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Doc Symbiosis

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Everything posted by Doc Symbiosis

  1. Best timesaver is, if you install the apps directly from a network share, of course only with an adequate network. I split up the installation to this of the system to that of the software. As last point of installation a simply call WPI from a network share, so that I can choose the Apps to install, naturally you also could simply install a default set of apps without calling WPI. So I don't have to burn always a new CD, when an update to an app is released. Just silly that it leaves to create a new CD after everytwoweeks-MS-Patchday. But there any nearly no other changes, I make to the CD, cause I puzzled quite a while on it, and have set all other things , like I want 'em. Just a thought...
  2. Hi there, in a vb-Script I wanted to do a little automatic Filesystem detecting, I stumbled across the following: When I try to run the follwoing script with an existing, but nonformated drive d:, no message is shown. Works fine, when drive d: has NTFS or FAT. Can anyone explain why? strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colDisks = objWMIService.ExecQuery ("Select * from Win32_LogicalDisk Where DeviceID = 'D:'") For Each objDisk in colDisks If NOT (objDisk.Filesystem="NTFS") Then Wscript.Echo "This is No NTFS" End If If (objDisk.Filesystem="NTFS") Then Wscript.Echo "This is NTFS" End If Next Thanks in advance
  3. Integrating the hotfixes I do this way: Put the install-CD into c:\XP-CD and all your hotfixes into c:\Hotfixes. Open commandline. Change to c:\Hotfixes. Type the following command for /F %i in (*) DO start /wait %i /integrate:c:\XP-CD Add the /silent switch, if you don't want to get any answer.
  4. I just do it this way to make the MyDomain-user Myadmin local administrator: net localgroup /add administrators Mydomain\Myadmin. But I'm not quite sure about the need of a password, cause I do a few things with a special domain account ( Synchronising time, eventually move the computer into the domain.), where I enter the password for.
  5. Looks to be worth a try. Fine thing.
  6. Like you said, for creating the Iso use CDimage and for burning a CD use cdbrun.exe, which is contained in the W2k3 Ressource Kit Tools.
  7. The following batch should do the trick ( couldn't really test it, cause there's only one subkey on my machine: @echo off setlocal enableextensions set count=-3 For /F %%i in ('reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains"') Do call :increase echo Blocked Domains: %count% :increase set /A count=%count%+1 goto :EOF endlocal
  8. Perhaps there is a way to do this through autohotkey. The version of the c't contains a function, that you can enter commands directly in the addressbar of the explorer. Perhapy you just have to modify this a little to fulfill your needs... Have a look here http://www.heise.de/ct/ftp/result.xhtml?ur...ords=AutoHotkey. Unfortunately the homepage is in german, but the program is in englisch. So just download actiaid and install it. There are integrated a lot of examples. It's worth a look anyway, since I installed this, I don't want to miss it anymore. Some nice extensions which are well known from MAC or Linux.
  9. Get the inf drivers and follow the instructions on http://www.unattended.msfn.org
  10. Should be possible to delete the without.SOMETHING without any problems. Perhaps first check, if there is any newer file in the without.SOMETHING directories, only to be sure.
  11. http://www.mirkes.de/de/freeware/batch.php. Unfortunately the homepage is in german. Just follow the link on the top, where it says "herunterladen". The help of the commands is in englisch.
  12. My first thought was, what a terrrible choice of colours, recalls me a little of the good old CGA-graphicstyle in some menupoints(I must acknowledge, actually only under "User Manual" ) But the content is just fine, perhaps there could be a menu, howto change WPI for different solutions, e.g. howto make WPI run from any location without having to modify the WPI.cmd every time or howto run directly form a UNC-path or howto modify WPI to detect the OS and starts with an adequate configuration. Means, I think it would be fine to have somehting like FAQ. The explanation of the possibilities of configuration in config.js is very detailed, which is fine for a lot of users. I found the options pretty self-explaining from the first time on, but I often met people, who had problems two understand the options.
  13. Thanks, but there's no need for it. I also tired a time with wild consntruction with getmac or ipconfig /all, but since I have installed three network adapters, It's little hard. But with the compiled batch I found, it's o problem. Have a nice day
  14. Thanks Bi0haZarD, even if I just found a compiled batchfile called MacID, which you can call with adequate parameters, e.g. MacID 0 to get the MAC-Adress of the network adapter with ID 0.
  15. You could make two version of WPI, put it in different directories, e.g. "WPIXP" and "WPI98". Now edit the autorun.inf located in the root of your CD, if not, create one, containing the following [AutoRun] open=autorun.bat icon=WPI.ico Create a file autorun.bat in the root of your CD, containing: if %OS%==Windows_NT ( %~dp0\WPIXP\WPI.cmd) Add an adequate entry for Win98, but I don't know, what %OS% is on a Win98 System. I didn't test anything of this, but I think, that I should work this way.
  16. Hi there, In a batchfile, I need to get the MAC-address of "Local Area Connection" into a variable, but still can't figure out how. There aren't any adequate parameters for the getmac and ipconfig command. Thought about using the find command, but there's a problem, when more than one network adapter is installed. How do I get the one of "Local Area Connection" Does anyone have an idea? Thanks in advance Title Edited - Please follow new posting rules from now on. --Zxian
  17. Here are the three files I use to create the iss file and installing VPN. I hope, that it is pretty self explaining vpn.cmd vpn_setup1.iss vpn_setup2.iss
  18. Perhaps this is a first step: This command lists the date of the file and the file names. No you just have to add the check for the date it delete the file or folder. In the variable %i the date is contained and in the vatiable %l the filename, %j contains the time of the fileceation and %k contains either "<DIR>", if it's a directory, or the filesize. for /f "tokens=1,2,3*" %i in ('dir /OD') DO echo %i %l If you're using this in a batch, you have to set double '%' instead of one.
  19. I also had this problem and I'm sure, that you can't use environmentvariables in an iss-file. So I wrote a batch, which first creates the iss file and then starts the setup.
  20. You set can this for all users with the following command net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited
  21. Sorry, but I don't think, that there's a way to change the drive letter of the systemdrive, I at least know none.
  22. Just delete the appropriate line in your boot.ini, which resides on c:\.
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