gosh Posted October 7, 2003 Posted October 7, 2003 One thing i haven't seen is a good guide on how to not install core things such as movie maker, system restore, net meeting, etc. Here is how to not install these things for XP. Same method will work for win2k and win2k3.1 - Remove windows defraggerDelete dfrg.in_ from i386 folderDownload dfrg.inf and put it in your i386 folder.Now when you install XP windows defragger won't be installed.2 - Remove Movie makerDelete moviemk.in_ from i386 folderDownload moviemk.inf and save it into i386 folderNow when you install XP you won't have movie maker3 - Remove windows messengerDelete msmsgs.in_ from i386 folderDownload msmsgs.inf and save to i386 folderNow when you install no more windows messenger4 - Remove net meetingDelete MSNETMTG.IN_ from i386 folderDownload MSNETMTG.INF to i386 folderNow ms netmeeting is gone5 - Remove system restoreDelete sr.in_ from i386 folderDownload sr.inf and save to i386 folderNow system restore is gone-gosh 1
996 Posted October 7, 2003 Posted October 7, 2003 very cool. but in order to save space on the install cd, which corresponding cab files can be deleted?i would love to cut down the size of the unattended xp cd to about 250 megs as it would then fit on a 8cm cd-rom or allow office to sit on the same 700meg cd. xp and office do fit on one cd now already but it has to be a 870 meg one.looking at the original INFs i have found references to thefollowing files:moviemk.exewmmres.dllwmmutil.dllwmmfilt.dllsample.asfmsmsgs.exemsgsc.dllmsgslang.dllonline.wavnewemail.wavnewalert.wavtype.wavlogowin.giflogo.giflvback.gifmsmsgsin.exemailtmpl.txtand loads more. they are all listed in the [install App] section in the INF files. is it safe to delete those?
DaveXP Posted October 7, 2003 Posted October 7, 2003 very cool. but in order to save space on the install cd, which corresponding cab files can be deleted?i would love to cut down the size of the unattended xp cd to about 250 megs as it would then fit on a 8cm cd-rom or allow office to sit on the same 700meg cd. xp and office do fit on one cd now already but it has to be a 870 meg one.i got office on my CD without delete them files in the above post!
996 Posted October 7, 2003 Posted October 7, 2003 very cool. but in order to save space on the install cd, which corresponding cab files can be deleted?i would love to cut down the size of the unattended xp cd to about 250 megs as it would then fit on a 8cm cd-rom or allow office to sit on the same 700meg cd. xp and office do fit on one cd now already but it has to be a 870 meg one.i got office on my CD without delete them files in the above post! yeah I know it is possible. but I would like to have a winxp cd of 250 megs. I know someone has cut xp down to 100 meg (mentioned in some other thread).
DaveXP Posted October 7, 2003 Posted October 7, 2003 if you delete something then make sure that you remove it from the DOSNET.INF file as well
b0r3d Posted October 7, 2003 Posted October 7, 2003 One thing i haven't seen is a good guide on how to not install core things such as movie maker, system restore, net meeting, etc. Here is how to not install these things for XP. Same method will work for win2k and win2k3.1 - Remove windows defraggerDelete dfrg.in_ from i386 folderDownload dfrg.inf and put it in your i386 folder.Now when you install XP windows defragger won't be installed.2 - Remove Movie makerDelete moviemk.in_ from i386 folderDownload moviemk.inf and save it into i386 folderNow when you install XP you won't have movie maker3 - Remove windows messengerDelete msmsgs.in_ from i386 folderDownload msmsgs.inf and save to i386 folderNow when you install no more windows messenger4 - Remove net meetingDelete MSNETMTG.IN_ from i386 folderDownload MSNETMTG.INF to i386 folderNow ms netmeeting is gone5 - Remove system restoreDelete sr.in_ from i386 folderDownload sr.inf and save to i386 folderNow system restore is gone-goshCan't these componants be told not to be installed in your winnt.sif ?
Nologic Posted October 7, 2003 Posted October 7, 2003 Here is another post that gosh posted...not sure where off hand I seen it...but it was worth while enough that I keeped a copy of it. How to remove default windows componants in windows xp/2000/longhorn.Here's a very little known way to remove default componants in XP. I've seen one website that uses a similiar method, but it wasn't for XP.When you install windows XP, you're running setup.exe, which is just a stub for syssetup.dll (syssetup.dll runs in the memory process of setup.exe). Syssetup.dll uses syssetup.inf for the install options. At about the 30 minute remaining mark, syssetup.inf is uses to install the default componants. To see what's installed, open your syssetup.inf (located in %windir%\inf) and look at the section called [infs.Always]. Everything under here is processed, whether you're doing an upgrade or clean install. Below is what you'll see:[infs.Always]wsh.inf,DefaultInstallie.inf,DefaultInstallsecdrv.inf,DefaultInstallmdac.inf,DefaultInstallicwnt5.inf,DefaultInstallnt5java.inf,DefaultInstallmstask.inf,DefaultInstall.NTmsoe50.inf,DefaultInstallwab50.inf,DefaultInstalltshoot.inf,DefaultInstalldfrg.inf,DefaultInstallmsinfo32.inf,DefaultInstallaxant5.inf,DefaultInstallmsnetmtg.inf,DefaultInstallmplayer2.inf,InstallWMP64sr.inf,DefaultInstallicminst.inf,DefaultInstallapcompat.inf,DefaultInstallshell.inf,DefaultInstallshl_img.inf,DefaultInstallnetupnph.inf,DefaultInstalldevxprop.inf,DefaultInstallsyssetup.inf,SpecialInstallpchealth.inf,DefaultInstalloobe.inf,DefaultInstallsapi5.inf,DefaultInstallmoviemk.inf,DefaultInstallqmgr.inf,DefaultInstallskins.inf,InstallSkinswmp.inf,Installwmp7wmtour.inf,DefaultInstallmymusic.inf,InstallWMPlaylistswflash.inf,DefaultInstalldimaps.inf,DefaultInstallvgx.inf,DefaultInstallsrchasst.inf,DefaultInstallThe format is inf,install section. Back in NT4, you could modify syssetup.inf directly so componants weren't installed. See http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?...kb;en-us;156653. That article shows how to not install IE by default. Microsoft didn't like this however, since it let people have freedom and microsoft likes to control people. So in windows 2000 and XP (and longhorn), syssetup.inf is digitally signed and if you modify it, setup won't continue. However, you can still modify other infs. So what this means is you can modify the sub infs and setup won't install the componants.For example, let's say you want to remove movie maker from being installed. Here's what you do:1 - Look in the above list to see what inf movie maker uses and what install section. As you see, moviemk.inf is used with the section DefaultInstall.2 - Copy your XP cd to hard drive, and delete i386\moviemk.in_, so setup doesn't process it.3 - Make a new file in \i386 called moviemk.inf, and in this file put the following:[version]signature="$Windows NT$"ClassGUID={00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}LayoutFile=layout.inf[DefaultInstall]4 - Now run setup from the flat you made on the hard drive, and movie maker won't be installed. You'll get an error during setup, but you can continue. After installation, in the program files folder you'll still have a movie maker folder, but it'll be empty.The reason this works is because setup (syssetup.dll), sees it needs to process the DefaultInstall section of moviemk.inf. it finds the file and finds the section, but the section says to do nothing, so setup does nothing and continues.Let's give another example that doesn't use DefaultInstall. Let's say you wanted to remove media player, which uses mplayer2.inf and InstallWMP64. All you would do is delete mplayer2.in_, make mplayer2.inf and put in it the following:[version]signature="$Windows NT$"ClassGUID={00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}LayoutFile=layout.inf[installWMP64]I've used this method to remove system restore, net meeting, outlook express, wab, media player, defrag, windows messenger. One thing to note though is outlook express is very messy. If you remove outlook express you cannot install outlook XP, and it's very hard to reinstall outlook express. However the others are removed without problems.You can use this method to remove things not in syssetup.inf, such as windows messenger. Just delete msmsgs.in_, make msmsgs.inf, and copy this into it:; MSMSGS.INF; Setup INF file for Messenger; Version 4,7,0,0041[Messenger]Suite = Windows ComponentRTCSP = 1MinIEVersion = 4[version]signature="$Windows NT$"Version=4,7,0,0041[Optional Components]msmsgs[msmsgs]If you think about it, windows messenger should be in syssetup.inf, since microsoft says it's a system componant that cannot be removed, but microsoft didn't.One other thing id like to point out, is that everything under Infs.Always in syssetup.inf can be reinstalled. For example, anything that says DefaultInstall can be reinstalled by right clicking on the inf and clicking install. As you see above, system restore uses sr.inf, so you could right click on %windir%\inf\sr.inf and click install, to reinstall system restore. -goshAny ways both are good posts, but as 996 mentioned it would be nice to get a list of files that match up with the entrys...shouldn't be a big deal...maybe I'll see if I can figure out a list...might be a few days so if any one else gets a hair up thier a$$ feel free to beat me to the punch.
DMX Posted October 7, 2003 Posted October 7, 2003 don't you have to pack the inf files back into cab format or am i wrong.
GreenMachine Posted October 7, 2003 Posted October 7, 2003 Thanks, Gosh. Any chance you could edit your first post to have the .INFs in CODE BLOCKS? That way it'll be around indefinitly. Thanks again!
gosh Posted October 9, 2003 Author Posted October 9, 2003 I made a crude batch file to remove files used by the above infs. Use only with extreme caution! I haven't tested this.-goshrunme.bat
RyanVM Posted October 9, 2003 Posted October 9, 2003 Finally, a clean way to remove WMP!!!! THANK YOU!
996 Posted October 9, 2003 Posted October 9, 2003 I've tested the batch file and the result is positive. I've decided NOT to remove :sr and :pchealth.when copying files setup coplains about the following files missing but continues anyhow:Bxxx.xxx (hit escape before i got the name)MSTASK.HLPSNIFFPOL.DLLSSTUB.DLLTSHOOT.DLLMNMDD.SYSgui setup does not complain.RESULT:another 20 Megs off the cd
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