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  2. Anyone knows what system files should I need to remove from a win10 computer to make it safe against ransomwares that rely on bitlocker? Just disabling bitlocker is not an option... the tool is really dangerous and should not be included in default installations.
  3. He just came up with that abbreviation several days ago. Yeah, not obvious unless you follow the posts here religiously. Moz would've been more obvious since that is the abbreviation Mozilla uses in their code. Well, at least my brain quickly associates Moz with Mozilla, mo could be the cow mooing.
  4. You have to back up the Thorium folder and its registry keys for a later re-install. Otherwise you will lose the settings for which extensions have been installed.
  5. the more of `-j` the more of failing build as PDB writes are raceful. BTW I already have 3 or 4 mozbuilds installed, not wanting more.
  6. No idea. I'm not a coder myself. I guess you'll have to ask @cmalex (he announced the Python 3.9 build in this post). Though he hasn't posted on this forum since August 13, 2023... When he was asked to provide a list of the options used when compiling his custom Python 3.8.1350, this was his answer: Patch.diff (Py3.8)
  7. Oh. MAYBE that should have been obvious. But it sure as h#ll wasn't to me. I thought there was some new Floorp or LibreWolf or Waterfox or Mercury or r3dfox or PCXFirefox or Cyberfox or IceCat or Basilisk or Iceweasel or TenFourFox or Cliqz or CometBird or IceDragon or or or or or or or...
  8. What work on their part does "supporting" a version of Python involve? Is it a matter of avoiding certain functions in code?
  9. I am not aware, that versions 12-23 work usable at all with KernelEx. Those are freezing after a few seconds. With later versions, it depends on the hardware (i.e. CPU) whether Firefox is slow. With a Intel Prescott it runs noticeably slower than with a Core2Duo Wolfsdale. With the last mentioned it does not run slower than on XP or maybe minimally. There is no need to measure the loading times for comparison. That's not worth it. Yes I've XP, Vista and Win7, too.
  10. You'd need Vulkan driver by AMD, Nvidia or Intel for it. No such drivers exist for XP AFAIK. Is there even a single OpenGL 4.x game for Windows XP out there? OpenGL 4.5 is available on XP with recent enough Nvidia drivers, at least in theory. These projects are focused more on providing legacy D3D support where it's not available (eg. Linux) or where there might be quirks in native implementations (modern drivers on modern Windows), if you run XP, chances are you have period correct hardware with good support for those APIs.
  11. Tip for RetroZilla: Gecko 1.8.0b3 and later support building with MSYS, so that means Mozilla-Build will work with them. rn10950 used Mozilla-Build 1.2 to compile RetroZilla. If you want a native Windows command prompt window instead of rxvt like Mozilla-Build 1.2 uses, Mozilla-Build 1.3 is also suitable to build RetroZilla. Is it possible you are using mk_add_options MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS="-j1" simply because it's the default setting? What I notice with older Mozilla code (pre 2012) is you need a graphics adapter/card to take advantage of a powerful CPU. Wait... What version of Windows are you using to compile RetroZilla? In my experience, Windows 2000 and XP are the best choices for RetroZilla compilation.
  12. @reboot12 Hi, until now I cant set any nvram variable with any tool, that is on the market. Because all in Bios is still Write Protected. I can use those tools only for to check, if my change by hand of the nvram variable is correct. I look for the Byte pattern of each nvram variable with UEFI tool. For the search via UEFITool I use Byte length of about 300, because with shorter length I always get other "matches". I correct those 3 raw files by hand via Winhex. Raw files in CEF5B9A3-476D-497F-9FDC-E98143E0422C EE4E5898-3914-4259-9D6E-DC7BD79403CF 77D3DC50-D42B-4916-AC80-8F469035D150 For 0xCB3 I change Byte pattern from 01 ==> 00 by hand in each of those 3 raw files. For 0xCBE I change Byte pattern from 00 ==> 01 by hand in each of those 3 raw files. May be, that all nvram variables are stored only in this 3 raw files. But because I cant set off the Write Protection from Intel, this Write Protection sits on other place too, may be even not in Bios but on other chip on mainboard, crazy.. Then I integrate this 3 raw files, each modded at 2 places for 0xCB3 and 0xCBE, back into Bios via UEFITool. Then I flash this modded Bios with FPT.efi. After this I clear CMOS via its jumper. And voila, CSM is enabled, but nothing of this can be seen in Bios. Would be nice, to set all the other nvram variables too, that enables the CSM menu in Bios. Also the menu for to select the graphic card is still not there Dietmar
  13. thanks for your investigation. so basilisk52-g4.8.win32-git-20210327 is OK and basilisk52-g4.8.win32-git-20210320 fails? http://rtfreesoft.blogspot.com/2021/03/weekly-browser-binaries-20210327.html EDIT: oh yea there is a commit missed in my repo! "Issue #1749 - Remove restriction of SVG width/height element attributes." is missed, will add it back and will be available in next build.
  14. CPU setting are all default with Auto PBO, RAM is XMP-3200MHz. for NewMoon/Serpent/etc. usually needs ~12mins to rebuild here (with `-j 11`). for retrozilla, it needs ~30mins to finish, since cygwin-based build system is slow (not matter how fast compiler and CPU runs)
  15. FYI, The yt-dlp maintainers will drop support for Python 3.8 after October 2024. My build is done with Python 3.9, so it will also work on Windows 7 and above. When Python 3.9 will reach end of life in October 2025 and yt-dlp maintainers will also drop support for it, I will no longer be able to provide builds for Windows XP... (unless @cmalex or someone else manages to compile a higher Python XP compatible build )
  16. Good idea. Thanks! I will implement it in the next build. In 'version.py' I put: UPDATE_HINT = 'Do not update the XP build with -U. Instead download from GitHub Releases again when a new version is available.' Tested it and it works: C:\WINDOWS\system32>yt-dlp -U Current version: local@2024.06.01 Latest version: master@2024.06.01.185743 from yt-dlp/yt-dlp-master-builds ERROR: Do not update the XP build with -U. Instead download from GitHub Releases again when a new version is available. C:\WINDOWS\system32> BTW, welcome to the forum.
  17. Summary - did you do it like that - right ?? bios mod to set UEFI Variables Protection 00 flash with Intel FPT.efi clear CMOS enable CSM with AmiSetupWriter 0xCBE 0x1
  18. Do you run your Ryzen 7 5800X at a lower frequency than the default speed? I'm curious now what your build times are with RetroZilla, and New Moon 27.9.6? With RetroZilla, I get 24 minutes, and possibly less with Firefox 1.5.
  19. As always, very grateful Astro for your help. Sorry for the delay but I've been having some problems. Thorium gets very heavy here and again I'm having problems with explorer.exe. Something similar to what happened with Supermium. I think there's something wrong. As if the jump back is so big that something's not quite compatible and trying to force it to work ends up bringing conflicts. True, I use a trimmed down version of XP and many programs to customize the view but I can't find the exact problem. The only thing I know is before using Supermium and Thorium I didn't have these strange bugs. When I close Thorium and spend time on the machine doing other things, explorer.exe hangs and I end up having to force reset 'cause the whole desktop and windows stop responding. After reboot, something seems to be broken on my system, corrupt files, etc. I'm going to go back with an image that I know works fine and try again with Thorium. Can I assume since I was using the portable version I can save the folder 'as is' to preserve the config? I also find it hard to believe the folder weighs so much, even after deleting the cache and temp files.
  20. ~23mins full build on Ryzen 5800X and WD SN750 SSD on Win7 (with `-j14` parallel make jobs).
  21. When I did my build, I got 7 unresolved externals after linking xul.dll (brwsrcmps.dll?), and my solution was to forcefully deunify the sources. Now I remember, because I didn't fully revert the disable unified sources bug, the sources now build deunified by default, with --enable-unified-compilation having no effect. How much time does it take to compile that Firefox 38.8.0esr VC2010 modded version on your computer? If I remember correctly, it's 56 minutes with New Moon 27.9.6 20190223, and ~2 hours with Firefox 38.8.0esr with my underclocked (50% frequency) AMD Phenom X3 8600.
  22. OK, this is off-topic, but things are getting weirder.... There is something on my system blocking me from launching any application named "firefox.exe." I have to rename Firefox to, say, firefoxx.exe for it to run! If I don't rename it, when I try to launch it, it says it doesn't exist! Anyone ever heard of such a thing? Edit 3: OK I found that problem. At one point I was experimenting with trying to run Mo versions >115 with VxKex (a Win 7 kernel extender). I had no luck, so I uninstalled VxKex. Unfortunately, the uninstall did not revert a registry key, so anytime I tried to run firefox.exe, Windows tried to load VxKex and of course, couldn't find it. That was the real missing file. Deleting the registry key fixed it. That said, I can confirm that Mo 68.9 ESR does not render AVSForum correctly. Same bug as Serpent. Clean profile. Edit: OK, getting closer. Mo 78.9 ESR does render AVSForum correctly. So Mozilla's fix was between 68 and 78 (and presumably backported to MyPal). Edit 2: OK, got it. Mo 68.9 ESR doesn't work, but Mo 69 does work. So Mozilla's fix landed in version 69. The date of the fix appears to be circa Oct. 2019. At least, that's the date on all the files in the Mozilla Firefox folder. Hmm.... Perhaps this? The SVG geometry attributes (such as width and height) can now also be defined as CSS properties (Firefox bug 1383650). Edit 4: The fix appears to have landed in official Pale Moon somewhat later: version 29.1.1, dated 26-Mar-2021. Version 29.1.0, dated 1-Mar-2021, does not render AVSForum.com correctly. So I have it narrowed down to one month. Edit 5: On a hunch, I checked @roytam1's St 52 build from March 2021. And sure enough, that same CSS fix landed in the last week of that month. So, I downloaded the St 52 build - and it does render AVSForum correctly! (Well, not quite; as feared, there are other issues, but at least those giant graphics aren't present.) So, it's a regression: been fixed, but somewhere along the line, it broke again. It's getting awfully late here, though. I'm going to bed now.
  23. What about Vulkan API on Windows XP? Did you see D8VK, D9VK and DXVK?
  24. Well, I tried to narrow it down on the Mozilla side by downloading FF 60 Portable from PortableApps - but I couldn't even get it to start up! I'll keep trying but I'm afraid I'm going to need some help with this.
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