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Posts posted by vinifera

  1. just to add to sillyness of MS

    (this will look like advertising but is not :P, I always intend to recommend better soft that I know of)

    example of UltraSearch app, its free, but my main point is that it reads directly from $MFT, no indexing, no nothing

    one has to wonder why MS never did such thing, after all they were the ones that wanted instant search with Longhorn

    and then reverted to slow indexing again...

    also, sorry if this was not replies you wanted :P

  2. I'm trying to slim down PDC build 6801

    but whenever I try, install is always broken on this point with this message:


    now, I don't care what will work when OS is installed, I just want it slimmed to be installed

    this is my session, if someone can see it (its not big at all), and tell me what is so **** sensitive there

    (had to use pastebin, attachment not working for me)


  3. for some reason when used unattended installation with $OEM$ batch file for T-13 time

    setting propper file associations fail

    simple example:

    for irfanview to open GIF file

    FTYPE GIF.FILE="%PROGRAMFILES%\IrfanView\i_view32.exe" "%1"

    or PDF Xchange to open PDF's

    FTYPE PDF.File="%PROGRAMFILES%\PDFXChange\PDFXCView.exe" "%1"

    if I do it manualy (type it in cmd window) it will work

    but why doesn't it do right with T-13 batch file ?

    i noticed in output window that "%1" doesn't get applied

    but just "" is added which I guess screws things up

    anyone know how to fix this things ?

  4. i've noticed that 2005 has some... issues...

    MS offers 3 versions to download

    redist 2005

    redist 2005 SP1

    and redist 2005 SP1 update

    but they seem to clash? with each other, the newer removes older

    while in 2008 case, both 2008 and SP1 co-exists

    bit odd :P

  5. I'd like to add to my nlited installation Visual C++ redist's

    is it enough to just add 2005 SP1 and 2008 SP1

    or ALL 2005, 2005 SP1, 2005 SP1 ATL security update, 2008, 2008 SP1 ?


  6. it could be some malware

    if your scanners can't find anything my recomendation would be repair (not format) of OS

    then again thats only my opinion

    usualy explorer.exe takes high resource if something of 3rd party

    is hooked to it and using it

  7. bare with me in this situation :P

    if i didn't install .net (1.1 or 2, no matter), but just copied folders from \Windows\ directory

    (assembly, Microsoft.NET and WinSxS) from another installed XP that had .net installed

    what needs to be done, to "register" that components so windows can see them and use them ?

    and do i need to export/import some reg entries ?

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