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Posts posted by vinifera

  1. i've noticed that 2005 has some... issues...

    MS offers 3 versions to download

    redist 2005

    redist 2005 SP1

    and redist 2005 SP1 update

    but they seem to clash? with each other, the newer removes older

    while in 2008 case, both 2008 and SP1 co-exists

    bit odd :P

  2. I'd like to add to my nlited installation Visual C++ redist's

    is it enough to just add 2005 SP1 and 2008 SP1

    or ALL 2005, 2005 SP1, 2005 SP1 ATL security update, 2008, 2008 SP1 ?


  3. it could be some malware

    if your scanners can't find anything my recomendation would be repair (not format) of OS

    then again thats only my opinion

    usualy explorer.exe takes high resource if something of 3rd party

    is hooked to it and using it

  4. bare with me in this situation :P

    if i didn't install .net (1.1 or 2, no matter), but just copied folders from \Windows\ directory

    (assembly, Microsoft.NET and WinSxS) from another installed XP that had .net installed

    what needs to be done, to "register" that components so windows can see them and use them ?

    and do i need to export/import some reg entries ?

  5. yes i know the last SP is enough

    i was just worried as in past, i came across discussions (on net)

    that some people consider it is safer to do slipstream of SP3 ontop of XPSP2

    rather than ontop of XP RTM

    dunno was it some security issue paranoia or did they had valid reasons

    so i asked here if it makes no difference or is there something init

  6. sorry for sucky title

    i am just curious is it ok to slipstream XP's SP3 over XP SP0/RTM source

    or is it "wiser" to do it over XP SP2

    or it doesn't make any difference ?

  7. so i made custom nlited XP

    but it is too big for CD, ISO gets out as 730 MB

    and looking at these 3 folders in XP install




    they are 50 MB in size, so deleting them would be joy

    but how critical/important are they ?

  8. i tried to have "preinstalled" both MS Word and Excel viewers 2003

    in T-13 time when user can install programs with switches

    these say that /Q is quiet installer

    but they obviously ignore it since i got all dialogs crap and user interaction...

    is there any workaround this ?

  9. reducing ISO size is not that hard

    you can untick few options even in vlite and you will get 1.4 GB size of it

    think its bigger issue to reduce installed size, you can max it to about 4.5 GB

    which to me is still bloat for OS itself

    only eXPerience managed to make it 1.5GB with his tiny7

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