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Windows 98SE on the lastest hardware

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Jeremy, as far as it is an exchange of opinions it's OK. It happens that we (Win9x users) react too harsh because quite often we're attacked for the use of these "ancient" OSes so we've become a little bit alergic to any critical opinion.



Can anyone please help me to install ATI Cats for X850XT AGP

(PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_4B49 - R481_ENU),

on a P4C800E-Delx machine, 3ple BOOT, (winME-win2K-winXP)?

No problem so far with win2k-XP. Omega 6.9 installed OK.

My Previous Card was a 9800XT with Cat5.2 on winME. I remember, I had to boot in SafeMode, and install the VIVO codec driver first for Windows Millennium to accept and procceed with the installation of 3D accelerator in Normal Mode afterwards.

When I got the X850XT, I uninstalled everything, used DriverCleaner, I have also used an Ashampoo Uninstaller Log, (it's a Clean-Sweep clone uninstalling tool).

Upon 1st Reboot, winME installed Standard PCI Graphics Adapter (VGA) and the Standard PCI Graphics Adapter for the secondary Monitor.

Well, since one of your members 've provided a walkthrough, I have done everything the same way. The only thing I'm not shure is which WDM version driver should I use.

I've already downloaded the winME 6.2beta and tryied with no success.

Also I can see the 2 Interfaces of X850XT in Device Manager, along with a Yellow Exlamation Mark next to them.

I just need winME for use of some old accounting programs and safer Internet Browsing. Actually what I only need is a 1024x768 16bit Desktop! No 3D acceleration and no games whatsoever.


Upon 1st Reboot, winME installed Standard PCI Graphics Adapter (VGA) and the Standard PCI Graphics Adapter for the secondary Monitor.

Well, since one of your members 've provided a walkthrough, I have done everything the same way. The only thing I'm not shure is which WDM version driver should I use.

I've already downloaded the winME 6.2beta and tryied with no success.

Also I can see the 2 Interfaces of X850XT in Device Manager, along with a Yellow Exlamation Mark next to them.

I only have X850XT PCI-E and X800pro AGP(R420), so my experience may not work for you.

When I installed CATALYST 6.2 for X850XT PCI-E on GA-K8A480M-9(ATI RS480 + Uli M1573), manually update resulted in an installation failure after reboot, just like what you encountered.

I tried to install the driver by running Setup.exe in subfolder "6-2_wme_dd_cp_30314\Driver", and I failed again.

Finally I let CATALYST 6.2 handle the installation and completed without any problem.

I need to install CATALYST 6.2 first before downgrading driver.

If I install CATALYST 5 directly, an error message appears when entering Win98se normal mode, and Win98se stops working.

I also use X800pro AGP(R420), but it works well with CATALYST 4.11~6.2.

Compared with X800pro AGP(R420), the installation of X850XT PCI-E is troublesome :}

Besides, ATI supports R481 since CATALYST 6.2, and R480 since CATALYST 5.2.

That means X850XT AGP may have more unknown compatibility problems than PCI-E ones.


Thnx halohalo,

Your post made me try, even the 4.11 Cats without any sign of success, unfortunaly.

I believe I've tried everything on this here Earth, to make X850XT AGP, to give me a simple 1024x768 2D Desktop.

From what I understand, is, although the c7_30314.INF gives the device ID to winME, the Driver files cannot trigger the interface accelerator correctly, (if at all!).

That's real bad on ATI's behalf, because 18% of users worlwide still use the win9x kernel in their machines.

I have never -ever had any serious unrecoverable problems with win9x. I have never lost precious data on 9x machines. I have Lowe's modified ESDI_505.PDR driver for 15 Terrabyte support on FAT32 HDs.

The opposite happened with winXPSP1 quiet a few times in the past actually.

I'll just have to wait until a part time coder at the AMD-ATI labs comes with a working piece of script for my legacy OS that is still functioning flawlesslly since December 2001 withought a re-format of any kind, with more than 400 apps installed and everyday use of the Internet for the past 5 years!

Any suggestions will be appreciated :hello:


I have a question. Is it possible to build a dualboot windows ME 日本版 and windows XP 日本版.

On the latest hardware, like for example on a machine with these parts....

CPU: core 2 duo 2.4 Ghz

Motherboard: Asus P5B

Videocard: Gainward Gforce 6800GS 512MB 256Bit (PCIe)


Soundcard:CMI 8738 6ch PCI or some other card that supports ME

basically I wanted a pc that can play the old games and new games,

so these are the hardware I have selected. what are the things I have to do to make this kind of dual boot machine possible ? Besides fixing ME's memory limit.

Posted (edited)

That's sad, I did not know motherboards themselves needed OS drivers as well....

I thought it was just the problem of the onboard sound chip having no drivers.

Oh well in that case what earlier Asus motherboard can I get, to put these other parts together ? Rather what Intel chipset still supports 9x ?

Anyway I just found out just now, about Motherboards needing drivers as well, I guess I still have a long way to go. thanks anyway.

Edited by Strawberry_Imperial
Oh well in that case what earlier Asus motherboard can I get, to put these other parts together ? Rather what Intel chipset still supports 9x ?

Fully supported are chips 865/875, from Asus P5PE-VM with Core2 Duo support is available.

But this board has AGP, not PCI-E.

P5LD2 SE (PCB R2.0+) with 945P chipset support Core2 Duo processor too and has PCI-E slot, but the compatibility with Windows 98/Me is very limited.


Posted (edited)

Well in my use 98 will run on any computer you put it on. The thing is NT/2000/XP is only there seeing how 95/98/ME will use up too much memory after awhile and you will barely be able to do anything. In this case 98 just does not cut it when using a computer that must stay on 365 days a year.

Another thing is the FAT32 system only allows up to 3.99 GIGS of data in a whole file. This means when you want to hold a RAW file in terms of Video editing there is no way possible. On that subject any program that deals with uncompressed data is a treath to the FAT32 system which needs to be replaced with FAT64or whatever that will allow a 10TerraByte file or something simular.

On the topic of core proccesors this is foolery. Unless your a developer (of anything) you will have no concerns on this. In the case of core proccesors the Sega Saturn uses multiple chips to do many jobs just as any game system. A Video game uses a sepcific setup of hardware to run games this is why most games when emulated on a computer will get diffrent results with various setups of chips and proccesors. In most cases the chips are emulated. This brings us to the reason why Apple is still around.

A daul proccessor setup in the case of the funny pictures shown here is no diffrent then the core setup or a multi chip setup like the Sega Saturn. In the PS2 they use two proccessors so that one will do a diffrent job.

Again this is no concern to anybody seeing how only a developer or computer arcutech would really need to worry about this. In the case of media editing a multi chip support is uneeded unless the program is programed this support.

However in my uses I am in College now and it is screwed up the way they are teaching people. They replace anything and everything that they can with computers and make room for other classes. Now in the case of how this retorts to 98SE on the latest hardware. In the working world people do not have a chioce. They have to use the OS or like me find other ways to make due. Like alot of people they bring there work home so they do not have to live at work however they waste constant amounts of money just to do the job.

In reality they are forcing these OS and Hardware on people like the burnden of a child. Where most people are enslaved by technology.

I myself just want to draw, create animation and work out but I need money so I have to run a side bussiness go to college or get a job that takes away my rights. Now I have been going so far and I feel like I am surounded by the most evil people in the world while the students are being taught stuff which could be explained in a second.

Lastly they use the Apple OS in the work place and the Windows NT OS has been in the work place for years also and to be honest I admit I will have to setup a small area to use these OS and it is going to cost me money.

The problem I have is that regaurdless what program works or gets the job done in 98. The program makers decide that the work can't be transfered from another program to that program or that version of the program will not run a file from another version even if you tweak the file for your computer use the 98 program, you will then have to tweak it back to make it work on the 2000/Apple and then again who will do all the tweaking.

This is the real problem people not will this hardware run this but will these scumbag companies would just start making the program able to run on all OS and not hold some excuse like it will make your computer explode.

I really do not see any real need for enhancement. Right now you can watch HD-DVD on your 98 machine with the HD-Drive from the X-BoX 360.....No joke all you need is the drivers and shamzzaamm your setup to make backups of your HD movies and games.

Again 98SE will run fine on all hardware that is not made for a specific OS or format. 98 also has the software to do the job of the Amiga video editing to a sound room editing room and even 3d editing and compling of 3d games and other programs.

98 strength is that there is so much program support you do not need another OS for anything. Other then Internet Hosting Networking and multi tasking if own only one computer in the household.

The only person who will be need Nt/2000/XP/Aple/UNix/Sun or any other OS is a editor who want to deal with files bigger then 3.99 gigs. Until this and the Memory problems is corrected they wil need something else other then 98.

Edited by Ludwig Von Cookie Koopa
Posted (edited)

Having said that, then that means Windows ME too, can run under the latest hardware?

As long as I did this and that to get around the driver problem right ?

The things I need to do for ME would be to....

fix her memory limit

to be able to install her on a SATA Drive

the Videocard supports ME so no Problem there

as for Sound I am planning to use a PCI Card that supports ME

so what else am I overlooking ?

what other things do I have to do in order to make ME and XP work together on this kind of Hardware ?

Edited by Strawberry_Imperial
Having said that, then that means Windows ME too, can run under the latest hardware?

As long as I did this and that to get around the driver problem right ?

The things I need to do for ME would be to....

fix her memory limit

to be able to install her on a SATA Drive

the Videocard supports ME so no Problem there

as for Sound I am planning to use a PCI Card that supports ME

so what else am I overlooking ?

what other things do I have to do in order to make ME and XP work together on this kind of Hardware ?

No, ME is much the same as 98SE.

Memory depends on the memory controller on the motherboard.

There should be no problems with SATA as the software interface is identical (they will be detected as standard IDE controllers) - make sure BIOS has "emulate SATA as IDE" or similar option, if default doesn't work.

If you want to use drives > 128/137Gb, you need the Enable48BitLBA driver -> Get it from the Unofficial Service Pack subforum, there's a link to it in my sig.


Fact is, you need a driver to make hardware work properly on any OS, and when there does not exist a driver for it, then it does not work. Of course you can try writing one yourself or something like that, but...well, go ahead :).

Posted (edited)

@Ludwig Von Cookie Koopa I do a lot of capturing and have very little trouble with file limits a lot of the software I use automatically splits the filesize into 2gig chunks. Which enables me to edit and convert the files whilst capturing continues. I also have realtime mpeg2 capture encoding cards which again have no problem with the file limit. Regarding win9x uptime I have had systems bypass the maximum machine ticks many many times with no memory\reboot needed problems. A lot of the time windows 9x uptime is not the fault of the os but down to memory leaks from poorly written software, if a minimal 98 setup is used and reliable software is used or written by yourself (using ocx,activex etc) you will be surprised how long and how stable the system can be.

Edited by oscardog

Thank you xtrm and LLXX. I will take down notes on what you said. :thumbup

so far I do not really understand when you said "Memory depends on the memory controller on the motherboard.", but I do know ME won't be able to handle over 1 GB memory, so I have to limit her memory.

So what do I have to do if I find out about the memory controller of the motherboard ?

By the way I like that "2GB Limit Defeated" link in your sig. That was pretty cool being able to do that.

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