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Everything posted by mooms

  1. Here is the link for build 3900: (warning: x64 version are know to not working on newer Windows 10 builds ) 7zsd_tools_170_3900.7z Here is an archive with all versions: 7zsd_tools_All.7z Chris Lake have updated the x64 version to works with Windows 10: https://github.com/chrislake/7zsfxmm/releases/
  2. So the convenience update have an use after all...thanks for the answer harkaz.
  3. How can you run scanhealth argument on a W7 image ? (at 8:40)
  4. Who said you have to restart from scratch ? just use a clean source and load your last session.
  5. @whocares02: For me the obvious and easy way to solve your problem is to start with a clean source, that mean grabbing a XP SP3 home German iso (that came originally) from MSDN. MSDN hashes are public so you can have the assurance the source is clean. Then you can do the nLiting.
  6. Updated the SFX: - The icon of Virtual CloneDrive is now used in the SFX. - Deletion of the autostart of Daemon tray is now done in command line. - Daemon tray is now killed after installation.
  7. Because UltraISO needs to be registered and the retail installer could not be shared "legally", I've replaced the AddOn and the SFX by a maker. A maker is best anyway.
  8. Also: When Opera is updated/update itself, it create a new subfolder with version number in its directory and keep the previous version "just in case"... As a consequence, software firewalls needs two news rules each time Opera is updated: one for the updated updater (sound silly isn't it ?) and one for the browser... Once Opera is started, lsass.exe wants to connect on Internet (Win7 x64). It never occurs before, and don't occur after. I had Opera installed for years, even if it wasn't my main browser I always found it great. I had tried version 16, 17, 18, then uninstalled for good. If they wanted to kill Opera, that's a success.
  9. New version of the maker: added the possibility to import reg tweaks and added a readme file.
  10. Major update for the maker: - Added creation of an AddOn for nLite/RVMI - Added version number in the SFX & AddOn - Added error handling. - And much more !
  11. Updated to 4.09.4471 and added a Maker.
  12. Only for x86, still requested by WU on x64.
  13. I made a mistake with the addon packaging (an extra folder was embedded). It is fixed now, please re-download.
  14. Updated to Changelog:
  15. 7zip is free and can open all format (and compress in zip and 7z). http://www.7-zip.org/download.html
  16. Updated to
  17. mooms


    @nuhi: You should update 7z.exe to v9.20 for the support of LZMA2 algorithm. (I have done this "manually" with, no problem, added 7z.dll, but not sure if it is needed).
  18. Good to see you back nuhi.
  19. Two little additions: the folder WINNTUPG is needed for installing XP from USB . (Maybe not true for all USB prep utilities, I remember it was the case with WinSetupFromUSB) It weighs only 1 Mega anyway. WIN9XMIG and WIN9XUPG can be deleted, but be sure to not tick manual install and upgrade in nLite if you plan to install from USB. nLite works fine in Win7 x64 (you can even use it as portable app) if you launch it with XPsp3 compatibility (or with admin rights), but DO NOT slipstream any XP service pack with Vista/7/8, use only XP host for this. (You can use a VM)
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