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Adobe Reader

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The Adobe Reader takes up a lot of space on my xp cd. Which of these files are unnecessary for the silent install of Adobe Reader 6?



adobe reader 6.msi








Thanx in advance.

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  • 1 year later...

This is how you make a Adobe MSI package

1. Run the .exe for Reader 6.0 you downloaded from Adobe

2. It will say "Recomposing data" and create a folder structure called:

C:\WINDOWS\Cache\Adobe Reader 6.0\ENUBIG*

3. That folder will be populated with the MSI and supporting files you need. No capture needed.

4. The command line to install it (if you're inclined to use the command line) is:

msiexec /i "Adobe Reader 6.0.msi" TRANSFORMS=Rdr60ENU.mst /q

*depents on language

u dont need setup.exe

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If you want to save space on your CD and also keep the original Adobe Reader 6, here is my solution.

Just use the original .exe you downloaded. No need to extract.

Run with this command in RunOnceEx.cmd

REG ADD %KEY%\001 /VE /D "Adobe Reader 6.0.1" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\001 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\Applications\AdobeReader\AdobeReader6.exe -p\"-s /v\"/qn\"\"" /f

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