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Everything posted by geezery

  1. Rpt = Act.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%UserProfile%\desktop\" & CN & "_KbReport.hta") This line won't work in Finnish Windows XP. If I change that to a static path it works.
  2. I'm 100% sure I changed the link. It's now edited.
  3. I just looked the package and there is so much options to define, so it would be easier if you make it by your self. Have you tried the Admin install on it? msiexec /a ica32pkg.msi
  4. ccb458 was right, because I forgot to put this line Runonce = 1 Now it should work. reupped the zip. Setres.exe has to be in Windows\system32 folder or else the script just skips the setres function. Solutionone: I can add that information also. I can't find the extra "\" on my code, since it works properly in me. Can you describe the exact input label or something, so I can track the bug. I'll added the freespace and volume name also to Disk Information.
  5. I reupped the zip with two fixes. Thanks goes to thebearboo! -Added a line in Browse function to fix the temp browse.txt file issue thebearboo finded -Added one space hit to setres function, no extra space needed in front of the SetResFunction setting -Added check to browse function, if selection is empty it won't change the current dir. -Fixed the HTA window size from fullscreen -> maximize
  6. There is a link on top:) Nice looking, can you explain a bit how I can use it?
  7. Ok, here is the new version, with all the files inside. I have tested it also, so it should work now. Just change the MyFilePath to your distribution path. http://koti.mbnet.fi/geezery/ImageXGuiv32.zip It only works in WinPe v2. You should have a proper path in MyFilePath, because it prompts the browse function if it can't find *.wim files in the path and the browse.exe currently works only in winpe, because of the static X:\Windows\system32 path. Post your experiences here, so I can have some feedback.
  8. Ok, I found the solution. New version coming in about a hour. I made some heavy testing in WinPe envinment and I noticed that %comspec% /c doesn't work in winpe everytime. But when I use cmd /c it works like a charm. I also tested capture and append, and both works nicely. I still need to test the setres function.
  9. I'm having big problems with browse function, I think i'll have to remove it, because it doesn't work right. I know there is a way to do it by vbscript, but just can't get it to work. The only working method is the BrowseForFolder, since I can get the popup, but the folder/file structure is empty. There is many parameters to give I just don't know what to use : BrowseForFolder http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms630408.aspx Parameters: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms538017.aspx
  10. I didn't get the PM, but can you send me the source code. I could look it a bit. Does it use the wimgapi.dll directly? I think that the mounting won't work in WinPe, but I'm nota 100% sure about that.
  11. Thanks, I think I can use nirsofts OpenedFilesView /stabular locked.txt Just have to split each string because I only need full paths. Have to try take backup of my full system on running windows xp with imagex.
  12. I tested and fixed several bugs. AutoIt @SystemFolder Macro doesn't work in Winpe, so I have to go back using the static path. X:\windows\system32. I reupped the browse.exe to my ftp and replaced also the zip in the first post. Setres function was also buggy and I'll think it needs still testing. It now loads every time the window_onload function is executed. I have to find solution for that. One solution might be to delete the setres.exe from the system32 folder once it is executed, so it won't load again.
  13. How can I list files that are locked? Is there some command line tool to see which files are locked. Maybe a vbscript solution?
  14. You might have a problem writing to System32 folder. It writes the Imagex /info filename.wim > X:\window\system32\temp.txt and also the browse function writes there browse.txt
  15. Did you test it, any bugs found. I didn't have time to test it in winpe so I don't know if my environment variables work. If you can test the browse function and the image list is also generated to Windows\system32\ folder. I'll write the function for the Administration gui tomorrow and I might need some help in testing so stay tuned. In the next release I'll add support for UltraVNC and I must also add some WMI queries etc. I'll put this function optional, if you don't like to use it.
  16. Yes I know. I took it off, because I didn't have any use for it.
  17. I'll added a new version again. There is a lot of changes and I write those later on. I didn't include the compiled browse.exe and wallpaper, since I couldn't fit those in the zip file.
  18. ->powaking I decided not to use any real databases, because I want to keep this simple as possible. So CSV is enough. And you can always import it to database if you want.
  19. Good Morning, powaking I might need your help in autoit, I already started the project yesterday and I think the first beta might be available on next week. I think I'm going to add at least two database options mssql and a csv. I just don't know if AutoIt can handle MsSql databases, can you research it a bit? Also Mysql could be one option, but I don't have MySql installed on my environment. I think I'm going to stay on vbscript in the client side, since the Gui is good enough now and the WMI queries are easier done with vbscript. pretender69 I like your backgrounds specially the second one, can you post it here? I can pm you the download link of the Admin Console when it's ready for testing. There is going to be a new version of the Gui also, because I need to add couple of functions on it also. solutionone I'll add those in the next version also.
  20. I think I'm going to make a separate admin console also for the WinPE hta gui, so I can remotely make installs . I actually tested the UltraVNC on Winpe and it works nicely. The Admin Console i'm going to make is on my own purposes, but of course if there is a demand for one I can release it also. I have already planned it on my mind and it's going to be very simple, but efficient. I think I'm going to use autoit for it, because it's free and efficient enough. The only problem is that I have no experience in autoit, but it looks very simple. Here is my plan: Client: - Put the computer starting from the PXE-boot (WDS) - I'm going to write a small IP-logging function to ImageX HTA gui, so when the computer starts and goes to HTA it will send it's ip-address to distribution share logfile with timestamp etc. - Disable the WinPE firewall with "wpeutil DisableFirewall" command. - Start the Winvnc Server - ImageX GUI Admin console: - Grabs the ip-address of the client from the distribution share automaticly and populates it in the console. - Then you can click the ip to open vncviewer and log on to the client. - Apply Image or Capture Image - Reboot the client machine. - Watch when the winvnc.exe process is available again on the client and make a new remote session - If you have winvnc on the image you can make the whole installation remotely. Best part comes here. Everything is FREE. I would also need some beta testers when I have something ready.
  21. I added the Add / Remove also to the example. Nice to notice someone else has watched this topic. Here is the URL for the NSIS Add / Remove example. http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Add/Remove_Functionality I didn't test the script. I also removed the uninstall icon from the start menu.
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