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Vista is Leaked


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Yes, the amount of disk space needed is incredible. :w00t:

I guess Nuhi will have a lot of fun when and if nlite will be adapted to Vista..... ;)

And I presume that you will also need a huge amount of RAM and a prolly fast processor to run it.

I have no idea how smooth the feeling of the interface is, but I think that if you can afford a newish, fast machine, running on it XP or 2003 would still be smoother than Vista.

And what about booting time, anyone has data on it?

Will there be a need for a bootvis-like app?


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Mine cold boots to the Vista login screen in 15 seconds. If I add in an auto login tweak it boots into Vista from cold boot to desktop in 17 seconds flat (I guess it takes a few seconds to process the auto login). This is with no start-up stuff other than the default Vista start up stuff.

Edited by Spooky
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The Vista RTM review:


And the relevant parts for crahak:

Despite the polished feel and decent performance, Vista still has relatively little to offer. Windows Media Player 11 and Internet Explorer 7 are both dowloadable for Windows XP. The majority of useful features for Vista fell by the wayside sometime ago, Vista just feels like XP with a glorified pretty interface and a sidebar that eats up more of your precious memory.

Still, the next version of DirectX is going to be Vista-only, so this may be reason enough to upgrade for a lot of people.

Edited by Aegis
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Inquiring minds want to know!

The real test comes when it actually gets into the hands of consumers, then we shall see how well it fares. They obviously didn't get deep enough into Vista to see there are some big changes and it seems their 'review' is mostly superficial.

The Vista RTM review:


And the relevant parts for crahak:

Despite the polished feel and decent performance, Vista still has relatively little to offer. Windows Media Player 11 and Internet Explorer 7 are both dowloadable for Windows XP. The majority of useful features for Vista fell by the wayside sometime ago, Vista just feels like XP with a glorified pretty interface and a sidebar that eats up more of your precious memory.

Still, the next version of DirectX is going to be Vista-only, so this may be reason enough to upgrade for a lot of people.

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...and it seems their 'review' is mostly superficial.

Yes, I've never taken anything from that site seriously.

Exactly. Pure BS. They should be forced to use a Win95 box that somehow has IE7 and WMP11 (the 2 most useless parts of Vista - a ghetto browser and sub-par media player). Sounds like they couldn't tell the difference either ways -- I wouldn't be surprised if they liked it actually... Just because they don't see the underlying changes (or even changes you can see but that they're not intelligent enough to notice) doesn't mean it's not there. This is every bit as true as Win95 was just a new GUI on top of Win 3.11. FUD and more sensationalist BS to get more page views as always.

Edited by crahak
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