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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/23/2018 in all areas

  1. Beta channel for Adobe Flash Player has been updated to on August 22, and is confirmed working on Windows XP. https://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer.html Chrome 45 and newer PPAPI: https://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashruntimes/flashplayer/install_flash_player_ppapi.exe Chrome 44 and older, and Mozilla Firefox (NPAPI): https://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashruntimes/flashplayer/install_flash_player.exe Internet Explorer: https://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashruntimes/flashplayer/install_flash_player_ax.exe Uninstaller: https://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashruntimes/flashplayer/uninstall_flash_player.exe
    2 points
  2. Time to make things right and update the repository for July and August's updates. JULY 2018 SECURITY - ("7 - July 2018" Folder) KB4291391 - Description of the security update for the Windows DNSAPI denial of service vulnerability http://support.microsoft.com/help/4291391 http://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/search.aspx?q=4291391 KB4293756 - Description of the security update for the Windows FTP Server denial of service vulnerability http://support.microsoft.com/help/4293756 http://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/search.aspx?q=4293756 KB4295656 - Description of the security update for the Windows kernel elevation of privilege vulnerability http://support.microsoft.com/help/4295656 http://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/search.aspx?q=4295656 KB4339291 - Description of the security update for the security feature bypass vulnerability https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4339291 http://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/search.aspx?q=4339291 KB4339503 - Description of the security update for the Windows elevation of privilege vulnerability http://support.microsoft.com/help/4339503 http://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/search.aspx?q=4339503 KB4339854 - Description of the security update for the Win32k elevation of privilege vulnerability https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4339854 http://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/search.aspx?q=4339854 KB4340583 - Description of the security update for the Windows denial of service vulnerability (Spectre for Intel and AMD fix!) http://support.microsoft.com/help/4340583 http://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/search.aspx?q=4340583 AUGUST 2018 SECURITY - ("8 - August 2018" Folder) KB4338380 - Description of the security update for the Windows kernel information disclosure vulnerability http://support.microsoft.com/help/4338380 http://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/search.aspx?q=4338380 KB4340937 - Description of the security update for the remote code execution vulnerability http://support.microsoft.com/help/4340937 http://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/search.aspx?q=4340937 KB4340939 - Description of the security update for the remote code execution vulnerability http://support.microsoft.com/help/4340939 http://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/search.aspx?q=4340939 KB4341832 - Description of the security update for the L1TF variant vulnerabilities (Meltdown and Spectre fix!) http://support.microsoft.com/help/4341832 http://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/search.aspx?q=4341832 KB4343674 - Description of the security update for the GDI vulnerabilities http://support.microsoft.com/help/4343674 http://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/search.aspx?q=4343674 KB4344104 - Description of the security update for the font library vulnerability http://support.microsoft.com/help/4344104 http://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/search.aspx?q=4344104 NON-SECURITY - ("Extras" Folder) KB4339284 - Time zone and DST changes in Windows for North Korea https://support.microsoft.com/help/4339284 http://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/search.aspx?q=4339284 .NET FRAMEWORK SECURITY AND QUALITY ROLLUP https://support.microsoft.com/help/4345593 http://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=4345593 KB4344151 - .NET Framework 2.0 SP2 (".NET 2.0 SP2\Security and Quality Rollup") https://support.microsoft.com/help/4344151 KB4344149 - .NET Framework 4.5.2 (".NET 4.5.2\Security and Quality Rollup") https://support.microsoft.com/help/4344149 KB4344146 - .NET Framework 4.6/4.6.1 (".NET 4.6-4.6.1\Security and Quality Rollup") https://support.microsoft.com/help/4344146 JULY 2018 .NET SECURITY ONLY https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4340007 http://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=4340007 KB4344176 - .NET Framework 2.0 SP2 (".NET 2.0 SP2\Security Only") https://support.microsoft.com/help/4338611 KB4344173 - .NET Framework 4.5.2 (".NET 4.5.2\Security Only") https://support.microsoft.com/help/4338602 KB4344167 - .NET Framework 4.6/4.6.1 (".NET 4.6-4.6.1\Security Only") https://support.microsoft.com/help/4338606 AUGUST 2018 .NET SECURITY ONLY https://support.microsoft.com/help/4345682 http://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=4345682 KB4344176 - .NET Framework 2.0 SP2 (".NET 2.0 SP2\Security Only") https://support.microsoft.com/help/4344176 KB4344173 - .NET Framework 4.5.2 (".NET 4.5.2\Security Only") https://support.microsoft.com/help/4344173 KB4344167 - .NET Framework 4.6/4.6.1 (".NET 4.6-4.6.1\Security Only") https://support.microsoft.com/help/4344167 INTERNET EXPLORER - (Root folder of x86 or x64) https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4343205 http://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/search.aspx?q=KB4343205 I wonder who needs that timezone update for North Korea The Spectre and Meltdown related updates are marked as such in the repository so you can avoid them if you want. Good patching! https://mega.nz/#F!txxRyLzC!1vBMGzMHiL864f3bl1Rj1w
    1 point
  3. Going to the grocery store has never been more satisfying. Here in the UK, we have self-checkout at both Saintsbury's and Tesco, which are the two largest companies. Well, it turns out they are running Windows Embedded POSReady 2009, at least the ones at Tesco. Considering how many stores Tesco has all over the UK, they are a considerable amount of machines (The one in the picture didn't display the unexpected item in bagging area error, it simply rebooted and since there's no keyboard, it started a check disk xD)
    1 point
  4. One thing I overlooked: The absolute final version of LibreOffice for Windows Vista has been released; version LibreOffice 5.4.x is now EOL and will no longer receive updates. Since this was the last version to support Vista (and XP too I believe), this means that Vista is no longer supported by LibreOffice. I have updated the list with this information:
    1 point
  5. See Guys? I told you there were holes in this OS! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa! (kidding! kidding!)
    1 point
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