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Everything posted by geezery

  1. I'll added some more goodies. I have not tested those on real unattended install, but there shouldn't be any problems.
  2. Kompozer 0.7.9 http://www.divshare.com/download/1359188-256 I made my own installer for it, because there was no official release yet. Infranview Plugins http://www.divshare.com/download/1359366-850 It installs the files in C:\Program Files\Infranview\ directory, so if you have installed Infranview somewhere else it won't work. ZoneAlarm 7.xx Free http://www.divshare.com/download/1359553-49f Needs testing in real install, because it looked very complicated to install. Ziepod v.0.99 (free version): podcast, RSS... http://www.divshare.com/download/1363305-180 SuperCopier2 (freeware): New copy system, faster and consumes less RAM http://www.divshare.com/download/1363303-525 version: 2 Béta 1 Winamp (free version "basic"): multimedia player. http://www.divshare.com/download/1363304-133 Rainlendar2 (free version "lite"): calendar, I have seen it in your list, but not the last version... http://www.divshare.com/download/1363302-820 Coolplayer (freeware): a very light mp3 player http://www.divshare.com/download/1363301-99e K!TV (freeware): a software to watch TV on your computer http://www.divshare.com/download/1363387-8c0
  3. Is there a way not to make it all? Maybe silly questions, but can you point me the section where your script creates it?
  4. Hardcore batch file you guys have made. Very nice. My question was? How to remove HFSLIP entry from Add / Remove Programs?
  5. geezery


    Do you have RunonceEx.cmd in cmdlines.txt?
  6. Icemand -> Your program looks very good, but it wont work in Finnish Windows XP. I would like to test the new version if possible. I also put the error message on the Driver Backup thread, but I got no answers.
  7. Search was my friend.....................AGAIN. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...p;p=429612&
  8. Does anyone know witch kb is causing this. I have over 80 kb's integrated and I don't know where to put that /disallowsystemrestore
  9. It only currently works in WinPe 2.0 you can get it for free if you download Microsoft WAIK.
  10. It's easy to modify the Capture and Append Functions to also capture desired folder only. If you need help, please tell me. I have not thinked about including Mount / unmount, because I have no usage for those. If you need those I can make those:)
  11. I'll think it might be impossible to do that task if you have disabled those services. Can't you use Winpe for that task, then you wouldn't have any open files.
  12. See if you can use this script + executable in your project. http://blogs.msdn.com/adioltean/archive/20.../05/346793.aspx
  13. I started to make the subnet based network mapper function to the HTA and I have already written the first script. I need some "beta" testers so I can find the problems that might occure. If some of you guys could test this script in real environment and give some feedback for me. There is some modifications you need to be done before testing. You have to put correct UNC-paths and Username/Password witch are able to map share from your server. You have to also change the correct subnets to Select case statement i.e. 192.168.1 etc. You can add multiple records there just follow the sample that is commented out. Here is the script. Just Copy Paste it to notepad and rename it to netmap.vbs and save. You can also test it on Vista based OS, but testing in XP is not possible, since I removed those checkings from the script, since this is going to be run from the WinPE 2.0. You can ask for more advice if needed. I'm waiting for Feedback 'netmap.vbs by Geezery Const TemporaryFolder = 2 Const ForAppending = 8 Dim ObjShell : Set ObjShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Dim Objfso : Set Objfso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Dim TmpFile : TmpFile = Objfso.GetSpecialFolder(2) & "/ip.txt" Dim ThisLine, IP Set WSHNetwork = CreateObject("Wscript.Network") ObjShell.run "%comspec% /c ipconfig > " & TmpFile, 0, True With Objfso.GetFile(TmpFile).OpenAsTextStream Do While NOT .AtEndOfStream ThisLine = .ReadLine 'For WinPe v.2.0 Vista Based If InStr(ThisLine, "IPv4") <> 0 Then IP = Mid(ThisLine, InStr(ThisLine, ":") + 2) Loop .Close End With 'Removes the dummy character from the end. If IP <> "" Then If Asc(Right(IP, 1)) = 13 Then IP = Left(IP, Len(IP) - 1) End If Dim Array, Subnet Array = Split(IP, ".", -1, 1) If Array(2) = "" Then MsgBox("There is some problems with the network settings!") End If Subnet = Array(0) & "." & Array(1) & "." & Array(2) Set Objfso = Nothing Dim StrUserName, strPassword 'Username that have rights to shares. Change theselines strUserName = "Admin" strPassword = "AdminPassword" 'Here comes the Select Case portion Select Case Subnet Case "10.13.58" WSHNetwork.MapNetworkDrive "j:", "\\Server01\Distribution" ,False, strUsername, strPassword 'Case "10.13.57" 'WSHNetwork.MapNetworkDrive "y:", "\\Server02\Distribution" ,False, strUsername, strPassword End Select
  14. You have a lot of work to do, for all of those things you mentioned. I think you should propably watch this little video tutorial about sysprepping first. http://www.vernalex.com/guides/sysprep/video.shtml When you have been able to make that "universal image", then you should continue to next step for developing the unattended image apply system.
  15. Can you describe a bit more. You could make a batch file like this if you mean to open browser window to sertain site. @ECHO OFF "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" www.google.com Exit
  16. The method you are trying is called BrowseForFolder. I've had the same problem in the winpe 2.0 when using vbscript. I also found an M$ KB describing the same problem. There was some registry changes, but I couldn't find it anymore.
  17. Have you tried to run "bootsect /nt60 c: /f" from the winpe after applying? I have only used this script on Windows XP machines, so I don't know about those Vista weirdnesses. You have to also put that bootsect.exe to your winpe 2 boot.wim. I can also give you the code needed to automate this, if it works.
  18. To resolve the problem, type the following commands in Start, Run dialog: regsvr32 /i shdocvw.dll regsvr32 /i browseui.dll
  19. I think I have included all the necessary packages in the first post. I think wmi comes if you install scripting support, or am I wrong? - I have been on holiday and haven't been able to develope this project for three weeks. - Is there any wishes or functions you guys could need. Someone suggested to make a function to map network drives based on the subnet. Would it be nice?
  20. Are you trying it on a Virtual environment or real. I think that this script needs at least 512mb ram.
  21. geezery

    my inf's

    Can someone explain a bit, where I can use those. Looks nice.
  22. Solutionone -> I did the code for the disk id, it's a bit tricky, because I have to get that information on a different wmi query. Bluesol -> Are you running the script from the WinPe X:\Windows\System32 or fromt the network share. If you are running from the share you should check from the shareserver that the file is allowed by windows. I suggest everyone still using old versions to download the newest 0.32
  23. Ole hyvä. I can see you have some finnish roots or something "koivu"? Is a birch in finnish.
  24. I think it might work if you change the line like this. strdesktop = Act.SpecialFolders("Desktop") Rpt = (strdesktop & "\" & CN & "_KbReport.hta") This is because Desktop is "Työpöytä" in finnish. I think the name changes on every language. There was also an error later on, I'll think it was line 82 after my changes. It worked perfectly. It's nice to see tools like this. This can be very useful, but I think it needs more features. But very níce start.
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