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OEMScan - Automated Multi Manufacture Pre-Activation Utility

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Posted (edited)
I would however suggest that we make a RyanVM intergration of all packages to make life easier for the end user.
I've already made an oemscan addon for use with RVMIntegrator using the excellent tools (oemscan/setkey) from xehqter/FreeStyler (you guys are awesome!).

It can be found here: http://siginetsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=272

It was designed for use with a single OS-type (XP Home, XP Pro, Server 2k3, etc) since it can't differentiate between Home/Pro/etc but can be tailored to multi-OS images. It runs oemscan/setkey at the T-39 stage of RIS/disc-based install.

Siginet has made his own addon here: http://siginetsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=276

His addon (beta) runs at the T-13 stage, but can load different keys based on OStype.

Edited by mr_smartepants
  • 2 months later...

Posted (edited)

Just to update everyone (and bump this thread).

I've made significant changes to my addon which now supports both single-OS as well as multi-OS disc-based installs (should work in RIS, but I can't verify).

I'm also working on updating the addon based on the inspiration of SSX4life to copy over any OEM logos, info, or wallpaper files at the same time as activation.

Once finished, this one addon should encapsulate the intent of all the other OEMSCAN addons out there.

Link: http://siginetsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=272

It looks like there is still activity for this project so I thought I'd ask, any new Feature Requests or Bug Fixes needed?

How about documenting the available switches/commands/routines supported by OEMSCAN (exe & ini)? Please? :)

Edited by mr_smartepants
  • 2 months later...


Cool utility. I saw that you said you were going to open source this. Have you done this yet or could you provide the source code? I have been trying to write a program to query SLP info, and have been banging my head against the wall. I would be very interested how you do it.

Thank you in advance.

  • 4 weeks later...

Could Someone Plz Explain To Me How To Get This Working?

I have The Following XP Pro CD's

Acer XP Pro SP2

Dell XP Pro SP2

How Do I Make Them Into 1 CD?

Do I Have To Take The Dell Files From The XP CD and Add them?

For Example! The PIDGen.dll, The SETUPP.ini?

Or Is The Files For Acer OEM The Same As On The Dell CD?

plz Reply ASAP!!! Thanks!!!!


As per the reply to your same question on another thread.

For best results use a 'Hologrammed OEM' disk as the base.

Then add the filesets you need. :)

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
It looks like there is still activity for this project so I thought I'd ask, any new Feature Requests or Bug Fixes needed?

Yes. I have a bug report for you. :)

OEMSCAN has a tendency to match DRIVE MANUFACTURERS as well as system OEMs. So for example if you have a Toshiba notebook with an HP DVD drive and an IBM Hard drive, OEMSCAN would first match [HP] instead of [Toshiba]. Or [iBM] before [Toshiba].

Because the RANGE parameter varies between systems, the only way for us to temporarily cure this issue is to juggle the oemscan.ini entries to put the drive manufacturers last in the list, but we still sometimes have issues.

I'm working on a "manual over-ride" addition to my batch script addon to manually select the OEM and pass it to OEMSCAN.

I'd love for you to fix this bug. Or can you PM me so I can peek at the source code? Wasn't this project going open-source?

Also, still waiting for a listing of available switches/commands OEMSCAN will accept. We know that oemscan.exe /d results in a "dry-run", but oemscan.exe /? brings up nothing at all.

I can provide my batch file source to you upon request so you can see how it operates.

Thanks in advance!

Edited by mr_smartepants
  • 6 months later...

I put this in the wrong forum earlier, I think. My apologies. Built an SLP disc and things seemed to be running well, but then I got the message "Error #5. OEM Logo Copy cannot continue. Could not find any OEM logo files in D:\OEM\Logos\is. Could not complete script." I have logos in the logos folder of the add-on tool. I've read the read me text, but I guess I'm just having a dumb moment. Am I supposed to add the logos somewhere besides the "logos" folder in the add-on? Right now I have nothing in either the themes or the walls folders, but there is a logo (bmp) for the manufacturer in the folder for each company. (In other words, inside the Logos folder I have 6 folders, one for each company I want included in my disc. When I open each of those folders, I see folders for walls and themes, an OEM ini file, an OEM.bmp file, and a read me.txt. This is the way the add-on downloaded. My CD rom is D:\. Should I put the bmp into the walls folder? I don't have any jpgs. Should I convert the bmps to jpgs? I'd appreciate any advice.

  • 5 months later...

If possible, may I request documenting the below oemscan commands:






The PATH command specifies where to copy the oembios filesets from. (IE: PATH="..\..\..\FILESETS\XP\A04597C6\")

The RANGE command specifies where oemscan needs to look in the BIOS. (IE: RANGE="0xF32F0:20,0xF3310:20")

Specifically I need to know what the "MATCHARG" command does.

  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

Here is a scanner for those that install from single disks because they can't figure out how to produce a multi disk or are troubleshooting why their multi disks won't preactivate. It scans the BIOS and reports which OEMBIOS.CAT CRC's are expected to preactivate. It is a DOS program so you can identify what to install before installing.

Could you update this useful program so that it can detect string: 'emaxs' in the address range: 000F0000 - 000FFFFF

It's located at 000FE111 in my system but oembios.exe cannot detect it. Thanks.

Edited by mdkf

Can anyone please upload OEMBIOS.CAT and the rest of the OEMBIOS files from a Windows Xp Home French SP3 cd/install?

I reinstalled the OS for a friend and forgot to backup the oembios files and now it won't activate. I installed the retail cd.



Can anyone please upload OEMBIOS.CAT and the rest of the OEMBIOS files from a Windows Xp Home French SP3 cd/install?

I reinstalled the OS for a friend and forgot to backup the oembios files and now it won't activate. I installed the retail cd.


What brand is this for?

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

First of all, I really wanna thank you for this program, it's worked like a charm at my work :)

However, the reason I'm posting is because while I am having no issues with the program working, I am having issues with how large it is. At my work we use DVDs, so it's no problem, however, I also am helping out with a computer refurbishing class, and in there we only use CDs, and while I could fit it and a typical install onto a CD, I'm trying to add a bit more than that.

My dilemma is that I want to have SP3, DirectX, all the .Nets, and all the post-SP3 updates, plus LAN and Mass Storage drivers from DriverPacks.net, and at the same time keep your app on the disc, I have it all working on a DVD, and I've managed to get everything I want on a CD(with deleting LANG, CMPNENTS, etc.) and some space on the CD for OEMScan, but unfortunately, 200 MB, is a little high. I attempted to pull out the Logo files, figuring they weren't necessary for activation, but now I'm getting an error because they're missing, and on any Dell machines I've tried it on, the activation fails.

My question is: Is there any way to use OEM Scan, but remove all the logo files from it?

I'd really appreciate any help I can get on this, because I think a fully updated XP install with this that all fits on a single CD would be a great utility for most techs.

EDIT: Oh, as a side question, and I apologize if this has been answered before, but is there a way to run OEMScan as a standalone app, off a thumb drive, for example, and have it activate the machine post-install?

Edited by Falkoner
  • 2 months later...

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