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Automatic Winnt.sif creator!

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Im currently in the process of putting togeather a little program that creates the winnt.sif file automatically, with a nice GUI, and without any icky file editing. This handy little gadget will do it all for ya!


Please note that this program is still being developed. All ive created so far is the user interface. I havent done any of the hard coding yet :) It'll take me a few days to get it running smoothly, so expect it soon!

Any suggestions would also be greatly appreciated. I'm making it for you people, so who better to know what you want, than you :rolleyes:

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Man, good looking out, you might want to patent that and make a deal with Bill, how about your app showing up on the support tools!!! :D

I am no coder, but what are you using, VB?

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It's Auto Partition... not partitian :):D haha just giving you a hard time... you have a few spelling mistakes tho... can I get credit for spell checking in the help: about dialog? :rolleyes:

awesome looking program though. now only if it could create the batch files too.

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you could even add the option, some sort of pre-menu, to choose if you want to make the sif file for windows xp or windows2k (there aresome minor differences between win2k and xp unattended setup)

and...u could add a "reg-maker" u know...with all the tweaks listed...so u just select them and hit generate! :)

but the idea is gr8 man! u have my respect :rolleyes:

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Just one word WOW .... :)

Hey I will be your beta tester :D

Look like thats going to be a cool tool.

Will you be able to add different types of networking, like ipx and stuff.

Let me know when you having a working copy... Format machine waiting :rolleyes:


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