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Everything posted by MHz

  1. A simple example If $CMDLINE[0] = 2 Then $vanilla = $CMDLINE[1] $chocolate = $CMDLINE[2] MsgBox(0x40000, 'CMDLINE', $vanilla & @CRLF & $chocolate) EndIf
  2. If you need more help, then let us know. http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/docs/i...htm#CommandLine
  3. I'll stick with enumerating the registry. This is what I would use based on AutoIt3 $result = _InstalledVersion('Adobe Reader') If Not @error Then MsgBox(0, 'Installed Version', $result) Func _InstalledVersion($displayname) Local $key_main = 'HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall' Local $i, $key_main, $key_result, $key_sub, $version For $i = 1 To 1000 $key_sub = RegEnumKey($key_main, $i) If @error Then ExitLoop If RegRead($key_main & '\' & $key_sub, 'DisplayName') = $displayname Then $version = RegRead($key_main & '\' & $key_sub, 'DisplayVersion') If Not $version Or @error Then ContinueLoop Return $version EndIf Next SetError(1) Return EndFunc Edit: Rude of me to forget, thanks for your reply, RogueSpear
  4. Hey RogueSpear, That VBS using WMI would not work at T-12 (Cmdlines.txt) , correct?
  5. [quote name='Avneet' post='491807' date='Apr 10 2006, 08:12 AM']how do u use this script..i used autoit and compiled it .. i put it with the picasa instalation file.. and nothing happend .. plizz help[/quote] Ensure that you have renamed the Picasa installer to the name used in the script or change the name in the script to the same as the installer. [quote]; Installer. $executable = 'Picasa v2.exe'[/quote] I have updated that previous post of mine with an up to date script. Please try it instead. Do not name your compiled script to similar name as the installer else you may just execute the script itself. I add a underscore infront of compiled script filenames as you can keep a similar filename but the underscore prevents accidental execution of the script itself. The 2 files need to be within the same directory as the script is setup for it. You only need to execute the AutoIt script and it will handle the installation of Picasa for you.
  6. I have 2.0.1 version. It is a Nullsoft installer with an MSI inside. You just need to go through the NSIS extraction and recover the files from your temp directory. You can then archive those files for easier extraction with switches.
  7. Nice answer to the question, SmartAss Edit: Added SmartAss
  8. Err, that is not an ini file Maybe better luck here. nLite Forum Edit: Fixed typo
  9. I disagree. The Default User Profile is loaded instead of the current user at T-12. A perfect time. I add to the registry entry and copy the file to the HDD in one go. The registry entry will execute a RunOnce script that is super hidden in the Windows Dir. You just need to add the entry at T-12 to HKCU\...\RunOnce and it will be executed with any new account that is logged on to. My script is old and proven to work for each new logon. Clean as I did not have to load a profile...think about it.
  10. @ScriptDir is the directory that your AutoIt3 script is. If your AutoIt3 script resides in "D;\Software", then @ScriptDir will return "D;\Software". @ScriptDir is a macro. "\Software\zonealarm\yourconfig.xml" is the path to a xml file that is saved from a previous installation. muiz or other may know some more as he has been helping members with ZoneAlarm. A search may uncover some more information on this also.
  11. Not good. It would probably reboot automatically. You could try ProcessClose(), but it was to write registry entries or anything after the messagebox, then that would not be good. There is a /noreboot switch which may work also if autonated. Here is silent usage that you could try also. RunWait(@ScriptDir & '\Setup.exe /s /i /noreboot /lickey xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ' & @ScriptDir & '\Software\zonealarm\yourconfig.xml')
  12. You should be able to close the reboot window. If it has a Yes/No buttons, then just click No to reboot. I have problems with that installer so cannot check from here and little that you show for any further positive help.
  13. Add an entry into SvcPack.inf, I would guess http://unattended.msfn.org/unattended.xp/view/web/24/
  14. Yep, you handle DT4 installer twice, excuse my ignorance . The major difference is between our methods is that running just the SPTD installer alone from Cmdlines.txt saved some grief of any hang instead of using the SPTD installer from within the DT4 installer. The script I posted in the AutoIt thread can be executed twice also, though using the SPTD installer alone from Cmdlines.txt save running the same DT4 installer a second time. The choice of automation functions is very good. Nice script.
  15. A custom Winntbuu.dll should not be a problem when inserted into your I386 source first. Recommend to use Modifype.exe on Winntbuu.dll to correct the checksum after the file was modified.
  16. Not sure about intregrating, but a scripted installation is what I have done previously. Have a look at the bottom of this post for some instructions given based on my installation method. Other threads cover the subject if searched for. I do not see how your script will handle the forced reboot when you install SPTD at the same time ? You can substitute the use of $a by just using ExitLoop to jump out of the While loop as needed. I would recommend using @ScriptDir in your Run function, incase the working directory is not @ScriptDir for any reason. Run(@ScriptDir & "\daemon403-x86.exe") The above line will help ensure success. A nice effort you have on the instructions. Edit: Added link Edit2: Just remembered, as it is not the reboot msgbox that is the problem but that DT4 wants to reboot again to start the install of DT4 when the SPTD service is actually running.
  17. OK, you experience exactly the same issue. Thanks for alerting me.
  18. But i dont want to click butons during setup , is there no other way? What do you refering to, muiz ?
  19. With the little info given, here is my assumption... Seems like Windows Setup is possibly recognizing you Card Reader as a CDRom, which steals the letter used by the Windows Setup CD. Or it is disrupting the drivers of the CDRom which in effect leaves Windows Setup lost as the CD is not seen anymore. Adding the drivers for your Card Reader during textmode setup through the use of $OEM$ method may help, else perhaps you may need to leave the Card Reader disconnected during Windows Setup.
  20. You could try the old favorite of FlaskMPEG. It has not been updated for atleast a few years, but neither has MPEG1. It does the MPEG1/2 for you with alot of features within. I have not used it for awhile as GordianKnot or AutoGordianKnot does a super nice job converting to DivX/XviD instead.
  21. Your Cmdlines.txt is fine. You just need to add it into the root of $OEM$. Do not have an entry in Winnt.sif to execute Cmdlines.txt. Note: Cmdlines.txt will execute at T-12, even without a Winnt.sif file used.
  22. Affirmative. Edit: As for running an au3 file "PathTo\AutoIt3.exe" "PathTo\Script.au3" or compile for portablity without needing the interpreter.
  23. Yep, T as in time, and T-39 (minutes to go) is start of Gui setup, which is right after textmode setup copies all the files to the HDD. T-12 is when Cmdlines.txt is executed. A timeline is displyed here.
  24. Cmdlines.txt is placed in: "$OEM$\Cmdlines.txt" Sample contents of Cmdlines.txt [COMMANDS] "RegEdit /s RegTweaks.reg" Edit: Setup will look for this file by default at T-12, so do not worry about calling it from anywhere.
  25. AutoIt as a whole, can be used at any stage of windows setup that I am aware of. AutoIt is not limited as functionality is built in. AutoIt only requires a few dlls to be present to operate correctly which each OS of Windows 95 and later has as standard. T-12 Cmdlines.txt has little problems with AutoIt and installations except for the few applications that require a service etc. to install as intended. Example Windows Media Player that warns for the System Restore service to be running. AutoIt can click past the warning messagebox. At times earlier then T-12, you will find that the systems registry is not well setup then, so installers may fail, before even the thought of AutoIt limitations would come in, if any. AutoIt is actively being used at T-39 to handle drivers so the system is prepared better for the initial setup. The sky is the limit with AutoIt, so to speak. The "warp drive feeling" will come in the next public release of AutoIt as it just keeps getting better. B)
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