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Everything posted by daddydave

  1. Updated to version 1.1. Now uses the default ISOTITLE of HFSLIPCD and is user configurable. See first post for details.
  2. Yes, I was going to make that point.. AHK, while a great program, is dead to all the MSFN boards. Furthermore, almost every posted script and every utility I've seen posted for simplifying the creation of unattended scripts, that I've seen at least, is geared toward almost nothing but AutoIt3, not Autohotkey or AutoIt2. I install both AutoHotkey and AutoIt3 on my system. I use AutoHotkey mainly for scripts that do not exit, like autocorrect, "FavoriteFolders", and making Alt-F4 work in cmd windows. I considered using it for unattended installation scripts, but it appeared I would be the first one doing so, so I quickly added AutoIt3 to my toolbox. OK, Kiki Camarade_Tux, I searched and did find a few. I may have exaggerated slightly.
  3. I am trying to make an application addon (using HFSLIP, also nLite compatible I think) that installs WUD and installs some common update lists. Here is what I have so far: @echo off start /wait WUD224B868Setup.exe /S copy windows-2000-professional-x86-enu.ulz "%ProgramFiles%\Windows Updates Downloader" >nul copy windows-xp-x86-enu.ulz "%ProgramFiles%\Windows Updates Downloader" >nul copy office-2003-x86-enu.ulz "%ProgramFiles%\Windows Updates Downloader" >nul for %%u in ("%ProgramFiles%\Windows Updates Downloader\*.ulz") do start "" /wait "%ProgramFiles%\Windows Updates Downloader\WUD.exe" -install "%%u" For this to work I need to suppress the "Compressed UL File Installed" message. Any way to do this? I read the Third Party Integration sticky but I don't need to actually download the updates themselves.
  4. Try All-in-One Sidebar and see if it does what you want. http://firefox.exxile.net/aios/index.php I almost deleted this after I posted it, because I didn't read you carefully enough, but then I saw where one of its features is "PanelTab Button - open any sidebar content in a new tab or in a window and open any tab content in the sidebar " so maybe you can use it.
  5. And yes, to answer my own question, I can confirm this does work for most drivers..sound, video, chipset, and ethernet card are all happy after a fresh install from a HFSLIP-WIN2K CD. HFSLIP rocks! I used DoubleDriver to back up all non-Microsoft drivers. Per IcemanND, DD misses some files, so that may be why my offbrand wireless card had to be manually installed.
  6. Autoit3 is pretty dominant, I think. The program became a lot more user-friendly with version 3, I think, and I haven't seen an Autoit2 script on these unattended boards
  7. In addition to the autoit3.exe, there would be an executable of each setup that is automated by each .au3 script
  8. Re: 61227a and autoit support: If I am reading this correctly, the setup .exe files (which should be in the same folder as the .au3 scripts - I think that is the usual convention) do not get copied to I386: :HFEAU FOR /F %%I IN ('DIR/B HFEXPERT\AUTOIT\AU*.EXE') DO SET AUTOEXE=%%I IF NOT DEFINED AUTOEXE GOTO EOF COPY HFEXPERT\AUTOIT\%AUTOEXE% SOURCESS\I386 FOR /F %%I IN ('DIR/B HFEXPERT\AUTOIT\*.AU*') DO ( COPY HFEXPERT\AUTOIT\%%I SOURCESS\I386 ECHO>>SOURCESS\I386\SVCPACK\HFSLIP.CMD %%HFSLIP%%\%AUTOEXE% %%HFSLIP%%\%%I ) GOTO EOF
  9. Thanks for the help, I have a new link which is just to a download page.
  10. First bug found (more to follow?)...WINCD should be HFSLIPCD, at least if you are using the HFANSWER.INI from the hfslip.org site. See original post, which has been edited, for details
  11. I have searched but have not found. I can't figure out why the Download link in my signature (or in my post) doesn't work. In fact I see the link appear in the address bar, then it quickly redirects back to www.msfn.org. Is it because the zip file has an .exe in it? EDIT: I'm thinking it must be happening on the freewebs side. Is that what it looks like?
  12. Wow, that was quick! Look forward to it
  13. I guess what I need to do first is create a .cmd file in HFSVCPACK to run all the .au3 files and make sure it works, because I haven't verified that yet.
  14. The setup exe would need to be in the same folder; hopefully that won't cause problems
  15. Thanks for considering this. Looks like running them from CD would be the best option then... The syntax is simple, autoit3.exe scriptname.au3 autoit3.exe is the only file required
  16. Per the docs, "Your custom .REG, .INF and .CMD files should go in the HFSVCPACK folder." Would adding support for .AU3 files in that folder be too specialized? Then have us put AUTOIT3.EXE in the HFTOOLS and maybe HFSLIP could copy it somewhere appropriate so the au3's can run when the .cmd, .reg, and .inf files run... Just a thought... [EDITED] After thinking about this some more and remembering that .EXE files go here too, this would not be such a great idea, since most .AU3 installs I have seen expect the .EXE to be in the same directory
  17. I remember you saying this now, I must have thought it was too good to be true. And #2 I will try and report on and let people know how it goes.
  18. Some newbie questions from me 1. Do the names of subdirectories matter? Is it unnecessary to use the 000_CHIPSET, 001__VIDEO or whatever naming convention used by other methods I have read about? Do the CAB files themselves have subdirectories? 2. When using the DRIVERCAB method, does anyone, instead of extracting the drivers from the driver setups, extract the non-Microsoft drivers from its target computer's current drive configuration using something like Double Driver or IcemanND's Driver Backup (possibly manually merging drivers from multiple machines)? Does this have any chance of working (not on first try of course )?
  19. I too am looking forward to this working in Windows 2000. Looks like a great tool. And maybe this thread should be made "sticky"?
  20. Not sure if this topic is still alive, but instead of having to repeatedly click on "Basic", "Advanced", "Important", or "Special" repeatedly to find all the features, it seems like it would be nicer to have it organized by feature. It would be hard to do though, and possibly this wouldn't improve things. I guess a less drastic idea would be to keep the existing structure, but maybe add a page with an index of features that link to the information on how to do it. (making good use of your #a1, #a2 , etc. anchors)
  21. Kiki: As far as tommyp and tomcat76 and tommyp including it in HFSLIP, I see at least a couple of obstacles. The main one is that unfortunately, I wrote this as an .au3 file and not a .cmd file...writing in .cmd more difficult for string manipulation. And the utility is probably too interactive in its current form for that purpose. EDIT on 1/22/07 Not to mention the fact this only has to be run once, vs. multiple runs of HFSLIP.
  22. DrivercabHelper Version 1.2 Now handles Unicode files! The new version can be found here: http://www.freewebs.com/daddydave/drivercabhelper.htm This contains both the compiled DrivercabHelper.exe and the equivalent DrivercabHelper.au3 for those who currently have Autoit3 installed. Target audience: HFSLIP users. What it does Copies files from the source folder to the destination folder, including subdirectories, deleting the destination folder at the beginning. For each file that is an INF file, it does the third step of the DRIVERCAB integration method described here by Oleg_II and clarified here by Tomcat76, preserving comments in the INF files. Note that Oleg_II says "it's not for every user because some INF editing is involved." DrivercabHelper aims to solve the problem of having to do all that INF editing. The files that are not INF files are just copied. The third step appears to be the only required step; I am getting my drivers using a driver backup utility and I am not using subfolders. How to use Set a source and destination folder, verify ISOTITLE (see IMPORTANT UPDATE below), hit the big button. Source and destination folder may be specified on the command line. To be cautious, it is recommended that you use a temporary folder for the destination folder, then copy the result to your DRIVERCAB folder. How to find bugs The interface contains a detailed log window to assist in finding possible bugs. In addition, the excellent program CSDiff is highly recommended if you care to do any bug testing, you can do a folder compare first, note any missing or added files (there shouldn't be any of either), then double-click on any modified file for a quick file comparison. IMPORTANT UPDATE: DrivercabHelper 1.2 now supports Unicode files. Please let me know if this works for you. DrivercabHelper 1.1 has been corrected to use the default ISOTITLE of HFSLIPCD and is now user configurable. If you are not using HFANSWER.INI, use the DrivercabHelper 1.1 default, and if you are using HFANSWER.INI, change the ISOTITLE field to whatever your ISOTITLE is in that file. Screenshot Gratitude To Jon Bennett for adding Unicode support to AutoIt Oleg_II for coming up with this method TommyP and Tomcat76, obviously, for all the hard work they put into coding and supporting HFSLIP Tim Fehlman at Daily Cup of Tech for the article "Folder Recursion in Autoit" including source code, from which DrivercabHelper borrows heavily to process subfolders. Any bug reports, feature requests, or interface suggestions are welcome. Bug Report DrivercabHelper does not currently support Unicode files. This might not be an easy fix, since AutoIt3 doesn't support Unicode either.
  23. For clarification in case someone stumbles on this thread. The default ISOTITLE is HFSLIPCD not WINCD. Click on the DrivercabHelper link in my signature for more details Thanks.. Come to think of it, what if the original line is foo=anything,param,param,param;comment ? Currently this would get changed to foo=1;comment Maybe I should preserve those params?
  24. Thanks for the good info! This unattended stuff is a little new for me, as will become apparent. I thought I would give it a try, and I thought I don't really want to open up every INF file and edit it manually. I can change the variable to %WINCD% easily, but that raises something else I am not really clear about. When does that environment variable, if that's what it is, get set? In current form, once the script is inside a [sourceDisksNames] or [sourceDisksNames.x86] section, it looks for foo=anything and changes it to foo=1. It is aware of whitespace, of course. Should it be something different if there are subdirectories?
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