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Doc Symbiosis

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  1. Which entries do you mean? I use the script since a few months and didn't come across any probglem. But perhaps I overlooked a fault.
  2. ****, windows commands doesn't really run with these changes when I start WPI.cmd with a doubleclick and I can't figure out why. When I call WPI.cmd from commandline, everything works fine.
  3. Sorry, attaching the file went wrong, so it edited the post and added the script
  4. Perhaps have a try with the following vb script: It only asks for the data and then runs the command "netsh interface ip set address source=static name="Local Area Connection" addr=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx mask=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx gateway=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 1" Set wshshell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") ip = "" subnet ="" gateway ="" 'msg = "Want you to set a static IP? "& VbCr &"(If no DHCP is enabled)?" antwort = MsgBox(msg, vbYesNo + vbQuestion) if antwort = vbNo then befehl ="netsh interface ip set address source=dhcp name= "&"""Local Area Connection""" command = "%COMSPEC% /C " & befehl resultat = wshshell.Run ( kommando, 1, True ) befehl ="netsh interface ip delete dns name="&"""Local Area Connection""" & " addr=all" command = "%COMSPEC% /C " & befehl resultat = wshshell.Run ( kommando, 1, True ) befehl ="netsh interface ip delete wins name="&"""Local Area Connection""" & " addr=all" command = "%COMSPEC% /C " & befehl resultat = wshshell.Run ( kommando, 1, True ) WScript.Quit end if ip_neu = InputBox("Please enter the IP:","Enter IP number", ip ) subnet_neu = InputBox("Please enter subnetmask:","Enter subnetmask", subnet ) gateway_neu = InputBox("Please enter gateway:","Enter gateway", gateway ) befehl ="netsh interface ip set address source=static name= "&"""Local Area Connection"""&" addr="& ip_neu &" mask="& subnet_neu &" gateway="& gateway_neu & " 1" command = "%COMSPEC% /C " & befehl resultat = wshshell.Run ( kommando, 1, True ) If Not resultat = 0 Then MsgBox ("Changing of IP failed") End If
  5. Hi there, yesterday I came across the problem, that I wanted to run WPI from everywhere, not only from a CD and always came across the error "..windows cannot find....", especially when I tried to run a windows command (e.g. "net use.."). Took me some time to come to a solution and so I thought, I might interest someone else. So here it is. I changed the following to the files: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my WPI.cmd ( basically added the REG ADD and REG DELETE line ) -------------------------------------------- @ECHO OFF REM Determine the WPI startup path. set wpipath=%~dp0 REM Font installation - the smooth and customizable way. start /wait %wpipath%\common\fonts\fontinstaller.exe REM Special registry tweak needed. regedit /s "%wpipath%\common\wpi.reg" REM Make WPI directory the current directory. for /f "delims=: tokens=1" %%i in ("%wpipath%") do %%i: cd "%wpipath%" REM Write the actual path to the registry REG ADD HKCU\Software\WPI /v SWPath /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d %wpipath% /f REM Start WPI and wait for its end start /wait WPI.hta REM Delete the Key from the registry REG DELETE HKCU\Software\WPI exit :end --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Then in generate.js I added the following function: ----------------------------------------------------------- function FindSWPath() { position = "generate.js" swpath = WshShell.regRead("HKCU\Software\WPI\SWPath"); return swpath; } ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I also added in generate.js the following lines to the function replpath ------------------------------------------------ softwarepathwpath = FindSWPath(); rs = rs.replace(/%swpath%/gi, softwarepath); --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now I can use in config.js for example cmd1[pn]=['%swpath%\\Install\\Mozilla\\setup.exe -ma -ira'] Now there's nothing else for it, but to say: WPI is really a REALLY GREAT TOOL! Keep at it!!!
  6. You could use the attached script. It asks for the new folder for the userprofiles, copies the folder of default user and all users and sets the entry in the registry, so that new profiles will be generated in the new location. Already existing profiles aren't touched. Save the following as profiles.vbs and run it ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Set wshshell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") value_user = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Profilelist\ProfilesDirectory" dir_docs = wshshell.RegRead(value_user) Do answer = vbYes resiltat1 = 0 resultat2 = 0 'Dialog zur Auswahl des Ordners für die Profile öffnen userfolder = folderbrowse 'Falls Cancel gedrückt wurde, das Skript beenden If ( userfolder = "" ) Then WScript.Quit End If pos = Instr (userfolder,":") If NOT ( pos = 2 ) Then Msgbox userfolder & " is not a valid directory. Please choose another one!" Else Set userfolderO = fs.Getfolder(userfolder) If ( userfolderO.Subfolders.count > 0 ) OR (userfolderO.files.count > 0 ) Then answer = Msgbox (userfolder &" is not empty. Overwrite?", vbYesNo + vBQuestion) If ( answer = vbYes) AND (len(userfolder) > 3) Then On Error Resume Next fs.Deletefolder(userfolder) End If End If If NOT ( answer = vbNo ) Then dir_docs = wshshell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(dir_docs) befehl ="xcopy /o/h/e/i/y/q """ & dir_docs & "\all users"" """ & userfolder & "\all users""" kommando = "%COMSPEC% /C " & befehl resultat1 = wshshell.Run ( kommando, 1, True ) befehl ="xcopy /o/h/e/i/y/q """ & dir_docs & "\default user"" """ & userfolder & "\default user""" kommando = "%COMSPEC% /C " & befehl resultat2 = wshshell.Run ( kommando, 1, True ) If ( resultat1 <> 0 ) OR ( resultat2 <> 0 ) Then msgbox "Copy failed! Please choose another directory" If (len(userfolder) = 3) Then On Error Resume Next fs.Deletefolder(userfolder & """\all users""") On Error Resume Next fs.Deletefolder(userfolder & """\default user""") Else fs.Deletefolder(userfolder) End If End If End If End If loop while (resultat1 <> 0) OR (resultat2 <> 0) OR ( answer =vbNo ) OR ( NOT pos = 2) wshshell.RegWrite value_user,userfolder Function folderBrowse On Error Resume Next Set slapp = WScript.CreateObject("Shell.Application") Set V = slapp.BrowseForFolder (0, "Choose the new folder for the userprofiles ( or press cancel, if you don't want to move it)", 0, &H11) If err.number <> 0 Then folderBrowse = "Error number " & err.number err.clear Exit Function End If folderBrowse = V.self.path End Function
  7. I've also got the same problem, in unattended setup, every tweak works fine, except that the small icon key isn't imported from the default user profile. Does anyoen know a fix for this problem? Everything works fine with view set to details, but this is a very other way.
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