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Doc Symbiosis

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Everything posted by Doc Symbiosis

  1. You've got to left the password switch and just type the password, just use: net use x: \\Ben2\\MusicShare Music /USER:Music Music /PERSISTENT:NO.
  2. I would try to debug the wpi.cmd ( set @echo on ) and have a look, if there everything works fine. Seems, that you use a variable, which isn't initialized. By the way, when you get a error message from javascript, it doesn't mean, that the line is the right, because the line is taken out of the runtime environment. Perhaps post you're wpi.cmd. Just a thought: Do you use the %CDROM% variable, but forgot to put the WPI.ico in the root directory of your CD ( because WPI uses this file to detect the CD ) ?
  3. Hi there, I searching for a method to perform a silent install of endnote 8 and 9. I've got the msi packages and they install with the /passive switch, but I don't know, howto integrate the serial number. Thanks in advance for any help. Doc
  4. I'm sorry, just found it in a readme file, it's setup.exe -a
  5. I looking for a switch to perform a silent installation of Sophos Antivirus 3.97.0. The Remote Update Tool works with /s, but the sophos installer don't. With the Universal Switch Finder, I hadn't any luck. Would be grateful about any help.
  6. Here's a code to connect a network dirve automatically and put the driveletter into a variable. I think it's independent of system-language: FOR /f "usebackq tokens=2*" %%i IN (`net use * \\server\share /PERSISTENT:NO`) DO ( SET drvlet=%%i GOTO endfor ) :endfor
  7. That's the point. I don't want to connect the network path with a fixed drive letter.
  8. Just use the following command: rundll32.exe setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection Defaultinstall 132 %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Install:\huffyuv.inf
  9. I edited my first post, made a few changes to the wpi.cmd, especially system-language-independent, and made a, I hope easy to understand, step by step description.
  10. Just found out for myself: set share=\\server\share FOR /f "usebackq tokens=2* eol=" %%i IN (`net use * %share% /PERSISTENT:NO`) DO ( SET drvlet=%%i GOTO endfor ) :endfor [\code] Connects to the "last" free drive letter, means that windows searches for free driveletters backwards and those letters to which a local device was assigned anytime ago, are left out for the first. Should be system-language independent.
  11. Which system language do you use? I ask, because the command to find the first free drive letter only works on english systems. Check, if "No such Root Directory" is contained in the output, when you use "fsutil fsinfo drivetype x: " with a not existing drive x:. I'm working right now on a way to make it independent from the system language. therefo, you can use net use * \\server\share, which automatically uses the first free drive letter to connect the share to, but I till now, I can't get the drive letter out of the output of the command. Should be solved in a few hours at most days.
  12. Hi there, I'm trying to connect automatically to a network share in a batch file. Til now I used the following method to find the first free drive letter: for %%a in (l m n o p q r) do ( fsutil fsinfo drivetype %%a:|find "No such Root Directory">nul 2>&1&&call :check %%a: ) :check if not defined drvlet set drvlet=%1&goto :eof But now I want to make it independent from the system language and so I tried something with "net use * \\ server\share", so that the first free drive letter is automatically taken to connect to. Problem is to get the first drive letter into a variable. For now I have the following For /f "usebackq tokens=2*" %%i IN (`net use * \\server\share`) DO ( echo %%i) Now I've got the problem to get the drive letter into a variable. So is there any way to use wildcards in an IF statement ( every opinion I found til now, means no ) or how do I get the drive letter in another way into a variable?
  13. For the Manage ust delete the following key: [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\Manage] Means to delete this entry, just add the following line to the regfile [-HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\Manage]
  14. The function FindSWPath() reads your softwarepath out of the following regkey: HKCU\Software\WPI\SWPath. So in your WPI.cmd you have to ensure, that you write the SWpath to the registry, which is done in my example with the following line REG ADD HKCU\SOFTWARE\WPI /v SWPATH /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "%drvlet%\%Appdir%" /f Hope this helps, if not, don't hesitate to ask again.
  15. Hi there, I'm sorry, but I missed one line: In the generate.js in the function replpath(u) you've got to insert the following line: swdir = FindSWPath(); With this it should work. Thanks for the hint. I edited my first post.
  16. At which time of the installation do you import the tweaks? You have to make sure, that the HKCU Tweaks also are contained in the Default Users profile ( HKU\.Default ), otherwise, only the HKLM Tweaks are taken for all users, who log on the PC.
  17. Thanks Gee, that is, what I was looking for.
  18. Much thanks Gee, but is exactly what I don't want to have. I want to be able to mark text only using the keyboard.
  19. When you use the Cisco VPN Client, you could use the following command: vpnclient.exe connect network1 user myusername pwd mypass When you don't use the pwd parameter, you're prompted for the password. Or are you trying to establish a VPN connetion without any third party programs, then I have to surrender.
  20. Have a try with the following regtweak: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\microsoft.com] "http"=dword:00000002
  21. I use the following vbs Script to change the registered users name. Should be a simple thing to add the change of the company: Set wshshell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 'Den registrierten Besitzer neu erfragen key_own = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\RegisteredOwner" owner = wshshell.RegRead(key_own) owner = InputBox("Please enter the registered owners name:","Change the registered owner" , owner) If ( owner <> "" ) Then owner = wshshell.RegWrite(key_own, owner) End If
  22. HI there, I use the commandline very much and so I was overjoyed, when I found this switch, with which you can mark and copy text in commandline: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console] "Quickedit"=dword:00000001 You just have to mark text and then click one time with the right mouse button. Unfortunately this doesn't work with the keyboard, but it's better than nothing. Does anyone know, howto enable this also working for the keyboard?
  23. You could use a bacthfile with diskpart to reassign the letter D to the partition. diskpart uses IDs which only depend on the location on the HDD, so partition 1 is the primary and partition 3,4,5.. are the first, second, third,... logical partition.
  24. Runs fine including exitting on my XP SP2 regardless of starting from commandline or explorer. Perhaps try to insert some pause commands to get the place, where the script hangs.
  25. What is the number in the TRANSFORMS=1036.MST about? Is it the language ID?
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