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Everything posted by Idontwantspam

  1. GGAAAAAAAAAAAA ME == Confused OK, thank you Cluberti. I will assume that HKLM takes precedence, but I will NEVER EVER assume that that's always the case. I am not using AD or anything like that. This is just on a local machine. Do you know where the policies for groups are on a local machine, if indeed they exist? Oh and another question, slightly unrelated, but you might know and I don't If I were to enable auditing of various things, like logons, policy change, etc. where would that info be stored? I've never used this before, and I'm wondering where I would find the audit logs or whatever if I were to enable this auditing. Does anyone know? This would be locally on a Windows XP Media Center Edition machine. I'm talking about the settings in Local Computer Policy\Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Local Policies\Audit Policy Anyone know? Figured it out - thanks Google! Eventvwr.msc
  2. I was referring to when I use the registry to make changes to a user's policies. For example, if I were to put a DWORD value of 1 named NoRun in it would disable the run command for all users. But what would happen if I put that same value, but set to 0 rather than 1, in my HKCU (in other words in my NTUSER.DAT file - my profile). Would I be able to use Run or not? Which would trump the other - my setting or the system setting? I'm getting confused. nmX.Memnoch said: but cluberti said: Now where are Group Policies stored? for groups I mean. Because the group SIDs don't appear in the registry, and I haven't located any NTUSER.DAT files for groups. Group policy editor when used locally appears to only affect HKCU, so I tend to use the registry when changing for individual users. Am I doing this wrong? The sense I'm getting is that HKCU is looked in and if the value's not found, then HKLM is looked in USUALLY but not always. Is this right? I'm confused!
  3. Hmmmmmm....... Let me get this straight: You're all bragging about your great SAT math test scores, but what did you all get on the English SAT? Because there's some bad English going on here. "Your" instead of "you're". "Of coarse" in stead of "of course". No capitalization or punctuation. kinda? KINDA??!!!?!? OMG - I think you mean kind of, huh? Scary. Yeah, Ripken204, I'd say the English section sure as heck will bring you down. Or is it that you just don't have an apostrophe key on your keyboard? Or shift key for that matter. Your English is coarse. You're not good at English, of course. Not to pick on you or anything, but come on people! Firefox has a built in spell checker, you could use that at least! And read your post once before sending it. Good grief!! </rant> By the way, that's one smart kid!
  4. S-T-U-B-O-R-N!! What's wrong with SP2? There's no reason not to upgrade to it. It's free. It's better for your computer. Sheesh.
  5. I don't have Vista! And I don't want it, either! But if I did get it I would probably get Home Premium or maybe Business.
  6. Wouldn't it just be simpler to buy a keyboard conceived for the PC? PS2 keyboards are for losers. How so?
  7. So the app or Windows will look in HKCU first? Good to know. Thanks!
  8. Do settings for the whole computer, in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE key, over-ride those for specific users, in the HKCU key, or do the individual user settings over-ride the machine settings? In other words, which is more "powerful" when there is a conflict in the registry - HKLM or HKCU?
  9. I guess I won't be using this then. Too expensive. Sounds interesting, though. Thanks everyone.
  10. Is there any way to have a warning or message appear before log on with Ubuntu? Something like the Legal Notice box in Windows NT? I'd really like to be able to do this.
  11. Well I know the logon box thing has no cancel or don't agree button... that's a problem I've been wanting to fix. Anyone know how? I started a thread on this a while ago over here. But I'll try out the methods being mentioned here, too.
  12. Well in my opinion it's way easier to move keyboards than it is to move monitors. But yeah, crummy keyboards are a pain. Especially if you've been typing... and didn't realize.. and then look up... an t look lithi . ndis mes e up.
  13. Then (Sorry, I have a thing with grammar that just kicks in every once in a while and drives me mad and makes me post comments informing people of their mistakes.)
  14. So if I get this thinstall software and I get a legal copy of Office then I can make a portable version and it's "legal"? Now I'm confused...
  15. Possibly you could use the Logon Message box. It has some disadvantages - you can only click OK to it, there is no "NO". And it is showed before logon. But it is doable from Group Policy. I don't remember exactly where, but it's there somewhere. If anyone knows how to make the logon message box require a yes or no, I'd be glad to hear about it though. The box looks like this: (bad drawing, I know.) ====<YOUR TITLE>========= Your message ======================= ==== OK =============== =======================
  16. OK, it doesn't surprise me that it's not a real product. But I figured I'd ask anyway. I think this thread can be deleted or locked now. Thank you
  17. I've heard rumors about a "portable" version of Office 2007 that you put on a USB stick or CD and can run from any XP computer. Has anyone heard of this? Does anyone know if this is a real, legal Microsoft product that is available for sale somewhere? Because if it is, I could sure use it! It sounds suspicious, and the MS website doesn't appear to say anything about it. Anyone else have any info?
  18. Or just totally disable the Flash Player plugin? I think that would have the same effect.
  19. What's wrong with mother-in-laws and husbands and so forth? OK, stupid questions aside, those were both quite funny. Next time someone grants me a wish or two... I do have brothers...
  20. I assume this is a version you're allowed to activate three times? :rollyes: I was always told that if you want to use a license/copy on a different computer, you must totally uninstall it from the first computer, then you may put it on the other one. So it should be legal to just uninstall it and then install it on up to three more computers. I think you actually get more than three activations because they know you might need to do this or that sometimes a reinstall is necessary. You can always call them if you need to, of course.
  21. I don't remember and can't check now. When I try again, I will reply here again with exactly what was wrong. I think - but could be wrong - that it said error code 5, but I'm not sure. I'll try removing the /E switch. Thanks again, you're a genius!
  22. Well, I don't know for sure, but I imagine they use Windows Server. Somehow, I don't see Microsoft using Linux servers. That would be ironic! :rollyes: I imagine that since they're so big, they can't switch too fast, so they probably mostly have Windows Server 2000 and Windows Server 2003, maybe a few with Windows Server Longhorn, but I doubt it.
  23. Ah ha! So, I tried it with deXter's method, and for some odd reason, it didn't work. Don't know why... It was giving me error messages, I think because there was NO owner set. As I said, these files were totally screwy. They were driving me nuts! Weird. Anyhow, I did discover that Safe Mode With Networking works, so from there I was able to access the Security tab and use it. deXter, I love your method, but it didn't seem to work. Odd, I know, because it worked fine for me on other computers. Thanks anyway; I will use it elsewhere, I'm sure. Anyhow, not sure quite why normal safe mode doesn't work; that still has me perplexed. Thanks again everyone!
  24. Well, I personally think you shouldn't let the computer fix it for you. But that's just what I think. You've got to make your own decision on this one. Sorry.
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