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Posts posted by vinifera

  1. so whenever user has to change system protected registry key or entry

    one has always rclick on that key(s) and do this ownership annoyance...

    is there a way to do this via BAT file, but that it gives ownership for COMPLETE registry hives ?

    i know this might be complicated since registry entries are actualy stored somewhere along $MFT$

    so its not just something like taking ownership of single file, but did anyone ever tried this ?

  2. looks to me you used themepack that patched shell32.dll

    you should look into shell32 and see if different icons are init

    if not, go to C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR_NAME\Local Settings\Application Data

    and delete IconCache.db file and restart your PC

    if no change, do rebuild icons via TweakUI again

  3. i am begining to get annoyed by following

    i tried to vlite 7 Pro and 7 Home premium with same settings

    i tried to minimise the removal

    but every time i put ISO in VMWare or VirtualBox i get following message

    after installation almoust ends with Completing Installation


    i was paying attention to posts on this forum about what is safe to remove and what not

    can anyone please check my Last Session and advise what could gone wrong ?


  4. i vlited win7 enterprise

    and when vlite is about to rebuild image i get this error


    and it skips to finalising when clicked OK

    vliting is done on XP SP3 with WAIK for Vista

    edit 1:


    i tired with vlite -unwim and reboot

    (from this topic suggestion http://www.msfn.org/board/error-while-rebu...id-881399.html)

    but same error

    any help would be apreciated

    edit 2:


    seems this only affects Enterprise editions


  5. We'd need to know a bit about the specs and such, but if you are using glass and the CPU jumps, that sounds like a driver issue considering the compositing engine in Win7 no longer needs duplication of memory or CPU cycles like it did in Vista, so are you using a WDDM 1.0 or 1.1 driver, and on which video card?

    well my card is NVidia GeForce 6600 GT Galaxy

    driver version used at the time i had win7 was 190.38

    I've debated this with Microsoft several times and the usual response is Hard drives are cheap...

    this seems justification of every bloat today

    everything is cheap so buy it, nobody cares about efficency and optimisation anymore

  6. i dont like the fact, that win7 constantly uses above 30% MB RAM in idle (in my case it was 450 to 500 MB),

    even when i disabled superfetch and indexing, nothing changed the eating of it

    i used 5 different "memory recovers" from which, 1 i know is quality since i used it even in days of win98

    and memory eating even went higher after trying to recover RAM

    i don't wish to go into endless debate: empty ram VS full ram usage is better

    but fact stays if both vista and 7 were not so heavy for god knows what reason...

    it wouldn't need pre-caching nor such hogging

    same goes for DWM, it supposedly uses GPU but look the miracle, when i had whole full glass enabled

    on RTM versions (both Home prem and Ultimate), DWM jumped from 10 to 20% of CPU usage

    i mean cmon ! - i know emulators of glass (with blur) that were made for XP and they use 1 to 3 % of CPU

    and THEY dont have their own Composition Engine !

    what about SxS ?, this bullcrap service or call it whatever you want... should HAVE backed up

    ONLY system files, and NOT of every little app that is installed

    i agree that win7 is nice and more secure, but it is certanly NOT a step forward.

    the bad image of Vista allowed them to continue with same approach but only changed appearance

    and there you go, its not 30% fat milk in white box but 25% fat milk in white box with blue stripes

    the excuse RAM is cheap, OS should use FULL power of newest Hardware parts does NOT

    approve the way how they made OS work and use it

    i think most of you would agree that OS requirement/its usage should be minimum

    and rest left for Apps to use

  7. i have WAIK for Vista and vlite to remove some components from Windows 7 build 6801

    i choose to edit Ultimate version and do not use unattended section coz i read it may cause troubles

    but when i use vlited image in VM i get this:


    can someone tell why that happens ?


  8. hmm

    i might realy consider making new cd installation :D

    with (now burned) i struggled with space and now i see i can get more and use it nicely

    thanks for infos guys

  9. @redxii:

    i didn't said something is wrong, i just think that if theres even small chance

    that some file might be missing and some X game might need X component

    i do not wish to find myself to wait for some possible fixes but rather to use

    whole bundle (i know it is bloat) and be safe :)

    also regarding erasing these folders... "My BASE image is 383 megs" thats bizzare :D

    may i ask if vista has something simmiliar to remove to cut size the iso ? :P

    (i cant go lower than 1.3GB via vlite) :P

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