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Everything posted by daddydave

  1. My bad. I didn't know that could be disabled.
  2. And you're going to pray the users don't find out about Ctrl-Alt-Del, right?
  3. I am tempted to fill the IZArc request but I don't have time, here are some hints that should help: - Install IZArc and configure to perfection - Download NirSoft RegScanner from http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/regscanner.html - Use NirSoft RegScanner to search for IZArc, select all the reg keys for associations and non-default context menus and export them to a .reg file from RegScanner (if you have to delete a key or value altogether, rather than merely override the value, see this article http://support.microsoft.com/kb/310516 -- I know this isn't necessary for the associations, but for killing a context menu item I'm not sure) - Create a folder with your_exported.reg and IZArc_Setup.exe from the IZArc site - Uninstall IZArc, install IZArc, make sure the settings are back to default, then run the .reg file and make sure the IZArc settings change to your preferences - Create a file install.cmd in that same folder containing the following: start /wait IZArc_Setup.exe /SILENT "%SystemRoot%\regedit" /s your_exported.reg EDITED: Forgot to put /wait in the start command. I think it has actually worked without the start command, but this is to play it safe. - Uninstall IZArc and test install.cmd manually to make sure I got it right above. - Use Addon Maker for nLite (http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=73008) to create an addon; use install.cmd as the setup program (NOT IZArc_Setup.exe.) Addon Maker for nLite will make sure the cmd window gets hidden at install time
  4. If an email address is used as a login ID, in that context it might be called "email ID" -- as playsafe and T D observed.
  5. Thanks, Yzöwl, that fixes it! And you're right, I hadn't considered that running it from the console was distorting my output.
  6. I'm trying to echo literal > characters and % characters, and I understand I can escape them with ^ characters, but for some reason the ^ characters appear in the output also. Yet if I remove them, the %TMP% variable is evaluated immediately. In other words the output I want, strangely enough, is "UninstallString"="cmd /c echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00>%TMP%\BlahBlah.reg I am not trying to create BlahBlah.reg at this time, I am echoing to screen what will eventually be echoed to a different reg file to be merged with the Registry so that BlahBlah.reg can be created at a later time. The syntax is off a bit for the registry, but right now I am just worried about the syntax for the .cmd file What I get is: C:\>@echo "UninstallString"="cmd /c echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00^>^ %TMP^%\BlahBlah.reg "UninstallString"="cmd /c echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00^>^%TMP^%\Bla hBlah.reg C:\>@echo "UninstallString"="cmd /c echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00>^% TMP^%\BlahBlah.reg "UninstallString"="cmd /c echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00>^%TMP^%\Blah Blah.reg C:\>@echo "UninstallString"="cmd /c echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00>%T MP%\BlahBlah.reg "UninstallString"="cmd /c echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00>C:\DOCUME~1\ ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\BlahBlah.reg See how the ^ echoes in the output even though I am just using it to keep %TMP% from evaluating during the run of the batch file as it does in the last example above.
  7. Interesting..I'll take a look at that, even though it looks like I may not need what I originally requested.. Thanks
  8. The reason I wanted to delete the folder that contained uninstall.cmd was that I wanted to refer to that batch file in the Uninstall registry key, so that the addon would appear in Add/Remove programs and could be uninstalled from there. This is for programs that don't have a setup program per se. After my first post, I have abruptly shifted strategy by choosing to put a string of commands in the UninstallString instead: cmd /c command1 & command2 & command3 I also found to my surprise that command line redirection (the > and >> symbols) work on each command here as well (at least in Win2k), so I no longer have the original problem. It won't, nor will it delete anything from the %TMP% folder. And those commands in the reg key will not get run during installation, they will get run when the user interactively clicks the Change/Remove button in the Add or Remove Programs applet. I did not include rd /s /q %ProgramFiles%\BlahBlah in the chain of commands in the .reg file in Post #3, but should have that as well. It will also delete the shortcuts from All Users start menu. The only interaction with the %TMP% folder so far is that the code in UninstallString (which was going to be in a batch file) needs a place to create a .reg file that contains: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\BlahBlah] in order to delete a registry key using REGEDIT /S. That part works as far as being able to remove the entry from Add/Remove Programs interactively. I determined that running whatever is in the UninstallString doesn't remove the Uninstall registry entry automatically, it must be explicitly deleted by whatever is in UninstallString. For example if you put Notepad in the UninstallString, it runs Notepad but the program remains listed in Add or Remove Programs because its subkey under Uninstall is still there. Of course usually there is a fancy uninstaller listed there that is smart enough to remove the subkey, but not in my case In my addon, install.cmd will have some code to create a reg file that creates the Uninstall value for the program. (The reg file in Post #3) That .reg file too will need to go somewhere, I suppose that will be %systemroot%\Temp, but again once REGEDIT /S is run, that file is not referred to again.
  9. Thanks. I found a workaround to what I was trying to do. For my application which I didn't fully describe, I found I can just use the registry instead of a batch file: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\BlahBlah] "DisplayName"="BlahBlah" "UninstallString"="cmd /c echo Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00>\"%TMP%\\BlahBlah.reg\"&echo.>>\"%TMP%\\BlahBlah.reg\"&echo [-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\BlahBlah]>>\"%TMP%\\BlahBlah.reg\"&\"%systemroot%\\regedit\" /s \"%TMP%\\BlahBlah.reg\"" I will explain a little later where I am headed with this, probably in the Application Addons forum.
  10. Is it possible to delete a folder using a batch file inside that folder? I tried: echo >"%tmp%\uninstall-blahblah.cmd" rd /S /Q "C:\program Files\BlahBlah" "%tmp%\uninstall-blahblah.cmd" This deletes the files in the folder but not the folder itself. Is what I am requesting impossible, or is there a workaround?
  11. 1. Everything in the same folder as the setup program (.inf, .reg) ends up in the cab file. This includes subfolders. (Make sure the setup is not on the Desktop, in addition to bloating the cab, you can inadvertently add confidential files to it!) 2. Maker allows the setup program to be a batch file, typically, for me at least, called install.cmd, although it could be called anything. So you could have an install.cmd setup that looks something like this: start /wait IZArc_Setup.exe /SP- /VERYSILENT %SYSTEMROOT%\REGEDIT /S IZArcAssocs.reg In fact, I have something like that. I use nLite Addon maker to make addons for HFSLIP, and it works great!
  12. Are you using Windows 2000? If so, that's why.
  13. tomcat76: Not only did the full path to REGEDIT fix my addon problem, you got me thinking I should put the full path to REGEDIT in my CMDLINES.TXT batch file as well, and this fixed a hair-pulling issue with my HKCU.reg.. So double thanks! Thanks to all for the other suggestions, too.
  14. I know, but keeping it with the app seemed like the right thing to do -- for now.
  15. Yep, it does what I want if I double click on it manually. I think I'll take out the /S for troubleshooting purposes and see if I get any useful errors.
  16. Using Addon Maker for nLite to create addons for HFSLIP, I have several addons that use a custom batch file as the installation program. They all work fine after I correct simple user errors, but I have one addon in particular that has a line like REGEDIT /S IZArcFileAssocs.reg This doesn't seem to be working, now I am wondering if REGEDIT can even run in an addon. Is it possible? (I know about REG.EXE so I'll use if I have to, assuming that works)
  17. Since you're running XP, give IcemanND's driver backup a try: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=83960
  18. I certainly agree that HFSLIP didn't do this. Put that drive in as a secondary on a working (but non-critical) machine to get as much data as possible off it. EDIT: Looks like you've already tried this.
  19. COMPRESSION_RATIO=LOW did the trick for DNF20. I tried MED DNF11 creation has been zippy ever since increasing the page file size as you suggested So I'll use DNF11 from blank COMPRESSION_RATIO= and DNF20 from COMPRESSION_RATIO=LOW Thanks a lot!
  20. Not running the script under a VM, but see edit to previous post. The other VM CPU% did spike at times, it was running an unattended Windows install of all things! Physical: 457136 KB Pagefile: initial 672MB, Current 672MB,, maximum 1344MB, recommended 669MB Processor: Sempron 3200 I think If I run it again, I'll try increasing the pagefile and running it by itself. 1 GB memory stick is in my future I hope. EDIT Memory usage of 7za.exe changes every second but gets over 300,000 K sometimes according to Task Manager. It takes a while (a minute maybe?) for it to add a second to CPU Time for 7za, currently at 2:38
  21. I am running the new version under Windows 2000, no language packs and no .NET3.0, and it created the DNF11.exe file after about 1.5 hours and is has been on "Creating silent .NET 2.0 installer..." for about 40 minutes. Should I assume this is normal? I guess there is quite a bit of processing going on. To be honest I was running a cpu intensive VM for a while too, but I am out of it now, and I noticed the same with the old version.
  22. First of all, thanks Oleg_II for this methodology. I looked at other methods to slipstream this one, but came back to this one because I didn't feel like creating all those subfolders required in the other methods. I am using this for all my drivers and every driver gets installed except for my wireless card. I have a slight variation on this method in that I am getting the drivers by way of doing a Double Drivers backup, excluding MS drivers, and that I move everything to a single folder (it seemed to make it easier to find possible duplicates because I was combining drivers on two machines) I think nowadays this should be: [SourceDisksNames.x86] 1 = "HFSLIPCD",driver.cab,,"I386" by default, or whatever the user configured ISOTITLE is in HFANSWER.INI. You said at one point: "it's not for every user because some INF editing is involved." I myself was too lazy to do all those INF edits. So I wrote a small AutoIt3 script called DrivercabHelper, to take care of the INF edits. Now it's for every user, hopefully! The script is also available in compiled form. for those who don't have AutoIt3. The link to DrivercabHelper is in my signature.
  23. KB928388 is listed in the Windows 2000 SP4 dynamic list..does this mean the answer has changed? I took code edits to mean edits to HFSLIP.cmd, but maybe I misunderstood
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