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Everything posted by MHz

  1. To execute an Au3 file when AutoIt3.exe is in the current path or the systems path use: AutoIt3.exe "path/to/script.au3" If not seen in the path, then you may need to also specify the "path\to\AutoIt3.exe". If the Au3 file is compiled into an executable, then use same syntax as running any other executable. "path\to\script.exe" Switches used on the installer being automated, deleting shortcuts etc would be expected to be contained within the script itself. AutoIt3 is here if needed. Scite4AutoIt3 editor is here also if needed.
  2. Ensure you are using the RunOnceEx key in the registry, as using the RunOnce key would have that effect.
  3. Could be a bug in the application itself. Would perhaps be best to inform the developer at their forum or use any other suitable contact methods.
  4. MHz


    If you have a script made and need some help, then I'm sure that I or someone else maybe able to help you with the problems in your script. There are some samples above of using scripts made with CMenu templates. I'm sure that ProcessClose() can perhaps handle your issues.
  5. AutoIt scripts, if using WinWait() and Control*() functions, are almost impossible to interrupt. You have a good chance of hiding the install when using Control*() functions by WinMove()-ing the installer window off screen. The option window using html can be handled with the Com capabilities of the newly released AutoIt3 v3.2.0.1. So it comes down to knowledge of using AutoIt and not whether AutoIt can do it good enough.
  6. Nice to see that you helped yourself out. Just one thing is you should check @error after using DriveGetDrive() and before using the array to prevent a soft error message from AutoIt which can halt the operation. I did some changes and was left with this Global $CD_Letter $CD_Letter = File_In_CD_Root("PKBE_Setup.exe") If $CD_Letter Then RunWait($CD_Letter & "\PKBE_Setup.exe") EndIf Exit Func File_In_CD_Root($file) Local $I, $CD $CD = DriveGetDrive("CDROM") If Not @error Then For $I = 1 to $CD[0] If FileExists($CD[$I] & "\" & $file) Then Return $CD[$I] Endif Next EndIf EndFunc Good luck
  7. Not at all if you want to make your own "personal" repacked installers that abide to your own "personal" expectations. Some installers give you options, some do not and then some do not even support switches at all.
  8. MHz


    Yurek3, I converted the Total commander using WinExist() with a Loop, into a WinWait() script for you. View: _tcmdr655.html Download: _tcmdr655.au3 You will notice the scripts are similar but WinExist() will check multiple windows at once to process the first match with the condition of the loop, while WinWait() is one window to handle, then the next window to handle so is easier to manage for new users of AutoIt3.
  9. MHz


    Yurek3, Make sure that you read the CMenu Helpfile. In the Identify Installer page is some links at the bottom which shows a simple example. The Helpfile does let you know of the tasks to be done by you to complete the script as the scipt created is just based on a template. The script needs editting between the "#region" and "#endregion" fold keywords. As for using 'tcup16.exe, I would guess you have the 16 bit version that is used on Windows 3.1. I will show a working example script of installing the 32 bit version. View Script: _tcmdr655.html Download Script: _tcmdr655.au3 The CMenu Helpfile does mention that the WinExists type of script can be the most advanced, so using a WinWait script might make it easier for you to learn making an automation script. Silent installation scripts made by Identify Installer are also available for installers that support silent install.
  10. AutoIt3 can play an MP3 with one line of code.
  11. Nice tip , but I think that is where the script helps to install while you sit back for a awhile and rest.
  12. I'll say it after 5 days. Spot on Nice help blinkdt.
  13. If you download the pro version, then you can make the unattended ini file that was posted. The ini file will work fine with the Avast4Home version. Well, the basic parts anyway. Else, treat the installer like any other Inno setup Installer by using the /verysilent switch.
  14. @LeveL The "AutoIt Reveal Mode" is almost the same as the AutoIt3 "AutoIt Info Tool". And the MouseClick, why not go for the control directly as with AutoIt3 ControlClick. When I used AutoIt2 years ago, it was inflexiable to control installations. Sure it was and perhaps still good compared to other automation scripts, but with AutoIt3, I can do so much more with structured programming techniques. Sorry, but the days of the AutoIt2 are long gone for me, and I say goodbye to it like a breath of fresh air just come along. Don't be scared, if your going to waste your time, then waste it on improving your ability with AutoIt3. General help is here for AutoIt users as well as the great unattended help here.
  15. Type Shutdown /? in a DOS console window for usage. It will handle the restart for you within a cmd file.
  16. Thanks for the reply, Yzöwl. I can see that you are reasonable. I would say that research would not be needed. Those who would donate, would humbly do so. One can only guess of how an outcome of success would happen. I do not see many MSFN donaters, so that may perhaps express some result for scripts. But, who knows unless one tries. Some people are kind enough to give to a worthy cause. As from the 1st reply posted, I can see negative reponses. In general, if anyone wants to get on the bad side of anyone else, then I would not recommend posting as such. Nologic, I guess, felt he had to stand up for the simple topic that this started out as. The title could have reflected better. Things look like it got out of some control, but a couple of members were not peaceful with communicating either. There are some members on this site, who as I would consider as talented, and have contributed to others, that would be able to qualify for future compensation through donations, as stated in my last post. I respect this concept, and logically see no reason to argue. To make it blunt, if you offer nothing worthwhile, then maintaining a contribution account would be not even be worth it. I consider that anyone who wants to promote a concept of asking for donations on a site, then just do it. It is their right to do so. Just give me a link so I can have a look at your offerings.
  17. Nologic has my full support. He does not require any permission to setup up a site and ask for donations (no matter how donations are phrased). If people want to request a script that is not available, then asking a fee would not be unreasonable. The above of asking for donations can be regarded as normal, as happens at Sourceforge and other Free products at other sites, all around the Net. Not everyone is doing well financially, so asking for money to contribute towards effort etc, is not a sin.
  18. a function something like : ok i will wait for a window, but i will finish the waiting when will appear one window who have the couple title/text equal with title1/text1 or title2/text2 ? if not exist ... well...i will study the while function . thank you ! oneless, On the last part mentioned, the beta of AutoIt has RegExp support for Window Titles which would allow you to recognize more then one title per WinWait() check, but I would consider too much resources used to control different language installation, as Nologic shows as needing to get the title with WinGetTitle as well to confirm and use. For the script to be efficient, I would try the @OSLANG macro to 1st sort out which language to use, then process that language solely. As you have posted in the quote, "ClassNameNN" strings normally do not change, so would be choice to use instead of ControlID or the controls text. I would consider trying this concept 1st. If @OSLang = '0418' Then ; Romanian $title_01 = 'Setari' $text_01 = 'Alegeti tipul de instalare' $title_02 = '' $text_02 = '' $title_03 = '' $text_03 = '' $paste_03 = 'Romanian text' $title_04 = '' $text_04 = '' $title_05 = '' $text_05 = '' Else ; Other (English) $title_01 = 'Settings' $text_01 = 'Choose the setup type' $title_02 = '' $text_02 = '' $title_03 = '' $text_03 = '' $paste_03 = 'English text' $title_04 = '' $text_04 = '' $title_05 = '' $text_05 = '' EndIf $pid = Run(@ScriptDir & '\program.exe') If WinWait($title_01, $text_01, 60) Then ControlClick($title_01, $text_01, 'Button1') WinWait($title_02, $text_02) ControlClick($title_02, $text_02, 'Button3') WinWait($title_03, $text_03) ControlSetText($title_03, $text_03, 'Edit1', $paste_03) ControlClick($title_03, $text_03, 'Button2') WinWait($title_04, $text_04) ControlClick($title_04, $text_04, 'Button4') WinWait($title_05, $text_05) ControlClick($title_05, $text_05, 'Button1') Else ProcessClose($pid) Exit 1 EndIf ProcessWaitClose($pid)
  19. Use InstSrv.exe and SrvAny.exe from Microsoft, webpage here. Another webpage here with more info and a link to download.
  20. If setup.exe is within a WebPackageInstaller, then you may need to use -a -r (not case sensitive for installshield). If it has an msi inside instead of setup.exe, then no recording is available.
  21. Impossible to get total silence from the installer. It uses a Wise Installer by memory which is /s. But it is not silent at the end. This is what I use as all the installer basically does not totally silent, is copy the uxtheme.dll to the system directory. But you may have WFP jump in also. I just use the dll from the installer, with this script. Opt('TrayIconDebug', 1) If @OSVersion <> 'WIN_XP' Then Exit 1 $source = @ScriptDir & '\uxtheme.dll' If FileChangeDir(@SystemDir) Then FileMove('dllcache\uxtheme.dll', 'dllcache\uxtheme.old') FileMove('uxtheme.dll', 'uxtheme.old') FileCopy($source, 'dllCache\uxtheme.dll', 1) FileCopy($source, 'uxtheme.dll', 1) FileDelete('dllcache\uxtheme.old') FileDelete('uxtheme.old') If WinWait('Windows File Protection', 'Files that are required', 10) Then ControlClick('Windows File Protection', 'Files that are required', 'Button3') If WinWait('Windows File Protection', 'You chose not to restore', 5) Then ControlClick('Windows File Protection', 'You chose not to restore', 'Button1') EndIf EndIf EndIf Exit Yep, an AutoIt script. Or perhaps repack it better and have WFP disabled. Or add it to the source as most other do for a Unattended windows cd.
  22. Perhaps PDFCreator could be an option. PrimoPDF has a forum topic that covers your question, unless you have the enterprise version that has unattended install support. But there is always AutoIt, if this is for single user usage.
  23. Sounds like you may have a multiboot disk. If so, then you could be able to setup a good solution from your custom menu perhaps. Have you looked at the option of scripting DiskPart to setup partitions on the HDD and then execute Winnt32.exe to format and setup windows via the Winnt.sif?
  24. If $CMDLINE[0] And $CMDLINE[1] = '/?' Then MsgBox(0x40000, 'Help', 'Not a problem;)') Exit EndIf
  25. The UDF I show relies on what you view in Add/Remove programs. If a program maker changes the name like changing pants, then real problems in identifing does come in. Yes, indeed entries can change as they sometimes add version number, so I will add in a StringLeft to handle the name without the rest. Thanks RogueSpear Add code here for comparison. $result = _InstalledVersion('Adobe Reader') If Not @error Then MsgBox(0, 'Installed Version', $result) Func _InstalledVersion($displayname) Local $key_main = 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall' Local $i, $key_main, $key_result, $key_sub, $version, $size = StringLen($displayname) For $i = 1 To 1000 $key_sub = RegEnumKey($key_main, $i) If @error Then ExitLoop If StringLeft(RegRead($key_main & '\' & $key_sub, 'DisplayName'), $size) = $displayname Then $version = RegRead($key_main & '\' & $key_sub, 'DisplayVersion') If Not $version Or @error Then ContinueLoop Return $version EndIf Next SetError(1) Return EndFunc
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