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Posts posted by vinifera

  1. 18 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:

    It's all relative.  I spent way way WAY more time keeping XP "useable".  But I certainly don't look back and call it a "hassle".

    Anybody running XP or 7 in 2025 has to be taking time to study and test.  It's not a "hassle", just part of the day, run of the mill, same ol', same ol'.

    if you tweak your OS every day just to make it work, then something is really wrong with your setup
    as for surfing and doing daily changes to these versions... that is a freaking waste of time

  2. On 12/26/2024 at 12:29 AM, NotHereToPlayGames said:

    Above post was requested to be deleted while I was testing the reply to that now-deleted post

    yeh i edited b'coz i thought extended kern was "general purpose" (as i wanted to test a specific app to it)
    but then i saw it has a list of limited apps it supports ... :/

  3. On 12/21/2024 at 11:12 PM, Rod Steel said:

    I wonder where Greta Shmumblerg when ruzzia destroy ecology in Black Sea? She never protests ruzzian crimes, never talk about it, she is such a knucklehead. It's tragically that adult people on West now listen to, basically, mentally retarded teenager.

    i'm too lazy to go in whole debate so i'll shorten it...
    people expecting 1 person to protest or talk about everything is ... already fail by them
    its like expecting Batman to eliminate ALL POSSIBLE crime in his Gotham city... (yes i used Batman on purpose)

    as for "Adults listening to her", isn't it everyone's choice to do what they want to do ?
    she is more like a moniker if you ask me, not a freaking apostol -_-

    then again Sweden is totaly different country than most of the world
    these Nordic countries haven't seen a war since WW1 ... thats ~100 years

  4. 18 hours ago, sunryze said:

    macOS, Linux, and Windows all typically will just cache random files, programs, etc. that it predicts could be used at some point. It's just to make things feel a bit faster so they don't have to always access the disk.

    with Windows its superfetch, essentially just preloads apps in memory so they don't have to 100% open from disk when you open them

    of course, it shouldn't use all your memory so programs have some room for memory they need to allocate later

    i know all this... duh
    hence why i wrote what i wrote...

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