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Doc Symbiosis

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About Doc Symbiosis

  • Birthday 07/21/1976

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  1. How about WPI? Have a look here: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showforum=93
  2. While playing a little with the shell in winxp64 I stumbled across a strange problem: When I run the command tasklist /FI "USERNAME eq %USERDOMAIN%\%USERNAME%" /FI "ImageName eq msiexec.exe" On a WinXp 64 bit, I get the output INFO: No tasks are running which match the specified criteria. on a WinXP 32bit, I get INFO: No tasks running with the specified criteria. So nearly the same But when I run the command for /f "tokens=1" %i in ('tasklist /FI "USERNAME eq %USERDOMAIN%\%USERNAME%" /FI "ImageName eq msiexec.exe"') do echo anything on a 64bit xp, I get the output: D:\>echo anything anything on a 32bit xp, I get the output INFO: No tasks running with the specified criteria. So it seems, that on a 32bit xp the INFO message seems not to be in the stdout, but it is in 64bit xp. Can anyone explain this to me? Especially, does anyone know, where the message on a 32bit xp is redirected?
  3. Does this method also work for SATA drivers? I've just created an unattended 64 bit XP-CD and now want to integrate some SATA/RAID drivers.
  4. I need to extracrt some printer drivers from the Windows XP 64 Bit installation CD to install these on a print server. Anyone knows where these are located and how I can extract them?
  5. For your ram, there's a programm called memtest32. For harddisks you have to have a look on the manufacturer's homepage, but I don't think, that it's an hadrdisk error. For CPU there are different stress tests, but it don't know a special program of this kind.
  6. In such a case, I would suggest to use an AutoIT script.
  7. Don't know a shortcut, but you could use the following AutoIT script Run("control sysdm.cpl,,1 -1") WinWaitActive("System Properties") Send("!c") Unfortunately it only runs on english versions.
  8. Hi there, I've got a strange problem on a computer. Every User has to logoff two times, till Windows does it. So when you click logoff first time nothing happens, when you click it another time, it logs off fine, even if the second logoff comes directly after the first one. Checking the task manager after clicking the first time doesn't show any process, which is very busy. I really don't have a clue, what the problem could be. Does anyone else has? Any help would be appreciated.
  9. Perhaps you're looking for the Universal Switch Finder? http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=17940&st=0
  10. Perhaps I missed the point, but does the Mstsc.exe work? And by the way, normally the Remote Desktop Connection is located in Start -> Programs -> Accessoires -> !!!!!!Communication!!!! -> Remote Desktop Connection, not in System Tools
  11. @T D:Ok., you've got a point.
  12. Do you have integrated additional SATA drivers? This problem occurs, if you don't have integrated the SATA drivers in a right way or if you try to add them from a disk while performing an unattended setup. I suggest to disable the automatic restart, when a BSOD occurs, with the following regkey: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CrashControl] "AutoReboot"=dword:00000000
  13. For Firefox, I use the following batch to set a configuration script: IF NOT exists "%PROGRAMFILES%\mozilla Firefox"\defaults\pref\firefox.js echo didnt find config.file && pause && exit echo pref("network.proxy.autoconfig_url","http://www.mydomain.de/proxy.pl" ); >> "%PROGRAMFILES%\mozilla firefox"\defaults\pref\firefox.js echo pref("network.proxy.type",2); >> "%PROGRAMFILES%\mozilla firefox"\defaults\pref\firefox.js exit To make an adequate script, just make the settings in firefox and have a look, which lines are added to the prefs.js file. Should be very similar for netscape, but we don't use it in the institute, I'm working in, anymore.
  14. Didn't know the first one, really helps a lot. Muchas gracias.
  15. The method described in the manual is thought to be used with an unattended install of windows. You also can run the wpi directly by executing the wpi.cmd. Just have to make a few changes, so that the wpidir is set correctly.
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