has the value "Error:" (at least, when you are using an englisch windows
  18. Assume that you have your source files in c:\MyXPCD and the hotfixes you want to integrate in c:\hotfixes. Then change to c:\hotfixes and run the following command: for %i in (*) do start /wait %i /integrate:c:\MyXPCD /Passive And that's all. For further explanation have a look at: http://unattended.msfn.org/beginner/hotfix/intro.htm
  19. You could use installrite to get the registry entries, which are changed by TweakUI, when you use the repair icons function.
  20. I have a folder with many subfolders and a lot of files in it. Many files and folders contain a "_" in their name. Now I want to replace this "_" with ".". Is it possible with a batchfile to solve this problem? Thanks in advance for any help.
  21. Very fine tweaks, especially the malicious software removal tool tweak, cause I don't want to use it and find it very annoying to have it every time within the windows updates
  22. How do you import the regtweaks and which one aren't working? It could be, that you import the regtweaks to late, so that not only the default user profile exists and so the regtweaks referring to HKCU only applies to the logged in user. So this is my cmdlines.txt [COMMANDS] "useraccounts.cmd" "REGEDIT /S regtweaks.reg" "daemontools.cmd" "Runonceex.cmd" When you do it this way, the regtweaks are imported at a time, when only the default user profile exists and so the tweaks referring to HKCU are used for every user.
  23. Your Runonceex seems to be fine, at least I can't find an obvious mistake. %PP%AdbeRdr60_ptb.exe is the right choice, since you have the "\" at the end of the variable %PP%. About the parameters I can't say anything, didn't try to install most of these programs silently.
  24. Everything seems to be fine. Just have be brave, create the iso and test your install.
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