Protocol7 Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 Out of curiosity, how many 2003 oembios sets are there? And do any of the sets on work for 2003?
Bezalel Posted December 4, 2007 Posted December 4, 2007 Out of curiosity, how many 2003 oembios sets are there? And do any of the sets on work for 2003?None of the XP filesets will work for 2003. So far I have Dell HP/Q IBM and NEC.
ZaForD Posted December 5, 2007 Posted December 5, 2007 Hi Bezalel,Can you add the IBM set to your site?I've got an old IBM Netfinity 5100 here I use for testing SBS and AD stuff on.It would be nice to have a fully unattended DVD for that. B)
Protocol7 Posted December 6, 2007 Posted December 6, 2007 Actually, I'd be interested in the Dell and HP ones too. Any chance of a 2003 section on
ZaForD Posted December 6, 2007 Posted December 6, 2007 Any chance someone could confirm the hashes of these file sets for me.The HP seems fine, but the Dell fails when tested on a Dimension 5150.HP = CC6CB12CDell = C20D8FF5Do Dell servers use the same SLPBIOS string as their desktops?Thanks Guys.
Bezalel Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 Any chance someone could confirm the hashes of these file sets for me.The HP seems fine, but the Dell fails when tested on a Dimension 5150.HP = CC6CB12CDell = C20D8FF5Do Dell servers use the same SLPBIOS string as their desktops?Thanks Guys.There is a newer HP set (D107C3EA) but I'm not sure why.Dell uses different ranges for 2003 but I haven't had any problems installing on any of their desktops.
ZaForD Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 Dell uses different ranges for 2003 but I haven't had any problems installing on any of their desktops.I've tried Win2K3 on 2x Dimensions and 1x Optiplex all failed. I believe they all have Dell Inc as their Bios string. But it did work on any old Dell T500 which uses Dell System.
FreeStyler Posted December 8, 2007 Posted December 8, 2007 There is a newer HP set (D107C3EA) but I'm not sure why.The HP (D107C3EA) is included with the R2 releases, it has additional "strings" that pre-activate the software on Microsoft Virtual PC & Virtual Server (I don't know if VMware has any of these strings)
Bezalel Posted December 10, 2007 Posted December 10, 2007 Vmware has smbios.reflecthost = "true"All that does is copy all instances of table type 1 from the host's SMBIOS tables to the guest's SMBIOS tables. SLP does not nessasarily depend on the SMBIOS tables.
FreeStyler Posted December 29, 2007 Posted December 29, 2007 xehqter, i don't know if this is by design or if it's a small bug in oemscan, whenever i try to use oemscan on a system that already has all vendor specific oembios files in it's destionation folders it fails to replace the files in ./System32/DllCacheI discovered this when using Virtual PC, after patching the Virtual PC bios to another vendors SLP string, the 2nd time oemscan is run to copy matched Oembios files it fails to replace the oembios files in dllcache, whenever i remove them manually and replace thm afterwards everything is ok.
TwoJ Posted January 8, 2008 Posted January 8, 2008 xehqter, i was wondering if you could modify oemscan so that it takes the path of the ini file as an argument?I am trying to integrate oem scan into a multiboot dvd but the main problem i am running into is that oemscan expects the ini file within the same location.If the path could be added as an argument then the calling function could apply a specific ini for the specific OSBTW are there any arguments that can be used with oemscan?
kd6aaj Posted March 22, 2008 Posted March 22, 2008 Still can't get it to work. I always have to wait for T-13 and use SHIFT-F10 to pull up the command prompt.Then I switch to the CDROM, cd to the "OEM" folder, then run OEMScan.exe manualy.Here are my files (edited to hide actual product keys): (since I seem to not have any options to enter code, I added the ------- lines to show beginning, and >>>> for the end of a file.)WINNT.SIF----------------------[Data]AutoPartition=0MSDosInitiated=0UnattendedInstall="Yes"AutomaticUpdates=yes[unattended]UnattendMode=FullOemSkipEula=YesOemPreinstall=NoTargetPath = \WINDOWSFilesystem = *UnattendSwitch="yes"KeyboardLayout="US"Hibernation = No[GuiUnattended];DetachedProgram=".\system32\cmd.exe"TimeZone = 04AdminPassword = *AutoLogon = YesAutoLogonCount = 1OEMSkipRegional = 1 ;OemSkipWelcome MUST = zero if OemPreinstall=No or this will halt the OEM process!OemSkipWelcome = 0[userData];FullName="Insert Name";OrgName="Insert Organisation Name"ComputerName=*ProductKey="XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-3R2BW";[TapiLocation];CountryCode=;AreaCode=707;Dialing=Tone[Networking]InstallDefaultComponents=Yes[GuiRunOnce]>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>partial SVCPACK.INF (I have the "SVCPACK.IN_" file in the i386 directory), this list just shows the structure, I removed the majority of KB files from this list to save space.----------------------------------[Version]Signature="$WINDOWS NT$"BuildNumber=2600MinorVersion=1MajorVersion=5[setupData]CatalogSubDir="\I386\svcpack"[ProductCatalogsToInstall][setupHotfixesToRun]OEMSCAN.BATRUNONCE.CMD>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>OEMSCAN.BAT (located in "SVCPACK" folder)-----------------------------------------------------@ECHO OFF for %%i in (C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z:) do if exist %%i\WIN51 set CDROM=%%i%CDROM%\OEM\OEMSCAN.EXE > "%SystemRoot%\Temp\oemscan.log"DetachedProgram=".\system32\cmd.exe" Arguments = "/Q /C FOR /F %? IN ('%SYSTEMROOT%\SYSTEM32\MOUNTVOL.EXE^|FINDSTR :\') DO IF EXIST %?WIN51 START %?SETUP\HOME\$OEM$\OEMSCAN.EXE">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>RUNONCE.CMD (located in "SVCPACK" folder)-----------------------------------------------------@ECHO OFF for %%i in (C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z:) do if exist %%i\WIN51 set CDROM=%%iREGEDIT /s %CDROM\RUNONCE\NOTEPAD.REGREGEDIT /s %CDROM\RUNONCE\OPENWITH.REGREGEDIT /s %CDROM\RUNONCE\SHOWALL.REGREGEDIT /s %CDROM\RUNONCE\SHOWNPD.REGREGEDIT /s %CDROM\RUNONCE\TWEAKS.REGexit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
kd6aaj Posted March 22, 2008 Posted March 22, 2008 Continued from previous post:partial OEMSCAN.INI (product keys only hidden for this post)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------; OEMScan v1.4.1 by Jeremy (xehqter);; Windows XP Professional OEMSCAN.INI;;; Gateway / eMachines OEMBIOS Files CRC32 = C86378C7 & A04597C6; SLP = Gateway,EMACHINES;; CRC32= A04597C6[GAT]PATH=".\Ema_Gate\A04597C6"RANGE="0x000F32F0:20, 0x000F3110:20"CMD="SetKey XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-6X6WD"; CRC32 = C86378C7[Gateway]PATH=".\Ema_Gate\C86378C7"CMD="SetKey XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-6X6WD"; CRC32 = C86378C7[EMACHINES]PATH=".\Ema_Gate\C86378C7"CMD="SetKey XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-3R2BW"CMD=".\Ema_Gate\C86378C7\OEMCOPY.CMD";; HP / Compaq OEMBIOS Files CRC32 = 06D652A4, CD4E1902; SLP = Compaq, Hewlett, HP Pavilion;;CRC32 = CD4E1902[Compaq]PATH=".\HPQ\CD4E1902"CMD="SetKey XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-3PMFT";CRC32 = CD4E1902[Hewlett]PATH=".\HPQ\CD4E1902"CMD="SetKey XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-3PMFT";CRC32 = 06D652A4[HP PAVILION]PATH=".\HPQ\06D652A4"CMD="SetKey XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-3PMFT"[HP Pavilion]PATH=".\HPQ\06D652A4"CMD="SetKey XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-3PMFT">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>other files in the "SVCPACK" folder:setkey.exeThe "OEMCOPY.CMD" folder is located in the respective CRC folders,and copies OEM logos, etc.Here is a sample OEMCOPY.CMD that I use and it works (as far as I can tell)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------copy oemlogo.bmp %SystemRoot%\System32\copy oeminfo.ini %SystemRoot%\System32\copy oobeinfo.ini %SystemRoot%\system32\oobe\copy oemeula.txt %SystemRoot%\System32\oobe\copy OEMLOGO.JPG %SystemRoot%\system32\oobe\imagescopy Oemcoa.jpg %SystemRoot%\I386\copy emachines_32.bmp %SystemRoot%\copy emachines.bmp %SystemRoot%\Web\Wallpaper\copy "eMachines Sites" "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Documents and Settings\Default User\Favorites\"copy "eMachines Sites" "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Documents and Settings\Owner\Favorites\"copy emachines.theme %SystemRoot%\Resources\Themes\>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Now, If only I could figure out why OEMScan won't work automaticly, and I have to use SHIFT-F10 to run it from a command prompt at T-13.By the way, my CDROM is D:\
ZaForD Posted March 22, 2008 Posted March 22, 2008 Hi kd6aaj,Your setup is far more complex than mine, [which won't help when trying to find the problem]but i'll try and help out. 1. Are your 'OEMSCAN.*' files actually in the 'OEM' folder?I was putting them in my '$OEM$' folder at first. 2. Does your setup work on systems other than 'E-Machines' ?I've never managed to get the OEMSCAN.INI to work with 'TWO' cmd lines.Try just stopping your 'OEMCOPY.CMD' to see if it works.Good Luck.
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