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Everything posted by geezery

  1. VSS BackupHelper Util that exposes a volume shadow copy (VSS) snapshot as a drive in Windows XP or Windows 2003 Server. Allows you to use rsync, robocopy etc on files normally locked by Windows. Util that takes a vss snapshot and mounts it to a drive letter. Launches a process and after it has executed dismounts the snapshot. /s "?" volume to take a vss snapshot of, ex: /s "c:\" /d "?" drive letter used to mount the snapshot, ex: /d "x:\" /l "?" process to launche after mount, ex: /l "c:\test.exe" Platform: Depending on platform you need to copy and rename the appropriate interop dll from ./Interop to the same folder as BackupHelper.exe I was looking for such tool and found this. I have tried to use it combined with ImageX, but there is still some problems taking a backup on the fly. I will have to make some more testing and if I can find a way to capture a drive on the fly I will give some more instructions here. There is two differenet Interop.VSS.dll's in the zip file. One for Windows XP and second one for Windows 2003 Server. The application currently doesn't support Vista. If you can find this tool usable please post some usage examples here.
  2. I believe it is possible to do something like that, but I don't have the needed time to write such script.
  3. Actually I googled one my self. If you have some others please post here. Steel Run-As This tool doesnt support the compression of the files in the same exe.
  4. I would need an alternative for the IBM's SuSetRunAs wizard. My question is there one? SuSetRunAs documentation
  5. Believe me I have tried almost everything what you can do with that COM component. Set objWIM = WScript.CreateObject("GImageX.GImageXCtrl", "objWIM_") You cant define an object like this in HTA. It doesn't support multithreaded objects. I actually find another solution that works in Windows XP andVista but not in WinPE:(
  6. The current release is using that COM component and it works nicely, but the progress bar doesn't work. If you find bugs please report them here. I actually found one and I will repair it in the next version. I wish that I could some how show the progressbar also. I actually have the progress indicator working in the HTA if you are using it from the Windows XP or Vista. You just have to define the com component a bit different.
  7. I updated the com based ImageX.hta, but there is currently no support for progress indicator. If you find a way to show the progress indicator it would be more than nice.
  8. I have made an HTA that writes encoded xml. I think it would be very easy to add the send method also. You can find the class that I used from this link. XML Writer class I'll think I can add the send method also to the class if you want?
  9. I edited the script so it also retrieves the model needed. I will add the added models in the first post when there is some more. Thanks for your help.
  10. http://www.wsus.info/forums/ I'll think that they know the Wsus better than Msfn people.
  11. I downloaded the first beta version: - Unneeded "Welcome to LegoTweaker" Msgbox in the start - Start Menu dropdown (numbers are in wrong order) you could also mention about the milliseconds - Appearance (If you push the browse button and press cancel in the browseforfolder dialog the default fields goes empty) - Customization (I think you should use some tooltips in your program, since I don't have any clue what you mean by "Places Bar - XP Only". Also the Browse buttons have wrong paddings. - Can you add a counter that tells the user how many tweaks he have changed / selected - When I maximized the window the white area of the form did not changed it size - You should use those tooltips to make a short description of what the pointed tweak does.
  12. I'll added some more requests in my first post. I don't have any specific tweak requests at the moment, but I'll post keep you updated if I have something in my mind.
  13. If all the tweaks are registry based it could also be just a .reg file. Then users could just launch it from guirunonce with "regedit /s legotweaks.reg"command.
  14. Few requests: 1. A nice feature would also be if your program could generate an sfx exe that applies the selected tweaks. It could be very useful in unattended installations. 2. You asked also about the OS. I think that it would be nice to have an os selection and then just filter the uncompatible tweaks out from the list. 3. I would also like to see settings for ODBC entries if possible. 4. Importing of reg files. (Would be usefull to import some software specific registry entries)
  15. I'm making a guide how to make an sysprepped Windows XP image that is universal. I'm going to use MySysprep to change the appropriate HAL. I have already started collecting different kind of models to achieve my goal. The problem is that I dont have all the available models in my network. I hope you can help me to collect all the models available. Of course there is also the clone computers that doesnt have the needed value. To check the manufacturer, model, and serial number setting in a computer's BIOS, you can use the following command. MySysprep /smbios Download link for MySysprep Here is also a vbscript so you can enumerate the correct HAL and Model through network. (You need to be administrator I think) Save it i.e. CheckHal.vbs 'CheckHal.vbs 'CheckHal.vbs 'ACPI Multiprocessor PC = mp.inf 'ACPI Uniprocessor PC = up.inf 'Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) PC = acpipc.inf strComputer = inputbox("Hostname or ip-address","Hostname or ip-address") If strComputer = "" Then strComputer = "." End If Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\CIMV2") Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_PnPEntity where ClassGuid = '{4D36E966-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}'",,48) For Each objItem in colItems HAL = objItem.Name Next Set objWMIService = Nothing Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\CIMV2") Set colItems2 = objWMIService.ExecQuery( _ "SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem",,48) For Each objItem in colItems2 Model = objItem.Model Next Wscript.Echo "HAL: " & HAL & Chr(13) & "Model: " & Model Here is my current list of models. I will update it when I get more models. There might be errors since I didn't have all the models available in my network. [Model] ;IBM/Lenovo Laptops ;R40 2681ELG=acpipc.inf 2681HSG=acpipc.inf 2722BDG=acpipc.inf ;T40 237342G=acpipc.inf ;T41 23732FG=acpipc.inf 23734FG=acpipc.inf ;T42 2373F1G=acpipc.inf 2373F6G=acpipc.inf 2373K1G=acpipc.inf ;T43 1871F1G=acpipc.inf ;R50p 183223G=acpipc.inf ;R51 18299MG=acpipc.inf 1829R6G=acpipc.inf 1830BLG=acpipc.inf 2887K2G=acpipc.inf ;R52 18464CG=acpipc.inf ;T60 200743G=mp.inf ;T60p 200793G=mp.inf ;Z60m 25296AG=up.inf ;Z61p 0674KSG=mp.inf 64606YG=mp.inf ;IBM/Lenovo Desktops ;NetVista Multiple Models 634179G=up.inf 63417AG=up.inf 634974G=up.inf 679275G=up.inf 830773G=up.inf 831352G=up.inf 832075G=up.inf ;ThinkCentre A50 (Intel Pentium 4 Hyper-Threaded) 808575G=mp.inf 808578G=mp.inf 808583G=mp.inf ;ThinkCentre A50p (Intel Pentium 4) 819475G=up.inf ;ThinkCentre M50 (Intel Pentium 4) 818973G=up.inf ;ThinkCentre M50 (Intel Pentium 4 Hyper-Threaded) 81897HG=mp.inf ;ThinkCentre S50 (Intel Pentium 4 Hyper-Threaded) 808626G=mp.inf 81837DG=mp.inf 8183VJZ=mp.inf ;ThinkCentre S50 (Intel Pentium 4) 818374G=up.inf 81837CG=up.inf ;ThinkCentre A51 (Intel Celeron) 810971G=up.inf 813272G=up.inf ;ThinkCentre S51 (Intel Pentium 4 Hyper-Threaded) 81713AG=mp.inf 8171VK6=mp.inf ;ThinkCentre M52 (Intel Pentium 4 Hyper-Threaded) 821529G=mp.inf ;HP/Compaq Desktops HP Compaq dc7700p Ultra-slim Desktop=mp.inf HP Compaq dc7700 Ultra-slim Desktop=up.inf HP Compaq dc7100 SFF(DX878AV)=up.inf HP Compaq dc7600 Small Form Factor=mp.inf HP Compaq dc7700 Small Form Factor=up.inf HP Compaq dc7800 Small Form Factor=up.inf Compaq Evo D510 e-pc=up.inf e-pc=up.inf Evo D510 SFF=mp.inf HP d530 SFF(DC578AV)=mp.inf ;HP/Compaq Laptops HP Compaq 2510p=mp.inf HP Compaq 6910p=mp.inf HP Compaq nc2400(#AK8)=mp.inf HP Compaq nc6400*=mp.inf HP Compaq nw8440 (RH418EA#AK8)=mp.inf Evo N610c=up.inf ;Fujitsu LIFEBOOK S7110=mp.inf ;Dell Laptops Latitude D510=up.inf Latitude D520=mp.inf ;Dell Desktops Optiplex GX520=up.inf Optiplex 755=mp.inf Optiplex GX260=up.inf Optiplex GX270=up.inf OptiPlex GX280=up.inf Optiplex Gx620=mp.inf Optiplex 745=mp.inf
  16. I think we can help you better if you explain what your self extracting sfx package is doing. 1. Where is it extracting the files? 2. What are the registry paths where it writes registry settings? I think it would be more easier for us to help that way. I think it could be very simple to write a VBScript that waits for the program to exit and then deletes all the files and registry keys.
  17. I'm looking for a program that can handle conversion from DVD to FLV. The program should also handle the DVD subtitle inserting to FLV video. I have now tried ffmpeg and it converts the video nicely, but the problem is the needed subtitles. Any recommendations?
  18. Has anyone else had problems booting in to WinPE v.2 environment with a HP DC7800 desktop computer? I have to retry the booting almost five times until it boots in to the system. After that there is no problems. I also had problems with the nic drivers, but I updated the newest INTEL 1000 PRO Vista drivers to BOOT.WIM and after that they where functional.
  19. Ok, I have to look at the error you are getting. The dll should be automaticly registrated. There is some problems when defining the COM component like this. <object ID="objWIM" viewastext style="display:none" CLASSID="CLSID:6DA4E9F4-B7A8-467F-B88D-588B456B2608"></object> It doesn't seem to work under WinPE. I think I'll have to figure something else since it wonr work.
  20. I released a new version. Read more from the first post.
  21. I checked the MagicIso 32bit installer with TotalUninstall and it is clean from malware. I think you have got the malware from somewhere else. My intention was not to promote either of the software that I mentioned earlier. I just tried to help you with your issue. I suggest you to scan your system with Spybot S&D or something that can handle spywares out of your machine and then try to install MagicIso. I have used it for a long time without any issues or malware. I can send you the installation log if you want to investigate it further. Actually both MagicISO installers (32bit and x64) are both same. The x64 installation just installs the x64 driver. About the FS's. There is a file size limitation in the FAT32 file system. (4GB MAX) Microsoft Article I don't know about the NTFS compression, but I wouldn't use such compressions even that NTFS has much more efficient compression than in FAT32.
  22. Here is some freeware if you don't mind. Both works in Vista 32bit also. The magiciso also supports 64bit vista, but it a bit tricky to install. http://www.elby.ch/fun/software/index.html http://www.magiciso.com/tutorials/miso-mag...sc-overview.htm
  23. There is even better features available now. Look at the new help file included. There is a com component which you can use directly from vbscript. I'm already porting my HTA to use that component instead of the robust command line imagex app. P4antboy -> How can you make those delta files and how it really works? I have found a nice binary differiantial open source tool that can make some sort of deltas. But is there a native support in wimgapi for the delta files? http://xdelta.org/
  24. Thanks it worked, but there might come a problem if I want to use that dll on the WinPE.
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