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NT4 Visual Update 3 Release Candidate 1


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Update: NT4 Visual Update Beta 3


Fixed Backup so it includes all files modified


Patched more ie icons

Patched more cpl icons

Patched more start menu icons

Patched more shell icons

Patched notepad so now with shortcut keys





Edited by awergh
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Update: NT4 Visual Update Release Candidate 1 (0.95)


Fixed Backup so it copies files to %windir%\nt4vubck instead of C:\nt4vubck.

Fixed Readme so its up to date.


Patched icons here and there.

Patched Dialup Networking Icon.

Patched Web Folders Icon.

Created proper Restore that can be used in windows and includes all files that have been changed.

Installer now includes more options.




Logon Screen:




My Computer:


Control Panel:


PS: I really should find a proper file hoster but i havent yet.

Edited by awergh
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hosting on files-upload is fine, anyone can download from there.

however, your screenshots cannot be seen (403 - Forbidden "You don't have permission to access /logon3.jpg on this server.")...

How did you manage to inflate small icon library to 7+MB? Using multiple installers within installers? ;)

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well, i sort of umm, didnt work out how to patch the files so i just included the whole file thats how it got to 7mb if you look inside the archive it is about 20mb, i havent worked out how to patch the files

fixed the screenshots you can now access them

the contents of the archive is just some exe, dll, and cpl files that can replace the winnt files

some batch files and a delphi prog which is all pretty looking which allows you to have optional components and stuff

Edited by awergh
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Nice project....

But, can u provide us with some screenshots that are not horrible like those... I mean JPG compression is terrible... It killed the point of those images... Try compressing bmps with Irfan View pls cuzz i cannot see lots from those images...

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oh! lets try this again






i started modifing it so now the system dlls are being patched instead of copying a file to replace the orginal which means the package is smaller the uncompressed form is 14.4mb instead of 20mb now i havent done all of them yet and i dont think i want to do shell32.dll using my method

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Nice effort, but you fail.

Just reminds me of those Calmira things for Windows 3.1.

I might give this a go at some point, if I can find a copy of NT4 lying around.

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Well no offence but it doesn't look like a "Visual Update", it just looks like a poorly ripped set of XP resources on an old older OS. The icons don't match the window appearance, neither do the replacement dialog resources, etc. Everything just looks jumbled and mis-matched like Windows Neptune.

Nice effort, but needs a more discerning eye to pull something like this off.

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it doesn't look like a "Visual Update", it just looks like a poorly ripped set of XP resources on an old older OS.

U cannot say something like that... Man tries and works and those icons are not poorly ripped it the OS that doesn't have 32-bit icon support... So u should do something first other then remembering Windows Neptune....

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