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[Desktops] 2007

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Hey now... computerMan, put that link back! There might be others who like it. :)

@bms - If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all (as the old axiom goes). Maybe next time make a suggestion for improvement, or say what part you don't like, rather than just saying "it sucks".

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@skizo - Did you not read my post above? The comment to bms was not specifically targetted at him, but something that all should follow. Insulting others isn't something we appreciate around here.

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I completely agree with Zxian.

Of course, some screenshots can be offending and should not be posted. However, it's what moderators are here for.

In computerMan's example, the picture has been removed within 7 hours if I'm not mistaken (posted and removed roughly during my sleep hours). bms, considering the reactions, I'd like you to explain what you found not enjoyable in computerMan's screenshot (especially since I've never seen any problem with them).

@computerMan's, I'd like to see your desktop screenshot back but of course we can't force you; it's completely up to you. :)

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My springtime desk...

Homemade visual style mostly done just using ResEdit, (used Brushed 3.5 Visual Style by hills-roppongi as template). Homemade Desktop Sidebar skin.

Wallpaper was in an email "When God Paints" I think.

th_clean7RPO.png -- th_d1QgdS.png -- th_d2Vhx3.png

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@alittlecrazy Very nice desktop. I must admit a preference for natural over created artwork. The style and color you used is a very nice blend even though the olive color normally makes me cringe. The muted icons are a good selection also. Overall, a good composition.


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@alittlecrazy Very nice desktop. I must admit a preference for natural over created artwork. The style and color you used is a very nice blend even though the olive color normally makes me cringe. The muted icons are a good selection also. Overall, a good composition.

Thanks DL. I appreciate the comments.

I found the group of photos I mentioned online at jibjab.com. They're really good.

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