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Everything posted by zuko1

  1. Win ME for gaming and experimentation. My favourite windows version ever.
  2. I'v put 98se on this laptop and it runs very well with 256 mb ram but the problem is i cant install any drivers for the mobile radeon 9000 igp. I'v tried the omega drivers and the 6.2/3.1 official drivers but it stops installing saying try to install vga driver first which i have. Does anyone have any experience with this onboard graphics card & is it possible to get it working? Thanks in advance
  3. There's no support for that card.
  4. Thankyou for making ur site. Im sure many people will find it usefull
  5. Success!! As soon as i copied ATRACE.DLL to the other extracted files it installed perfectly & my son is loving Doom 3 Thank you so much for your help loblo you've made my son (and me!!) very happy
  6. Iv copy'd the files to numerous places in windows and it still won't install what is the best place to copy them to get DirectX to install? sorry to be a pain but my son can't play Doom 3 without DX9 installed
  7. Thanks for the help i'l try that sometime today & let u know how i got on
  8. Hi guys I removed PC health from my Windows ME system & everything worked fine and still does apart from installing DirectX. Apparently, i need PC Health on this system to install DirectX or it nags me about not copying a file due to the removal of PC Health. is there a way to reinstall it to get my DirectX upgraded or will i be forced into a reinstall of the operating system? Any help would be much appreciated
  9. Thanks problemchild iv been running me for 3 months now using ieradicator & sp2 on p4 with 1.5 gig of ram and had no problems whatsoever. I disabled system restore & pc health too. Its great
  10. I'v searched everywhere for Oppcom 2.1 but i cannot find it Any links?
  11. Il second that xeno 86. U have my full respect & gratitude for all your hard work over the years. God bless you.
  12. Looking forward to 3.17 thanks for all your hard work problemchild
  13. I'm trying to get my Canon MP250 printer to work with windows 98se but with no luck so far. There is no driver out there for this particular printer so i tried to make an older Canon driver work (MP800) by editing the INF file for the driver but with no luck (i'm not that good at editing INF files to be honest) so i was wondering if there's a universal printer driver that gives limited usability to any printer or a driver that actually works with this printer? I know it's a long shot but it's worth a try
  14. Dynamode usb sound 7 usb sound card fully compatable with 98SE & ME. Works like a charm
  15. @ Hu$tle I'm just grateful for any help with windows 98 albeit paid for or free. Without the GENIUSES on this forum Windows 98/ME would have been dead years ago. I'v amazed friends of mine with what Windows 98 is capable of these days and it's all thanks to these VERY skilled programmers who put the time in to help this aging operating system.
  16. Sorry for my lack of information The motherboard is a Gigabyte GA - 71XE with 667mb of ram Soundblaster live card and an NVIDIA 6200 512 mb AGP.
  17. Hi all i'm trying to get my late mothers old pc as fast as it can be but it really needs a bios update and i can't find one anywhere It's a Advent 3201 purchased in 2001 and originally came pre-installed with windows me. My goal is to show my sister just what this old pc can do as it was given to her by my mother but has spent the last 6 years in the loft as it was deemed too slow and dated. I'v got it running really well at the moment (on me/98) but it really could do with the flash as the AGP is fixed at x1 but it shows x2 on the Nvidia settings. Any help would be much appreciated
  18. I too had the USB Keyboard + Mouse problem + overcame it with PS/2 Keyboard / Mouse like rloew advised (But hate using them for all the known reasons) but, it was worth it just to use this service pack as it's so good. If the USB Keyboard/Mouse fix could be implemented into the installer it would be the best SP i ever used in 98 se . P.S Thanks rloew for starting this Thread as i too wanted to reply to the last one but couldn't. P.P.S I did manage to get them working with drivers from the 98 CD but it reverted back to non functional on restart.
  19. I just want to say thank you for all your effort with this service pack. I installed it on my late mothers old Advent 3201 (700 mhz + 384 MB ram) and it's running better than when she brought it 11 years ago. It has been in my sisters loft for 6 yrs unused and very dusty but now its all good and running like a champ
  20. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all at the friendliest, most helpful and most knowledgable forum on the net.
  21. The motherboard is a AZUS P5-V VM DH dual core with 3 gig of ram the sound is 6 channel HD audio. Thanks for the reply
  22. I installed windows 7 ultimate 64 on my dual core computer several months ago and evrythings fine except for the sound. The driver installs and seems to be functional but there's no sound so, i googled the proiblem and found others had this problem on this particular motherboard so downloaded a soundmax driver compatible with it and it works BUT, when i restart it automatically installs the WDM driver that doesn't so i have to install the driver again to get sound. How do i stop windows doing this after a restart? Thanks in advance for your help
  23. Bohemian Silicon
  24. I installed KDI but it warned me that ATL.DLL is ANSI version. what do i need to download to fix it?
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