Yes, Ie7 should have been in SP3, not sure about WMP 11. It would be nice but I have yet gotten WMP11 in any update, they are trying to keep that hidden still, but what ekse can MS do but the wrong thing. LOL
What IE7 addon are you using? I use OnePiece_IE7_WinXPSP3_v2.2.1_AddOn_ENU.7z. When I make my XPCD I do SP3, IE7 and then WMP 11. I have never had a issue yet.
When I start Windows Live IM my internet connection disconnects and I just reformatted. I am using Vista and Windows firewall. I am not using wireless. After a few seconds I get my connection back. Is there any known issues of this or fixes? THANKS
Thanks. I had no issues with any other PC's just this one. Aftter hours of trouble shooting I found out that it was conflicting with a bad bluetooth driver.
I am working on a Dell Inspiron 6400/E1505, I have reformatted it and install all the drivers from the website. I can find my wireless router put when I try to connect, it will not get passed the acquiring network address. I have put in the correct phrase I have never installed blue tooth before and it has been installing for more than a half hour, is that normal? Thank you.
Try to do what I explained, that should work. Also, try to remove your "infotip" in your .inf. That may sound weired but I have actually had that issue with some programs, not sure why though so I just do it the way I posted.
Is the shortcut not being made or is it a broken icon? When I have a issue with a shorcut I use this. CREATE A SHOURTCUT FILE AND CHANGE PROPERTIES TO %ProgramFiles% (ex. "C:\Unreal Tournament 3" to "%ProgramFiles%\Unreal Tournament 3" THEN ADD: [PROGRAM NAME] CopyFiles =AddShortcut.Files [DestinationDirs] AddShortcut.Files =16407,STARTMENUFOLDER ; 16407 = %allusersprofile%\Start Menu\Programs ; 16386 = %userprofile%\Start Menu\Programs [AddShortcut.Files] SHORCUTNAME Hope this helps.
Thanks for your help, I know that when it gets noise that its a sign of it going bad, in this case there were no noises just a warning to backup and replace..